
Fortran Code

First of all, most of procedures we mentioned below are Fortran subroutines, which is a block of code that performs some operation on the input variables, and as a result of calling the subroutine, the input variables are modified.

lowesf -> ehg136(does some error checking and then pass arguments to ehg127)
            |-> ehg127(calculates the fitting, called for each observations N)
lowesb -> ehg131 
           |-> ehg126(built kd-tree)
           |-> ehg124(not sure what this function is for)
           |-> ehg139(fit at vertices, vval passed into as s(0:od, nv))
                |-> ehg127(calculates the fitting, called for each vertex(nv), s(0:od) is passed into)
                |    |-> ehg106(select q-th smallest by partial sorting)
                |-> ehg137(try to compare the cutting points xi with vertex)
                |-> ehg128(interpolation function is called here based on vval2)
  1. vval is vector with length nvmax = max(200, N) in v. It starts at v(iv(13)) in Fortran, which is v[iv[12]-1] in C. Length of vval is (d+1)*nvmax, but useful length is (d+1)*nv.
  2. vert is vector only has max and min of kd-tree vertices for every dimension of predictors. All kd-tree vertices can be found starting from v(iv(11)) in Fortran, which is v[iv[10]-1] in C, and to v(iv(11)+nvmax) in Fortran, which is v[iv[10]-1+nvmax]. Length of vertices is nv which is iv[5].
  3. xi is vector of all node points from original predictors. Length of xi is nc which is iv[4]. xi can be found in v from v(iv(12)) in Fortran, v[iv[11]-1] in C.
  4. In ehg127 function, "b" is the design matrix, b(nf, k). k is iv(29), which equal to (d+2)*(d+1)/2, for example two predictors, degree is 2, then there are 6 terms in local regression fit. The maximum of k is 15, which means we only can have 4 predictors at most.
  5. In ehg127, for design matrix, a preliminary factorization X = QR into R and Q with Q'Q = I followed by SVD of R allows the pseudo-inverse to be computed efficiently.
  6. ehg106, the q nearest are searched by sorting based on the distance of big circle distance. The weights are also calculated based on big circle distance of longitude and latitude.
  7. Not sure what is vval2?

  8. lowese: interpolation based on kd-tree

lowese -> ehg133 -> ehg128(interpolation, delta is X for each newobs)
  1. For each vertex, the fitted value g(hat) and d derivatives of g(hat) which estimated by taking the slopes of the locally linear or locally quadratic fit are saved and used to do the interpolation.
  2. Each cell boundary consists of four segments that meet at vertices. On each segment, function value g(hat) are interpolated using the unique cubic polynomial determined by the function and derivative data at the vertices, this cubic polynomial should be an univariate interpolation since there is only one dimension at edges of cells; normal derivatives are interpolated linearly along the segment.
  3. Finally, blending functions interpolate across the cell by using cubic polynomial as well. Certain cross derivative terms are neeeded, as described by Barnhill(1977), but we have obtained acceptable results by setting those cross derivative to 0.
  4. Cubic spline/Cubic interpolation/Cubic Hermite spline: On the unit interval (0,1), given a starting point p0 at t=0 and an ending point p1 at t=1 with starting tangent m0 at t=0 and ending tangent m1 at t=1, the polynomial can be defined by
  5. In ehg128, z is the location for interpolation. z is a vector with length d. loop3 is finding the cell for the z location. loop5 & 6 is about assigning vval to g. lg is the number of vertices per cell, and ll is the lower left of cell, ur is the upper right of cell. loop7 calculates the P1P2F(called the tensor product of P1 and P2). h is the standardized value of a particular edge of cells. output from loop7 is s. Then each section separated by ---- is calculating the projection of values and derivatives on each edge. For example, gn is the blending interpolation to calculate project values on north side of edge, here two derivative values used, g1(1) and g0(1), are respective to same direction. That is why function value are interpolated using cubic polynomial using function and derivative data at the vertices. gpn is the linearly interpolation to calculate project derivative on north side of edge, here two derivative values used, g0(2) and g0(2), are respective to orthogonal direction. That is why derivatives are interpolated linearly.

Updates of Fortran Code

As we mentioned above, the real computation engine of locally weighted regression fitting is carried out in ehg127 which is called by function ehg136 and ehg139 First we update the ehg127 to including distance type as an input argument, then the distance will be calculated differently.

Blending Interpolation

In order to understand the blending, first thing we can have a look at is the bilinearly blending on the unit square S: 0<= u,v <= 1

G(u,v) = [1-u u]*[G(0,v)] + [G(u,0) G(u,1)]*[1-v] - [1-u u]*[G(0,0) G(0,1)]*[1-v]
                 [G(1,v)]                   [  v]           [G(1,0) G(1,1)] [  v]

All information we used in bilinearly blending are projection of G(u,v) on each edge, G(0,v),G(u,1), etc., and the function value at four corners, G(0,0),G(1,0), etc. If projections, G(0,v), etc. are replaced by their linear interpolants, e.g.,

G(0,v) = (1-v)G(0,0) + vG(0,1)
G(1,v) = (1-v)G(1,0) + vG(1,1)

the result G(u,v) is become only the third term in previous equation, which called bilinear interpolant. Then based on this, if we replace the linear coefficients, (1-u),u,v,(1-v) by cubic Hermite spline basis

c Hermite basis
phi0=(1-h)**2*(1+2*h) --> P_0
phi1=h**2*(3-2*h)     --> P_1
psi0=h*(1-h)**2       --> M_0
psi1=h**2*(h-1)       --> M_1

and using cubic Hermite spline(interpolation on a single interval shown as following)

P_t = (2t^3-3t^2+1)P_0 + (t^3-2t^2+t)M_0 + (-2t^3+3t^2)P_1 +(t^3-t^2)M_1

to interpolate G(u,v) based on projections, G(0,v), etc.,the interpolation now becomes:

G(u,v) = P1F + P2F - P1P2F


P1F = [phi0(u) phi1(u) psi0(u) psi1(u)]*[G(0,v) ]
                                        [G(1,v) ]

P2F = [G(u,0) G(u,1) Gv(u,0) Gv(u,1)]*[phi0(v)]

P1P2F = [phi0(u) phi1(u) psi0(u) psi1(u)]*B*[phi0(v)]

B = [G(0,0) G(0,1)  | Gv(0,0) Gv(0,1)  ] = [Positions | v-Slopes ]
    [G(1,0) G(1,1)  | Gv(1,0) Gv(1,1)  ]   [----------|----------]
    [---------------|------------------]   [u-Slopes  | Twists   ]
    [Gu(0,0) Gu(0,1)| Gvu(0,0) Gvu(0,1)] 
    [Gu(1,0) Gu(1,1)| Gvu(1,0) Gvu(1,1)]

Twists here are second derivatives, they are usually assumed to be independent of the order of differentiation. But in our case, we assume these cross-derivatives are zero. Cubic interpolation is used multiple times. First we used to interpolate the projection of g(u,v) on each edge using vertices function values and derivatives. At the same time, we linearly interpolated derivatives at projection of g(u,v) on each edge. Then we use four projections and four linear interpolated derivatives to cubic interpolate the g(u,v). It should be noted that the direction of derivatives used in interpolation of projections on each edge are different with the direction of derivatives first linearly interpolated then used in cubic interpolation with four projections and four derivatives.

R code: "kd" element of loess object

XiaosuTong/Spaloess documentation built on May 9, 2019, 11:06 p.m.