
Defines functions trimton

Documented in trimton

#' @title Adjust the amount of turbines per windfarm
#' @name trimton
#' @description  Adjust the mutated individuals to the required amount of
#'   turbines.
#' @export
#' @inheritParams genetic_algorithm
#' @param mut A binary matrix with the mutated individuals
#' @param nturb A numeric value indicating the amount of required turbines
#' @param allparks A data.frame consisting of all individuals of the current
#'   generation
#' @param nGrids A numeric value indicating the total amount of grid cells
#' @param seed Set a seed for comparability. Default is NULL
#' @family Genetic Algorithm Functions
#' @return Returns a binary matrix with the correct amount of turbines per
#'   individual
#' @examples \donttest{
#' ## Create a random rectangular shapefile
#' library(sf)
#' Polygon1 <- sf::st_as_sf(sf::st_sfc(
#'   sf::st_polygon(list(cbind(
#'     c(0, 0, 2000, 2000, 0),
#'     c(0, 2000, 2000, 0, 0)
#'   ))),
#'   crs = 3035
#' ))
#' ## Create a uniform and unidirectional wind data.frame and plots the
#' ## resulting wind rose
#' ## Uniform wind speed and single wind direction
#' data.in <- as.data.frame(cbind(ws = 12, wd = 0))
#' ## Calculate a Grid and an indexed data.frame with coordinates and grid cell Ids.
#' Grid1 <- grid_area(shape = Polygon1, size = 200, prop = 1)
#' Grid <- Grid1[[1]]
#' AmountGrids <- nrow(Grid)
#' startsel <- init_population(Grid, 10, 20)
#' wind <- as.data.frame(cbind(ws = 12, wd = 0))
#' wind <- list(wind, probab = 100)
#' fit <- fitness(
#'   selection = startsel, referenceHeight = 100, RotorHeight = 100,
#'   SurfaceRoughness = 0.3, Polygon = Polygon1, resol1 = 200, rot = 20,
#'   dirspeed = wind, srtm_crop = "", topograp = FALSE, cclRaster = ""
#' )
#' allparks <- do.call("rbind", fit)
#' ## print the amount of Individuals selected.
#' ## Check if the amount of Turbines is as requested.
#' selec6best <- selection(fit, Grid, 2, TRUE, 6, "VAR")
#' selec6best <- selection(fit, Grid, 2, TRUE, 6, "FIX")
#' selec6best <- selection(fit, Grid, 4, FALSE, 6, "FIX")
#' ## u determines the amount of crossover points,
#' ## crossPart determines the method used (Equal/Random),
#' ## uplimit is the maximum allowed permutations
#' crossOut <- crossover(selec6best, 2, uplimit = 300, crossPart = "RAN")
#' crossOut <- crossover(selec6best, 7, uplimit = 500, crossPart = "RAN")
#' crossOut <- crossover(selec6best, 3, uplimit = 300, crossPart = "EQU")
#' ## Variable Mutation Rate is activated if more than 2 individuals represent
#' ## the current best solution.
#' mut <- mutation(a = crossOut, p = 0.3, NULL)
#' ## After Crossover and Mutation, the amount of turbines in a windpark change and have to be
#' ## corrected to the required amount of turbines.
#' mut1 <- trimton(
#'   mut = mut, nturb = 10, allparks = allparks, nGrids = AmountGrids,
#'   trimForce = FALSE
#' )
#' colSums(mut)
#' colSums(mut1)
#' }
trimton <- function(mut, nturb, allparks, nGrids, trimForce, seed) {
  if (missing(seed)) {
    seed <- NULL
  k <- 0.5
  nGrids1 <- 1:nGrids

