
#' LC50 lethal concentrations in the presence of additional stressors.
#' Provides facilities for estimating lethal concentrations for a
#' toxin from single time point survival data in the presence of
#' additional stressors and non-ignorable control mortality.
#' A common 'critical effect concentration' used in toxicology
#' bioassays is the LCx, the concentration that is lethal to x% of the
#' tested population.  This package provides the facilities for
#' estimating the LCx for a toxicant from single time point survival
#' data in the presence of additional stressors and non-ignorable
#' control mortality.  It is assumed that the additional stressors are
#' applied in a factorial design, and within each treatment
#' combination, a standard bioassay is conducted to estimate the
#' treatment specific LCx for the toxicant.
#' @name LC50-package
#' @docType package
#' @author S. Wotherspoon, A. Proctor.

##' Simulated toxicity data
##' A simulated dataset showing the individual survival within
##' replicates following exposure to a known toxin in the presence of
##' the additional stressors, temperature and salinity.
##' Samples of an aqueous solution of a toxin of varying
##' concentrations are prepared for each of three salinities and are
##' held at one of three constant temperatures.  Approximately 10
##' individuals were added to each sample and the number of survivors
##' recorded at the end of four days of exposure.
##' @format A data frame with 225 rows and 8 variables:
##' \describe{
##'   \item{vial}{The replicate}
##'   \item{temperature}{Temperature of solution}
##'   \item{salinity}{Salinity of solution}
##'   \item{group}{Additional stressor treatment groups}
##'   \item{conc}{Concentration of toxin in solution}
##'   \item{total}{Number of individuals in vial}
##'   \item{alive}{Number of survivors after 4 days}
##'   \item{dead}{Number of dead individuals after 4 days}
##' }

##' Estimate LCx from survival data in the presence of additional
##' stressors and non-ignorable control mortality.
##' The details of the model are described in the package vignette.
##' \code{lcx.fit} is the workhorse function: it is not normally
##' called directly but can be more efficient when the response
##' vector, design matrix and family have already been calculated.
##' @title Estimate LCx for a toxin
##' @param formula A formula relating log LCx to covariates describing
##'   the additional stressors.
##' @param concentration The name of variable that is the
##'   concentration of the toxin.
##' @param group A factor distinguishing treatment groups for the
##'   additional stressors.
##' @param data Dataframe containing the variables in the model.
##' @param start Starting values used to initialize the model.  If
##'   \code{start=NULL} these parameters are determined by
##'   \code{\link{lcx.initialize}}.
##' @param link The link function for survival fractions.
##' @param lethal The level of lethality (ie "x") to be estimated.
##' @param quasi Should a quasibinomial model be fitted?
##' @param common.background Should a common background survival be
##'   estimated for each treatment group?
##' @param rate.shrink The shrinkage penalty for the rate parameters.
##' @param optim.control Control parameters for \code{optim}.
##' @param X A design matrix.
##' @param Y A two column matrix of responses.
##' @param conc A vector of toxin concentrations.
##' @param alpha The vector of starting rate parameters.
##' @param beta The vector of starting coefficients.
##' @param gamma The vector of background survival parameters.
##' @seealso \code{\link{lcxJAGS}}
##' @return \code{lcx} returns an object of class inheriting from
##'   "lcx". See later in this section.
##' The function \code{\link{summary}} (i.e.,
##' \code{link{summary.lcx}}) can be used to obtain or print a
##' summary of the results and the function \code{\link{anova}} (i.e.,
##' \code{\link{anova.lcx}}) to produce an analysis of deviance table
##' for the tests of additional stressor effects.
##' An LCx model has several sets of coefficients, the generic
##' accessor function \code{\link{coef}} returns only the beta
##' coefficients.
##' An object of class "lcx" is a list containing at least the
##' following components:
##' \item{\code{logLik}}{the maximized log likelihood.}
##' \item{\code{aic}}{Akaike's information criteria.}
##' \item{\code{alpha}}{a vector of rate coefficients.}
##' \item{\code{alpha.cov}}{covariance of the rate coefficients.}
##' \item{\code{beta}}{a named vector of lcx model coefficients.}
##' \item{\code{beta.cov}}{covariance of the lcx model coefficients.}
##' \item{\code{gamma}}{a vector of background survival coefficients.}
##' \item{\code{gamma.cov}}{covariance of the background survival coefficients.}
##' \item{\code{coefficients}}{a named vector of lcx model coefficients.}
##' \item{\code{cov.unscaled}}{covariance of the lcx model coefficients.}
##' \item{\code{loglcx}}{a named vector of log lcxs for the treatment groups.}
##' \item{\code{loglcx.cov}}{covariance of the lcxs for the treatment groups.}
##' \item{\code{concentration}}{a vector of toxin concentrations.}
##' \item{\code{group}}{a factor distinguishing treatment groups.}
##' \item{\code{x}}{a design matrix relating log lcx to factors describing the additional stressors.}
##' \item{\code{y}}{a two column matrix of responses, giving the survivals and mortalities.}
##' \item{\code{fitted.values}}{the fitted probability of survival.}
##' \item{\code{residuals}}{the deviance residuals for the fit.}
##' \item{\code{deviance}}{the deviance for the fit.}
##' \item{\code{df.residual}}{the residual degrees of freedom.}
##' \item{\code{dispersion}}{the dispersion.}
##' \item{\code{null.deviance}}{the deviance of the null model, which fits a single mortality rate to all data.}
##' \item{\code{df.null}}{the degrees of freedom for the null model.}
##' \item{\code{optim}}{the result of the call to \code{optim}.}
##' \item{\code{link}}{the link function.}
##' \item{\code{lethal}}{the modelled level of lethality.}
##' \item{\code{quasi}}{is the dispersion estimated.}
##' \item{\code{common.background}}{is background mortality common.}
##' \item{\code{rate.shrink}}{the shrinkage penalty.}
##' \item{\code{xlevels}}{a record of the levels of the factors used in fitting.}
##' \item{\code{contrasts}}{the contrasts used.}
##' \item{\code{call}}{the matched call.}
##' \item{\code{terms}}{the terms object used.}
##' \item{\code{model}}{the model frame.}
##' @importFrom stats model.matrix model.frame model.response .getXlevels
##' @export
lcx <- function(formula,concentration,group,data,start=NULL,
                rate.shrink=0,optim.control=list()) {

