
U.S. Census App

Welcome to my Shiny Application

This application is prepared to satisfy the project requirements for the Coursera Course Developing Data Products provided by Johns Hopkins University. Developing Data Products is course 9 of 10 in the Data Science Specialization.

The requirements for the project are:

  1. Write a shiny application with associated supporting documentation. The documentation should be thought of as whatever a user will need to get started using your application.
  2. Deploy the application on Rstudio's shiny server
  3. Share the application link by pasting it into the provided text box
  4. Share your server.R and ui.R code on github

The application must include the following:

  1. Some form of input (widget: textbox, radio button, checkbox, ...)
  2. Some operation on the ui input in sever.R
  3. Some reactive output displayed as a result of server calculations
  4. You must also include enough documentation so that a novice user could use your application.
  5. The documentation should be at the Shiny website itself. Do not post to an external link.

How to Use

This Shiny Application is easy to use:

Source Code

The code for this application can be found here in GitHub.

ZellW/JHU_Shiny documentation built on May 10, 2019, 1:57 a.m.