

if(is.null(params$csv_file_location) |$csv_file_location)) {
	stop("'csv_file_location' must be defined in head YAML configuration of 'report.Rmd' (e.g. csv_file_location: \"C:/NHTS\"")
} else {
	for(year in c("2001","2009","2017")) {
		if(length(list.files(file.path(params$csv_file_location, "csv", year), "\\.csv")) < 6) {
			stop("csv_file_location must contain data files for 2001, 2009 and 2017 in its /csv/XXXX year subdirectories. Currently missing: ", year)	

estimates <- fread("estimates.csv", na.strings = c("", "na", "NA", "n/a", "N/A"))

# enforce the title to be the primary key of the estimate table
duplicate_records <- estimates[, .N, title][N > 1, ]
if(nrow(duplicate_records) > 0) {
	estimates <- estimates[!duplicated(estimates$title), ]
	warning("Estimates cannot have matching titles. Titles must be unique. The following were removed, after the first occurence: ",
		paste0("\n",paste(duplicate_records$title, collapse="\n"))

for(year in c("2001","2009","2017")) {
	message("Reading in ", year)
		nhts_data <- read_data(year, params$csv_file_location)
	message("Processing ", year)
	estimate_results <- list()
	for(estimate in 1:nrow(estimates)) {
		# cat(estimates[estimate, `title`])
		sd_agg <- estimates[estimate, `statistic name`]
		sd_agg_var <- estimates[estimate, `arithmetic variable`]
		sd_by <- estimates[estimate, `grouping variable(s)`]
		sd_prop <- estimates[estimate, `use proportion for count statistics`]
		sd_prop_by <- estimates[estimate, `grouping variable for proportion`]
		sd_subset <- estimates[estimate, `subset condition`]
		sd_label <- estimates[estimate, `use labels`]
		sd_exclude_missing <- estimates[estimate, `exclude missing values`]
		# make sure parameters take expected defaults if value not provided in estimate definition
		result <- summarize_data(
			data = nhts_data,
			agg = if(! { tolower(sd_agg) } else { NULL},
			agg_var = if(! { toupper(trimws(sd_agg_var)) } else { NULL},
			by = if(! { toupper(trimws(strsplit(sd_by, ",")[[1]])) } else { NULL},
			prop = if(! { sd_prop } else { FALSE},
			prop_by = if(! { toupper(trimws(sd_prop_by)) } else { NULL},
			subset = if(! { sd_subset } else { NULL},
			label = if(! { sd_label } else { TRUE},
			exclude_missing = if(! { sd_exclude_missing } else { FALSE}
	estimate_results[[estimate]] <- result
	assign(paste0("results_",year), estimate_results)
Westat-Transportation/summarizeNHTS documentation built on May 17, 2020, 8:57 p.m.