  ## Record call and link function
  cl <- match.call()
  link <- match.arg(link)
  if(!(lethal %in% c(10,50))) warning("Lethality should be 10 or 50")

  ## Create the model frame and terms
  mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
  m <- match(c("formula", "concentration", "group", "data"), names(mf), 0L)
  mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
  mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
  mf[[1L]] <- quote(model.frame)
  mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
  mt <- attr(mf,"terms")

  ## Create the model matrix and response
  X <- model.matrix(mt,mf)
  Y <- model.response(mf)

  ## Extract concentrations
  conc <- mf[,"(concentration)"]

  ## Determine the treatment groups
  group <- as.factor(mf[,"(group)"])

  ## Fit separate models to each group to generate initial parameter estimates
  if(is.null(start)) start <- lcx.initialize(Y,conc,group,link,lethal)
  alpha <- start$alpha
  gamma <- if(common.background) mean(start$gamma) else start$gamma
  beta <- qr.solve(X,start$loglcx[group])
  r <- lcx.fit(X,Y,conc,group,alpha,beta,gamma,link,lethal,quasi,common.background,rate.shrink,optim.control)
  r <- c(r,
           xlevels=.getXlevels(mt, mf),
  class(r) <- "lcx"

##' @rdname lcx
##' @importFrom stats pnorm plogis qnorm qlogis dbinom optim
##' @importFrom MASS ginv
lcx.fit <- function(X,Y,conc,group,alpha,beta,gamma,link,lethal,
                     quasi=FALSE,common.background=FALSE,rate.shrink=0,optim.control=list()) {

  ## Decompose response
  y <- Y[,1]
  N <- rowSums(Y)

  ng <- nlevels(group)
  alpha.k <- seq_len(ng)
  beta.k <- ng+seq_len(ncol(X))
  gamma.k <- ng+ncol(X)+if(common.background) 1 else seq_len(ng)

  ## Index of first row of X for each group
  k <- match(levels(group),group)
  Xg <- X[k,,drop=FALSE]

  ## Select inverse link function
  ilink <- switch(link,probit=pnorm,logit=plogis)

  ## Select the lethality offset
  offset <- switch(link,

  fitted.pq <- function(alpha,beta,gamma) {
    p <- ilink(alpha[group]*(log(conc)-X%*%beta)+offset)
    q <- ilink(if(!common.background) gamma[group] else gamma)

