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rbtt (Robust bootstrap-based $t$-test)

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rbtt is an alternative bootstrap-based $t$-test aiming to reduce type-I error for non-negative, zero-inflated data

Tu & Zhou (1999) showed that comparing the means of populations whose data-generating distributions are non-negative with excess zero observations is a problem of great importance in the analysis of medical cost data. In the same study, Tu & Zhou discuss that it can be difficult to control type-I error rates of general-purpose statistical tests for comparing the means of these particular data sets. This package allows users to perform a modified bootstrap-based t-test that aims to better control type-I error rates in these situations.


Let's say we have some non-negative data with clumping at zero:

x <- rbinom(50, 1, 0.5) * rlnorm(50, 0, 1)
y <- rbinom(150, 1, 0.3) * rlnorm(150, 2, 1)
names(x) <- rep("x", length(x))
names(y) <- rep("y", length(y))
data <- c(x, y)
ggdf <- data.frame("value" = data, "variable" = names(data))

ggplot(ggdf, aes(x = value, fill = variable)) +
  geom_density(alpha = 0.5, position = "identity") + xlim(0, 30) + 
  ggtitle("Densities of x and y (truncated plot at value = 30)")

Then we may compute rbtt-based $t$-tests to compare the means:

# Use ‘method = 1’ for a two-sample, two-sided rbtt under the equal variance assumption,
rbtt(x, y, n.boot=999, method = 1)

# Use ’method = 2' for a two-sample, one-sided rbtt without the equal variance assumption
rbtt(x, y, n.boot=999, method = 2)

Alternatively, you can specify method = "both" to perform both methods simultaneously (this is also done by default).

Parallelize rbtt

# Compare speed when using single-core versus multiple-core rbtt on 99999 bootstrap resamples
system.time(rbtt(x, y, n.boot = 99999, method = 1, n.cores = 1))

system.time(rbtt(x, y, n.boot = 99999, method = 1, n.cores = 3))

Comparison between rbtt and t.test

First, we perform some simulations.

n.sim <- 999

t.test.results <- numeric(n.sim)
rbtt.results <- numeric(n.sim)

pval.table.list <- mclapply(1:n.sim, function(i)
  # True means are equal
  x <- rbinom(50, 1, 0.5) * rlnorm(50, 1.15, 1)
  y <- rbinom(150, 1, 0.5) * rlnorm(150, 1.15, 1)

  t.test.result <- t.test(x, y)$p.value
  rbtt.result <- rbtt(x, y, n.boot = 999, method = 1)$p.value

  return(c(t.test.result, rbtt.result))
}, mc.cores = 4)

pval.table <-, pval.table.list)

Now, let's evaluate the type-I error of these simulations using a significance level of 0.05.

# t.test type-I error with significance level of 0.05:
sum(pval.table[,1] < 0.05) / n.sim

# rbtt type-I error with significance level of 0.05:
sum(pval.table[,2] < 0.05) / n.sim

More accurate p-values and type-I error estimates can be obtained by increasing n.boot and n.sim, respectively


WannabeSmith/rbtt documentation built on May 30, 2019, 3:02 p.m.