  ## TODO Does it have to be in for-loop????
  # Calculate probability, that Turbine is selected to be eliminated.
  indivprop <- subset.matrix(allparks, select = c("Rect_ID", "Parkfitness", "AbschGesamt"))
  # Group mean wake effect and fitness value of a grid cell.
  indivprop <- aggregate(indivprop[, 2:3], by = list(indivprop[, 1]), FUN = mean)
  colnames(indivprop) <- c("Rect_ID", "Parkfitness", "AbschGesamt")

  lepa <- length(mut[1, ])
  mut1 <- vector("list", lepa)
  for (i in 1:lepa) {
    tmp <- mut[, i]
    e <- tmp == 1
    ## How much turbines are there too many?
    zviel <- sum(e) - nturb
    ## Which grid cell IDs have a turbine
    welche <- which(e)

    propwelche <- cbind(
      RectID = welche,
      Prop = rep(mean(indivprop[, "AbschGesamt"]), length(welche))
    if (trimForce) {
      propexi <- indivprop[indivprop[, "Rect_ID"] %in% welche, ]
      npt <- (1 + ((max(propexi[, "AbschGesamt"]) - propexi[, "AbschGesamt"]) / (1 + max(propexi[, "AbschGesamt"]))))
      npt0 <- (1 + ((max(propexi[, "Parkfitness"]) - propexi[, "Parkfitness"]) / (1 + max(propexi[, "Parkfitness"]))))^k
      NewProb <- 1 / (npt / npt0)
      propwelche[welche %in% indivprop[, "Rect_ID"], "Prop"] <- NewProb

    propwelcheN <- cbind(
      Rect_ID = nGrids1,
      Prop = rep(min(indivprop[, "AbschGesamt"]), nGrids)
    if (trimForce) {
      propexiN <- indivprop[indivprop[, "Rect_ID"] %in% nGrids1, ]
      npt1 <- (1 + ((max(propexiN[, "AbschGesamt"]) - propexiN[, "AbschGesamt"]) /
                      (1 + max(propexiN[, "AbschGesamt"]))))
      npt2 <- (1 + ((max(propexiN[, "Parkfitness"]) - propexiN[, "Parkfitness"]) /
                      (1 + max(propexiN[, "Parkfitness"]))))^k
      NewProb1 <- npt1 / npt2
      propwelcheN[propwelcheN[, "Rect_ID"] %in% indivprop[, "Rect_ID"], "Prop"] <- NewProb1
      if (!all(propwelcheN[, "Rect_ID"] %in% indivprop[, "Rect_ID"] == TRUE)) {
        propwelcheN[!propwelcheN[, "Rect_ID"] %in% indivprop[, "Rect_ID"], "Prop"] <- min(NewProb1)

    propwelcheN <- propwelcheN[!propwelcheN[, "Rect_ID"] %in% welche, , drop = FALSE]
    ## P1 - Deleting Turbines
    prob1 <- propwelche[, "Prop"]
    ## P2 - Adding Turbines
    prob2 <- propwelcheN[, "Prop"]

    if (zviel != 0) {
      if (zviel > 0) {
        if (trimForce) {
          # Delete turbines with Probability
          if (!is.null(seed)) {
          smpra <- base::sample(welche, zviel, replace = FALSE, prob = prob1)
        } else {
          # Delete them randomly
          if (!is.null(seed)) {
          smpra <- base::sample(welche, zviel, replace = FALSE)
        # Delete the 1 entry and make no turbine.
        tmp[smpra] <- 0
        mut1[[i]] <- tmp
      } else {
        if (trimForce) {
          # Add turbines with Probability
          if (!is.null(seed)) {
          smpra <- sample(propwelcheN[, "Rect_ID"], -zviel, replace = FALSE, prob = prob2)
        } else {
          # Add turbines randomly
          if (!is.null(seed)) {
          smpra <- sample(propwelcheN[, "Rect_ID"], -zviel, replace = FALSE)
        # Assign 1 to binary code. So Turbine is created here.
        tmp[smpra] <- 1
        mut1[[i]] <- tmp
    } else {
      mut1[[i]] <- tmp
  mut1 <- do.call("cbind", mut1)
YsoSirius/windfarmGA documentation built on March 13, 2024, 8:37 a.m.