  ## Negative log likelihood
  nlogL <- function(pars) {
    alpha <- pars[alpha.k]
    beta <- pars[beta.k]
    gamma <- pars[gamma.k]
    pq <- fitted.pq(alpha,beta,gamma)
    nll <- -sum(dbinom(y,N,pq,log=TRUE))+rate.shrink*sum(alpha^2)
    if(!is.finite(nll)) nll <- .Machine$double.xmax
  ## Minimize negative log likelihood
  mn <- optim(c(alpha,beta,gamma),nlogL,method="BFGS",hessian=TRUE,control=optim.control)

  ## Basic parameters
  alpha <- mn$par[alpha.k]
  names(alpha) <- levels(group)
  beta <- mn$par[beta.k]
  names(beta) <- colnames(X)
  gamma <- mn$par[gamma.k]
  names(gamma) <- if(!common.background) levels(group) else "Common"

  ## Covariance of the beta (is subset of inverse hessian)
  V <- ginv(mn$hessian)
  alpha.cov <- V[alpha.k,alpha.k,drop=FALSE]
  colnames(alpha.cov) <- rownames(alpha.cov) <- levels(group)
  beta.cov <- V[beta.k,beta.k,drop=FALSE]
  colnames(beta.cov) <- rownames(beta.cov) <- colnames(X)
  gamma.cov <- V[gamma.k,gamma.k,drop=FALSE]
  colnames(gamma.cov) <- rownames(gamma.cov) <- if(!common.background) levels(group) else "Common"

  ## Compute lcx and covariance by group
  loglcx <- as.numeric(Xg%*%beta)
  names(loglcx) <- levels(group)
  loglcx.cov <- Xg%*%beta.cov%*%t(Xg)
  colnames(loglcx.cov) <- rownames(loglcx.cov) <- levels(group)

  ## Compute the deviance
  fitted <- fitted.pq(alpha,beta,gamma)
  residuals <- sign(y/N-fitted)*sqrt(abs(2*(dbinom(y,N,fitted,log=T)-dbinom(y,N,y/N,log=T))))
  deviance <- -2*sum(dbinom(y,N,fitted,log=T)-dbinom(y,N,y/N,log=T))
  df.residual <- nrow(X)-(length(alpha.k)+length(beta.k)+length(gamma.k))
  null.deviance <- -2*sum(dbinom(y,N,sum(y)/sum(N),log=T)-dbinom(y,N,y/N,log=T))
  df.null <- nrow(X)-(length(alpha.k)+1+length(gamma.k))
  dispersion <- if(quasi) sum((y-N*fitted)^2/(N*fitted*(1-fitted)))/df.residual else 1
  aic <- if(quasi) NA else 2*(length(mn$par)+mn$value)

  r <- list(logLik=-mn$value,
  class(r) <- "lcx"

##' Estimate starting parameters for an LCx model fit.
##' This is the default method for computing the starting values used
##' to initialize an \code{\link{lcx}} model.
##' @title Starting parameters for an LCx model fit
##' @param Y a two column matrix of the number of survivals and
##'   mortalities in each sample.
##' @param conc a vector of toxin concentrations
##' @param group a factor delineating treatment groups
##' @param link the link function for survival fractions
##' @param lethal the modelled level of lethality
##' @return Return a list of with components
##' \item{\code{alpha}}{the rate parameter for each treatment group}
##' \item{\code{gamma}}{the probit of the control survival for each
##' treatment group}
##' \item{\code{loglcx}}{the log lcx for each treatment group}
##' @importFrom stats qnorm qlogis binomial glm.fit
##' @export
lcx.initialize <- function(Y,conc,group,link=c("probit","logit"),lethal) {
  link <- match.arg(link)

  offset <- switch(link,

  ## Fit a standard binomial glm in log concentration and generate
  ## initial parameters by transforming from the standard
  ## parameterization of the linear predictor to the rate/LCx
  ## parametrization used by lcx.
  init <- function(Y,conc) {
    X <- cbind(1,ifelse(conc>0,1,0),ifelse(conc>0,log(conc),0))

  cfs <- lapply(levels(group),function(g) init(Y[group==g,],conc[group==g]))
  list(alpha=sapply(cfs,function(cs) cs[3]),
       gamma=sapply(cfs,function(cs) cs[1]),
       loglcx=sapply(cfs,function(cs) offset-sum(cs[1:2])/cs[3]))

