
Defines functions modeldiagnostic2 modeldiagnostic1

modeldiagnostic1 <- function(object,...,nmodels=NULL) {
  mes<-"Dots should be plotted along the blue line \n and inside the red envelope"
  ## Warning about the nmodels argument
  if(is.null(nmodels)!=TRUE) {
    warning("nmodels' argument is not necessary anymore, ?rdiagnostic for more information")

  ## Make a list of models to be tested
  objects <- list(object,...)

  ## Define if this is plotted

  for(model in objects) {
    ##Para Normal
    if(model$family$family=="gaussian") {
      main <- "Gaussian Model"
      X <- model.matrix(model)
      n <- nrow(X)
      p <- ncol(X)
      H <- X%*%solve(t(X)%*%X)%*%t(X)
      h <- diag(H)
      si <- lm.influence(model)$sigma
      r <- resid(model)
      tsi <- r/(si*sqrt(1-h))
      ident <- diag(n)
      epsilon <- matrix(0,n,100)
      e <- matrix(0,n,100)
      e1 <- numeric(n)
      e2 <- numeric(n)
      for(i in 1:100) {
        epsilon[,i] <- rnorm(n,0,1)
        e[,i] <- (ident - H)%*%epsilon[,i]
        u <- diag(ident - H)
        e[,i] <- e[,i]/sqrt(u)
        e[,i] <- sort(e[,i])
      for(i in 1:n) {
        eo <- sort(e[i,])
        e1[i] <- eo[5]
        e2[i] <- eo[95]
      med <- apply(e,1,mean)
      faixa <- range(tsi,e1,e2)
      qqnorm(tsi,xlab="Theoretical Quantiles",
             ylab="Std. deviance resid.", main=main, ylim=faixa, pch=16,col="black",cex=1.2)
      mtext(mes, 1, 0.25,line=5)
      qqnorm(e2,axes=F,xlab="",ylab="",ylim=faixa,main="", type="l",lty=2,col="red")
      mtext("Normal Q-Q plot",3, 0.25)
    else {
      ##Para Poisson
      if(model$family$family=="poisson") {
        main <- "Poisson Model"
        X <- model.matrix(model)
        n <- nrow(X)
        p <- ncol(X)
        w <- model$weights
        W <- diag(w)
        H <- solve(t(X)%*%W%*%X)
        H <- sqrt(W)%*%X%*%H%*%t(X)%*%sqrt(W)
        h <- diag(H)
        td <- resid(model,type="deviance")/sqrt(1-h)
        e <- matrix(0,n,100)
        for(i in 1:100) {
          nresp <- rpois(n, fitted(model))
          fit <- glm(nresp ~ X , family=poisson)
          w <- fit$weights
          W <- diag(w)
          H <- solve(t(X)%*%W%*%X)
          H <- sqrt(W)%*%X%*%H%*%t(X)%*%sqrt(W)
          h <- diag(H)
          e[,i] <- sort(resid(fit,type="deviance")/sqrt(1-h))
        e1 <- numeric(n)
        e2 <- numeric(n)
        for(i in 1:n) {
          eo <- sort(e[i,])
          e1[i] <- eo[5]
          e2[i] <- eo[95]
        med <- apply(e,1,mean)
        faixa <- range(td,e1,e2)
        qqnorm(td,xlab="Theoretical Quantiles",
               ylab="Std. deviance resid.", ylim=faixa,main=main,pch=1)
        mtext(mes, 1, 0.25,line=5)
        qqnorm(e2,axes=F,xlab="",ylab="", type="l",ylim=faixa,main="",lty=1)
        qqnorm(med,axes=F,xlab="", ylab="", type="l",ylim=faixa,main="",lty=2)
        mtext("Normal Q-Q plot", 3, 0.25)
      else {
        ##Para Binomial
        if(model$family$family=="binomial") {
          main <- "Binomial Model"
          X <- model.matrix(model)
          n <- nrow(X)
          p <- ncol(X)
          w <- model$weights
          W <- diag(w)
          H <- solve(t(X)%*%W%*%X)
          H <- sqrt(W)%*%X%*%H%*%t(X)%*%sqrt(W)
          h <- diag(H)
          td <- resid(model,type="deviance")/sqrt(1-h)
          e <- matrix(0,n,100)
          for(i in 1:100) {
            dif <- runif(n) - fitted(model)
            dif[ dif >= 0 ] <- 0
            dif[ dif < 0] <- 1
            nresp <- dif
            fit <- glm(nresp ~ X, family=binomial)
            w <- fit$weights
            W <- diag(w)
            H <- solve(t(X)%*%W%*%X)
            H <- sqrt(W)%*%X%*%H%*%t(X)%*%sqrt(W)
            h <- diag(H)
            e[,i] <- sort(resid(fit,type="deviance")/sqrt(1-h))
          e1 <- numeric(n)
          e2 <- numeric(n)
          for(i in 1:n) {
            eo <- sort(e[i,])
            e1[i] <- eo[5]
            e2[i] <- eo[95]
          med <- apply(e,1,mean)
          faixa <- range(td,e1,e2)
          qqnorm(td,xlab="Theoretical Quantiles",
                 ylab="Std. deviance resid.", ylim=faixa, main=main,pch=1)
          mtext(mes, 1, 0.25,line=5)
          qqnorm(e2,axes=F,xlab="",ylab="", type="l",ylim=faixa,main="",lty=1)
          qqnorm(med,axes=F,xlab="", ylab="", type="l",ylim=faixa,main="",lty=2)
          mtext("Normal Q-Q plot", 3, 0.25)