##' @export
print.lcx <- function(x,digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L),...) {
  cat("\nCall:\n", paste(deparse(x$call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"), "\n\n", sep = "")
  print.default(format(x$coefficients, digits=digits),print.gap=2L,quote=FALSE)
  cat("log LC",x$lethal,":\n")
  print.default(format(x$loglcx, digits=digits),print.gap=2L,quote=FALSE)
  cat("Baseline Survival:\n")
  print.default(format(x$gamma, digits=digits),print.gap=2L,quote=FALSE)
  print.default(format(x$alpha, digits=digits),print.gap=2L,quote=FALSE)

##' Summary method for class "\code{lcx}".
##' @title Summarizing LCx model fits
##' @param object An object of class \code{lcx}, obtained as the
##'   result of a call to \code{\link{lcx}}.
##' @param background If \code{TRUE} a summary table for the
##'   background survival is calculated.
##' @param rate If \code{TRUE} a summary table for the rate parameters
##'   is calculated.
##' @param ... additional parameters are ignored.
##' @param x An object of class \code{summary.lcx}, usually, a result
##'   of a call to \code{summary.lcx}.
##' @param digits The number of significant digits to use when
##'   printing.
##' @param signif.stars logical. If \code{TRUE}, 'significance stars'
##'   are printed for each coefficient.
##' @return Returns an object of class \code{summary.lcx}, with components
##' \item{\code{coefficients}}{a table of coefficients.}
##' \item{\code{lcx}}{a table of LCx for each treatment group.}
##' \item{\code{bsurv}}{optionally, a table of background survival for
##' each treatment group.}
##' \item{\code{rate}}{optionally, a table of rates for each treatment
##' group.}
##' @importFrom stats pnorm plogis
##' @export
summary.lcx <- function(object,background=TRUE,rate=FALSE,...) {

  keep <- match(c("call","deviance","aic","dispersion","contrasts",
  cf <- object$coefficients
  cf.se <- sqrt(diag(object$dispersion*object$cov.unscaled))
  zvalue <- abs(cf)/cf.se
  pvalue <- pvalue <- 2*pnorm(-abs(zvalue))
  coef.table <- cbind(cf, cf.se, zvalue, pvalue)
  dimnames(coef.table) <- list(names(cf), c("Estimate","Std. Error","z value","Pr(>|z|)"))

  loglcx <- object$loglcx
  loglcx.se <- sqrt(diag(object$dispersion*object$loglcx.cov))
  lcx.table <- cbind(loglcx, loglcx.se, exp(loglcx), exp(loglcx-1.96*loglcx.se), exp(loglcx+1.96*loglcx.se))
  dimnames(lcx.table) <- list(names(loglcx), c("Estimate","Std. Error", paste0("LC",object$lethal), "Lwr 95%", "Upr 95%"))

  r <- c(list(coefficients=coef.table,

  if(background) {
    ilink <- switch(object$link,probit=pnorm,logit=plogis)
    gamma <- object$gamma
    gamma.se <- sqrt(diag(object$dispersion*object$gamma.cov))
    bsurv.table <- cbind(gamma,gamma.se,ilink(gamma),ilink(gamma-1.96*gamma.se),ilink(gamma+1.96*gamma.se))
    dimnames(bsurv.table) <- list(names(gamma), c("Estimate","Std. Error", "Survival", "Lwr 95%", "Upr 95%"))
    r$bsurv <- bsurv.table

  if(rate) {
    alpha <- object$alpha
    alpha.se <- sqrt(diag(object$dispersion*object$alpha.cov))
    rate.table <- cbind(alpha,alpha.se,alpha-1.96*alpha.se,alpha+1.96*alpha.se)
    dimnames(rate.table) <- list(names(alpha), c("Estimate","Std. Error", "Lwr 95%", "Upr 95%"))
    r$rate <- rate.table

  class(r) <- c("summary.lcx")

##' @rdname summary.lcx
##' @importFrom stats printCoefmat
##' @export
print.summary.lcx <- function(x,digits=max(3L,getOption("digits")-3L),
                               signif.stars=getOption("show.signif.stars"),...) {

  cat("\n(Dispersion parameter taken to be ", format(x$dispersion), ")\n\n",
      apply(cbind(paste(format(c("Null", "Residual"), justify = "right"), "deviance:"),
                  format(unlist(x[c("null.deviance", "deviance")]), digits = max(5L, digits + 1L)),
                  " on",
                  format(unlist(x[c("df.null", "df.residual")])), " degrees of freedom\n"),
            1L, paste, collapse = " "), sep = "")
  cat("AIC: ", format(x$aic, digits = max(4L, digits + 1L)),"\n")
  if(!is.null(x$bsurv)) {
    cat("\nBackground Survival:\n")
  if(!is.null(x$rate)) {

##' Compute an analysis of deviance table for an LCx model fit.
##' Specifying a single object gives a sequential analysis of deviance
##' table for that fit. That is, the reductions in the residual
##' deviance as each term of the formula is added in turn are given in
##' as the rows of a table, plus the residual deviances themselves.
##' If more than one object is specified, the table has a row for the
##' residual degrees of freedom and deviance for each model. For all
##' but the first model, the change in degrees of freedom and deviance
##' is also given. (This only makes statistical sense if the models
##' are nested.) It is conventional to list the models from smallest
##' to largest, but this is up to the user.
##' When \code{test} is "LRT" or "Chisq" the table will contain test
##' statistics (and P values) comparing the reduction in deviance for
##' the row to the residuals.
##' @title Analysis of Deviance for lcx model fits
##' @param object An object of class \code{lcx}, usually obtained as
##'   the results from a call to \code{\link{lcx}}.
##' @param ... Additional objects of class \code{lcx}.
##' @param test A character string, partially matching one of
##'   "\code{LRT}", "\code{Chisq}", or "\code{Cp}". See
##'   \code{link{stat.anova}}.
##' @return An object of class \code{anova} inheriting from class
##' \code{data.frame}.
##' @importFrom stats anova model.matrix stat.anova
##' @export
anova.lcx <- function(object,...,test = NULL)  {
  ## Handle multiple fits
  dotargs <- list(...)
  named <- if (is.null(names(dotargs))) rep_len(FALSE, length(dotargs)) else (names(dotargs) != "")
  if (any(named))
    warning("the following arguments to 'anova.lcx' are invalid and dropped: ",
            paste(deparse(dotargs[named]), collapse = ", "))
  dotargs <- dotargs[!named]
  is.lcx <- vapply(dotargs, function(x) inherits(x, "lcx"), NA)
  dotargs <- dotargs[is.lcx]
  if (length(dotargs))
    return(anova.lcxlist(c(list(object),dotargs),test = test))

  ## Passed single fit object
  varlist <- attr(object$terms, "variables")
  x <- model.matrix(object)
  varseq <- attr(x, "assign")
  nvars <- max(0, varseq)
  resdev <- resdf <- NULL
  if(nvars > 0) {
    for (i in seq_len(nvars)) {
      fit <- eval(call("lcx.fit",X=x[,varseq<i,drop=FALSE],
      resdev <- c(resdev, fit$deviance)
      resdf <- c(resdf, fit$df.residual)
  resdf <- c(resdf, object$df.residual)
  resdev <- c(resdev, object$deviance)
  table <- data.frame(c(NA, -diff(resdf)), c(NA, pmax(0, -diff(resdev))), resdf, resdev)
  tl <- attr(object$terms, "term.labels")
  if (length(tl) == 0L) table <- table[1, , drop = FALSE]
  dimnames(table) <- list(c("NULL", tl), c("Df", "Deviance", "Resid. Df", "Resid. Dev"))
  title <- paste0("Analysis of Deviance Table",
                  "\n\nResponse: ", as.character(varlist[-1L])[1L],
                  "\n\nTerms added sequentially (first to last)\n\n")
  df.dispersion <- if(object$quasi) object$df.residual else Inf
  if (!is.null(test))
    table <- stat.anova(table=table,test=test,scale=object$dispersion,df.scale=df.dispersion,n=NROW(x))
  structure(table, heading = title, class = c("anova", "data.frame"))