        else {
          ## Para Gamma
          if(model$family$family=="Gamma") {
            main <- "Gamma Model"
            X <- model.matrix(model)
            n <- nrow(X)
            p <- ncol(X)
            w <- model$weights
            W <- diag(w)
            H <- solve(t(X)%*%W%*%X)
            H <- sqrt(W)%*%X%*%H%*%t(X)%*%sqrt(W)
            h <- diag(H)
            ro <- resid(model,type="response")
            fi <- (n-p)/sum((ro/(fitted(model)))^ 2)
            td <- resid(model,type="deviance")*sqrt(fi/(1-h))
            e <- matrix(0,n,100)
            for(i in 1:100) {
              resp <- rgamma(n,fi)
              resp <- (fitted(model)/fi)*resp
              fit <- glm(resp ~ X, family=Gamma(link=log))
              w <- fit$weights
              W <- diag(w)
              H <- solve(t(X)%*%W%*%X)
              H <- sqrt(W)%*%X%*%H%*%t(X)%*%sqrt(W)
              h <- diag(H)
              ro <- resid(fit,type="response")
              phi <- (n-p)/sum((ro/(fitted(fit)))^ 2)
              e[,i] <- sort(resid(fit,type="deviance")*sqrt(phi/(1-h)))
            e1 <- numeric(n)
            e2 <- numeric(n)
            for(i in 1:n) {
              eo <- sort(e[i,])
              e1[i] <- eo[5]
              e2[i] <- eo[95]
            med <- apply(e,1,mean)
            faixa <- range(td,e1,e2)
            qqnorm(td,xlab="Theoretical Quantiles",
                   ylab="Std. deviance resid.", ylim=faixa,main=main, pch=1)
            mtext(mes, 1, 0.25,line=5)
            qqnorm(e2,axes=F,xlab="",ylab="", type="l",ylim=faixa,main="",lty=1)
            qqnorm(med,axes=F,xlab="", ylab="", type="l",ylim=faixa,main="",lty=2)
            mtext("Normal Q-Q plot", 3, 0.25)
          else {
            if(strsplit(model$family[[1]],split="\\(")[[1]][1]=="Negative Binomial") {
              main <- "Binomial negative Model"
              ##Para Binomial Negativa
              X <- model.matrix(model)
              n <- nrow(X)
              p <- ncol(X)
              fi <- model$theta
              w <- fi*fitted(model)/(fi + fitted(model))
              W <- diag(w)
              H <- solve(t(X)%*%W%*%X)
              H <- sqrt(W)%*%X%*%H%*%t(X)%*%sqrt(W)
              h <- diag(H)
              td <- resid(model,type="deviance")/sqrt(1-h)
              fi <- model$theta
              e <- matrix(0,n,100)
              for(i in 1:100) {
                resp <- rnegbin(n, fitted(model),fi)
                fit <- glm.nb(resp ~ X,maxit=1000)
                w <- fit$weights
                W <- diag(w)
                H <- solve(t(X)%*%W%*%X)
                H <- sqrt(W)%*%X%*%H%*%t(X)%*%sqrt(W)
                h <- diag(H)
                e[,i] <- sort(resid(fit,type="deviance")/sqrt(1-h))
              e1 <- numeric(n)
              e2 <- numeric(n)
              for(i in 1:n) {
                eo <- sort(e[i,])
                e1[i] <- eo[5]
                e2[i] <- eo[95]
              med <- apply(e,1,mean)
              faixa <- range(td,e1,e2)
              qqnorm(td,xlab="Theoretical Quantiles",
                     ylab="Std. deviance resid.", ylim=faixa,main=main, pch=1)
              mtext(mes, 1, 0.25,line=5)
              qqnorm(e2,axes=F,xlab="",ylab="", type="l",ylim=faixa,main="",lty=1)
              qqnorm(med,axes=F,xlab="", ylab="", type="l",ylim=faixa,main="",lty=2)
              mtext("Normal Q-Q plot", 3, 0.25)
            else {
              stop("Unknow Distribution")

    par(title(sub="Amount and distance of points scattered above/below \nthe blue line should be equal or randomly spread",line = 5))
    abline(h = 0, col="blue", lwd=2, lty=1.2)

# varY<-c(0,10,20,30,40,50,20,30,43,28)

# varX1<-c(0,11,22,31,44,50,24,34,12,45)

# varX2<-c("A","B","A","B","C","C","A","B","C","A")

# data<-data.frame(varY,varX1,varX2)

# fit <- glm(
#  varY ~ varX1 * varX2,
#  data = data
# )

# modeldiagnostic(fit)

  # histogram
  res <- residuals(model)
  hist(res, xlab="Residuals",
       main="Histogram of Residuals",prob=TRUE)
  lines(density(res, adjust=2), lty=1,col="blue",lwd=2)
  # normality test
  s<-round(as.data.frame(shapiro.test(res)[2],digits = 3),3)
  text<-paste(c("Shapiro p-value:", s), collapse = " ")
  mtext(text, side = 3)
  par(title(sub="If the p-value is >0.05 there is a strong \nevidence of non-normality data",line = 5))
  # cooks distance
  plot(model, which = 4,main="Influential Obs by Cooks distance")
  abline(h = 4*mean(c, na.rm=T), col="red")
  par(title(sub="The points above the red line \nare possible outliers",line = 5))

# modeldiagnostic2(fit)
ViniciusBRodrigues/GLMdiagnostic documentation built on Jan. 9, 2023, 8:58 p.m.