##' @rdname anova.lcx
##' @importFrom stats stat.anova formula
##' @export
anova.lcxlist <- function (object, ..., test = NULL) {
  responses <- as.character(lapply(object, function(x) deparse(formula(x)[[2L]])))
  sameresp <- responses == responses[1L]
  if (!all(sameresp)) {
    object <- object[sameresp]
    warning(gettextf("models with response %s removed because response differs from model 1",
                     sQuote(deparse(responses[!sameresp]))), domain = NA)
  ns <- sapply(object, function(x) length(x$residuals))
  if (any(ns != ns[1L]))
    stop("models were not all fitted to the same size of dataset")
  nmodels <- length(object)
  if (nmodels == 1)
    return(anova.lcx(object[[1L]], test = test))
  resdf <- as.numeric(lapply(object, function(x) x$df.residual))
  resdev <- as.numeric(lapply(object, function(x) x$deviance))
  table <- data.frame(resdf, resdev, c(NA, -diff(resdf)), c(NA, -diff(resdev)))
  variables <- lapply(object, function(x) paste(deparse(formula(x)), collapse = "\n"))
  dimnames(table) <- list(1L:nmodels, c("Resid. Df", "Resid. Dev", "Df", "Deviance"))
  title <- "Analysis of Deviance Table\n"
  topnote <- paste("Model ", format(1L:nmodels), ": ", variables, sep = "", collapse = "\n")
  if (!is.null(test)) {
    bigmodel <- object[[order(resdf)[1L]]]
    df.dispersion <- if(bigmodel$quasi) bigmodel$df.residual else Inf
    table <- stat.anova(table=table,test=test,scale=bigmodel$dispersion,
  structure(table, heading = c(title, topnote), class = c("anova", "data.frame"))

## This is ripped off coef.glm
##' @importFrom stats coef
##' @export
coef.lcx <- function(object,...) {

## This is ripped off from vcov.glm
##' @importFrom stats vcov
##' @export
vcov.lcx <- function(object,...) {

## This is ripped off from model.matrix.lm
##' @importFrom stats model.matrix
##' @export
model.matrix.lcx <- function(object,...) {

## This is a method for estimability
##' @importFrom stats family
##' @export
family.lcx <- function(object,...) {

## This is a method for estimability
##' @importFrom estimability nonest.basis
##' @export
nonest.basis.lcx <- function(x,...) {

## This is ripped off from Effect.lm
##' @importFrom effects Effect
##' @export
Effect.lcx <- function(focal.predictors, mod,
                       transformation = list(link = log, inverse = exp), ...) {
  else {
    class(mod) <- c(class(mod)[1],"lm",class(mod)[-1])

## This is ripped off from model.frame.lm
##' @importFrom stats terms model.frame
##' @export
model.frame.lcx <- function(formula, ...)  {
  dots <- list(...)
  nargs <- dots[match(c("data","concentration","group"),names(dots),0)]
  if (length(nargs) || is.null(formula$model)) {
    fcall <- formula$call
    m <- match(c("formula","data","concentration","group"),names(fcall),0L)
    fcall <- fcall[c(1L, m)]
    fcall$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
    fcall[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
    fcall$xlev <- formula$xlevels
    fcall$formula <- terms(formula)
    fcall[names(nargs)] <- nargs
    env <- environment(formula$terms)
    if (is.null(env))
      env <- parent.frame()
    eval(fcall, env)
  else formula$model

## This is ripped off from simulate.lm
##' @importFrom stats simulate runif rbinom
##' @export
simulate.lcx <- function(object, nsim=1, seed=NULL, ...) {
  if(object$quasi) stop("Cannot simulate from a quasi model")
  if (!exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE))
  if (is.null(seed))
    RNGstate <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)
  else {
    R.seed <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)
    RNGstate <- structure(seed, kind = as.list(RNGkind()))
    on.exit(assign(".Random.seed", R.seed, envir = .GlobalEnv))
  sim <- function(.) {
    y <- rbinom(n,N,ftd)
    y <- cbind(y,N-y)
    colnames(y) <- colnames(object$y)

  ftd <- object$fitted.values
  n <- length(ftd)
  N <- rowSums(object$y)
  val <- vector("list", nsim)
  for (i in seq_len(nsim)) {
    y <- rbinom(n,N,ftd)
    y <- cbind(y,N-y)
    colnames(y) <- colnames(object$y)
    val[[i]] <- y
  class(val) <- "data.frame"
  names(val) <- paste("sim", seq_len(nsim), sep = "_")
  row.names(val) <- rownames(object$y)
  attr(val, "seed") <- RNGstate

##' Predict survival rates from a fitted LCx object.
##' If \code{newdata} is omitted the predictions are based on the data
##' used for the fit.  For \code{type="adjusted"}, it is assumed there
##' is no background mortality and predictions are made based purely
##' on the mortality due to the toxin. For \code{type="link"},
##' predictions are returned on the scale of the link function, again
##' ignoring any background mortality.
##' @title Predict method for LCx fits
##' @param object An object of class \code{lcx}, obtained as the
##'   result of a call to \code{\link{lcx}}
##' @param newdata Optionally, a data frame in which to look for
##'   variables with which to predict. If omitted, the fitted linear
##'   predictors are used.
##' @param type The type of prediction required. If
##'   \code{type="response"} predictions include both the background
##'   mortality and the mortality due to the toxin, but if
##'   \code{type="adjusted"} predictions only reflect mortality due to
##'   the toxin.
##' @param ... Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
##' @return Return a vector of predicted survival fractions.
##' @importFrom stats predict model.matrix delete.response pnorm plogis qnorm qlogis
##' @export
predict.lcx <- function (object, newdata, type = c("response", "adjusted","link"),...) {

  type <- match.arg(type)

  ## Get model frame and design matrix
  if (missing(newdata) || is.null(newdata)) {
    mf <- object$model
    X <- object$x
  } else {
    mt <- delete.response(object$terms)
    mf <- substitute(model.frame(mt,newdata,xlev=object$xlevels,concentration=concentration,group=group),
    mf <- eval(mf)
    X <- model.matrix(mt,mf,contrasts.arg=object$contrasts)

  ## Extract concentrations
  conc <- mf[,"(concentration)"]

  ## Determine the treatment groups
  group <- factor(mf[,"(group)"],levels(object$group))

  ## Extract coefficients
  alpha <- object$alpha
  beta <- object$beta
  gamma <- object$gamma

  ## Select inverse link function
  ilink <- switch(object$link,probit=pnorm,logit=plogis)

  ## Select the lethality offset
  offset <- switch(object$link,

  ## Predict survival fraction
  linkp <- alpha[group]*(log(conc)-X%*%beta)+offset
         response=ifelse(conc>0,ilink(linkp),1)*ilink(if(!object$common.background) gamma[group] else gamma),

##' Bayesian estimates of LCx from survival data in the presence of additional
##' stressors and non-ignorable control mortality
##' This function is an analog of \code{\link{lcx}} that produces an
##' object of class \code{jags} which can be used to draw samples from
##' the posterior using \code{update} and \code{coda.samples} from
##' \pkg{rjags}.
##' The model assumes half Normal priors for \code{alpha} and Normal
##' priors for \code{beta} and \code{gamma}.  For \code{alpha} and
##' \code{gamma}, a single prior mean and precision is assumed for all
##' groups, for \code{beta} individual prior means and precisions can
##' be specified.
##' @title Estimate LCx for a toxin
##' @param formula A formula relating log LCx to covariates describing
##'   the additional stressors.
##' @param concentration The name of variable that is the
##'   concentration of the toxin.
##' @param group A factor distinguishing treatment groups for the
##'   additional stressors.
##' @param data Dataframe containing the variables in the model.
##' @param start Starting values used to initialize the model.  If
##'   \code{start=NULL} these parameters are determined by
##'   \code{\link{lcx.initialize}}.
##' @param link The link function for survival fractions.
##' @param lethal The level of lethality (ie "x") to be estimated.
##' @param common.background Should a common background survival be
##'   estimated for each treatment group?
##' @param n.adapt Parameter passed to \code{jags.model}.
##' @param n.chains Parameter passed to \code{jags.model}.
##' @param alpha.mu Prior mean for alpha.
##' @param alpha.tau Prior precision for alpha.
##' @param beta.mu Either a single prior mean for all beta parameters,
##'   or a vector of prior means, one for each parameter.
##' @param beta.tau Either a single prior precision for all beta
##'   parameters, or a vector of prior precisions, one for each
##'   parameter.
##' @param gamma.mu Prior mean for gamma.
##' @param gamma.tau Prior precision for gamma.
##' @seealso \code{\link{lcx}}
##' @return Returns an object inheriting from class \code{jags} which
##'   can be used to generate dependent samples from the posterior
##'   distribution of the parameters
##' @importFrom stats qnorm qlogis model.matrix model.frame model.response
##' @export
lcxJAGS <- function(formula,concentration,group,data,start=NULL,
                    gamma.mu=0,gamma.tau=0.0001) {

  if(!requireNamespace("rjags",quietly=TRUE)) {
    stop("lcxJags requires the rjags package to be installed", call. = FALSE)

  ## Record call and link function
  cl <- match.call()
  link <- match.arg(link)

  ## Select the lethality offset
  offset <- switch(link,

  ## Create the model frame and terms
  mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
  m <- match(c("formula", "concentration", "group", "data"), names(mf), 0L)
  mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
  mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
  mf[[1L]] <- quote(model.frame)
  mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
  mt <- attr(mf,"terms")

  ## Create the model matrix and response
  X <- model.matrix(mt,mf)
  Y <- model.response(mf)

  ## Extract concentrations
  conc <- mf[,"(concentration)"]

  ## Determine the treatment groups
  group <- as.factor(mf[,"(group)"])

  ## Check lengths of prior hyper parameters for beta
  if(!(length(beta.mu)==1 || length(beta.mu)==ncol(X)))
    stop("Vector of prior means for beta is wrong length")
  beta.mu <- rep(beta.mu,length.out=ncol(X))

  if(!(length(beta.tau)==1 || length(beta.tau)==ncol(X)))
    stop("Vector of prior precisions for beta is wrong length")
  beta.tau <- rep(beta.tau,length.out=ncol(X))

  ## Fit separate models to each group to generate initial parameter estimates
  if(is.null(start)) start <- lcx.initialize(Y,conc,group,link,lethal)
  start$beta <- qr.solve(X,start$loglcx[group])
  if(common.background) start$gamma <- mean(start$gamma)

  ## Index of first row of X for each group
  k <- match(levels(group),group)
  Xg <- X[k,,drop=FALSE]

  ## Define BUGS model
  if(!common.background) {

    bugs.model <- paste("
model {
  ## Likelihood
  for(i in 1:N) {
    alive[i] ~ dbin(pi[i],total[i])
    pi[i] <- q[group[i]]*ifelse(zero[i]>0,1,p[i])
    ",link,"(p[i]) <- alpha[group[i]]*(log(conc[i]+zero[i]) - loglcx[group[i]])+offset

  loglcx <- X %*% beta
  for(i in 1:Ngroup) {
    log(lcx[i]) <- loglcx[i]
    ",link,"(q[i]) <- gamma[i]

  ## Priors
  for(i in 1:Ngroup) {
    ## alpha's must be negative
    alpha[i] ~ dnorm(alpha.mu,alpha.tau)T(,0)
  for(i in 1:Ncoef) {
    beta[i] ~ dnorm(beta.mu[i],beta.tau[i])
  for(i in 1:Ngroup) {
    gamma[i] ~ dnorm(gamma.mu,gamma.tau)

  } else {

    bugs.model <- paste("
model {
  ## Likelihood
  for(i in 1:N) {
    alive[i] ~ dbin(pi[i],total[i])
    pi[i] <- q*ifelse(zero[i]>0,1,p[i])
    ",link,"(p[i]) <- alpha[group[i]]*(log(conc[i]+zero[i]) - loglcx[group[i]])

  loglcx <- X %*% beta
  for(i in 1:Ngroup) {
    log(lcx[i]) <- loglcx[i]
  ",link,"(q) <- gamma

  ## Priors
  for(i in 1:Ngroup) {
    ## alpha's must be negative
    alpha[i] ~ dnorm(alpha.mu,alpha.tau)T(,0)
  for(i in 1:Ncoef) {
    beta[i] ~ dnorm(beta.mu[i],beta.tau[i])
  gamma ~ dnorm(gamma.mu,gamma.tau)


  model <- rjags::jags.model(textConnection(bugs.model),
                      data = list(
                        "alive" = Y[,1],
                        "total" = rowSums(Y),
                        "conc" = conc,
                        "group" = group,
                        "zero" = as.numeric(conc==0),
                        "offset" = offset,
                        "X" = Xg,
                        "N" = nrow(Y),
                        "Ncoef" = ncol(X),
                        "Ngroup" = nlevels(group),
                        "alpha.mu" = alpha.mu,
                        "alpha.tau" = alpha.tau,
                        "beta.mu" = beta.mu,
                        "beta.tau" = beta.tau,
                        "gamma.mu" = gamma.mu,
                        "gamma.tau" = gamma.tau),
                      n.chains = n.chains,
                      n.adapt = n.adapt)

abilouhill/LC50 documentation built on May 10, 2019, 4:10 a.m.