knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>")

This vignette gives explains some basic functionalities of the GeneralTree package.

Basic Tree Operations

In this section we will explain how to perform basic operations on a tree.

Creating a tree

A General Tree is a R6 object. As such it can be created with the new method. You should pass to new the id and data of the root node. Note that there is currently no requirement that the data in the tree should be the same and/or unique.

# Create a root node with id = 0 and data = "root"
tree <- GeneralTree$new(id = 0, data = "root")

we can print the tree at any time to inspect its content,


Adding child nodes

Once the tree is created we can add child nodes to the tree. We can either call addNode where we will have to specify the id of the parent node or we can use search to find the parent node and add a child directly.

# Add a child by specifying the parent.
tree$addNode(parent = 0, id = 1, data = "child0.1")

# Add a child by searching its parent.
tree$searchNode(1)$addChild(id = 2, data = "child1.2")

Adding siblings

Siblings are created automatically when you are adding a new child to a node that already has a child or when you explicity call addSibling.

# Add a sibling by specifying the parent.
tree$addNode(parent = 0, id = 3, data = "child0.3")

# Add a sibling by searching its parent.
tree$searchNode(1)$addSibling(id = 4, data = "child0.4")


There are two functions that help you retrieve data stored in the tree. Each method returns a different object,

# Let us create a mixed tree.
tree <- GeneralTree$new(0, "parent1")
tree$addNode(0, "a", "child.a")
tree$addNode(0, "b", "child.b")
tree$addNode("b", "c", "child.b.c")
tree$addNode("b", "d", "child.b.d")
tree$addNode("c", "e", "child.c.e")
tree$addNode("c", "f", "child.c.f")
tree$addNode("b", "g", "child.b.g")
tree$addNode("b", "h", "child.b.h")
tree$addNode("c", 1, "child.c.1")

Search the node with id f,


Search the data with id e,


Plotting a tree

If you want a graphically representation of a tree you can do so easily,


We can change what is plotted as well as the shapes of the diagram,

plot(tree, what = "data", color = "coral1", shape = "oval")

Advanced Topics


In the current version you can cast a tree to a data frame and vice versa as well as a parsed object.

Data frame

We can use the generic casting functions to cast to a data frame,

the other way around is also easy,

# Let us define a data frame,
test_tree_df <- data.frame(
    ID = c("root", "child1", "child2", "child3"),
    DATA = c("parent1", "data3.1", "data1.2", "data1.3"),
    PARENT = c(NA, "child3", "root", "root"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

By default as.GeneralTree will search for columns id, data and parent where parent should have a NA to identify the root node. In our case we have different column names. This can be passed to as.GeneralTree as we see below,

as.GeneralTree(test_tree_df, id = "ID", data = "DATA", parent = "PARENT")

Parsed code

To inspect how R code is parsed you can cast parsed code to a GeneralTree. Note GeneralTree will automatically create a dummy root to compensate for the fact that sometimes multiple expressions are at root,

In this example all entries exist at the root,

p <- parse(text = "tree <- GeneralTree$new(1, \"parent1\")
                   tree$addNode(1, 2, \"child.1.2\")
                   tree$addNode(2, 3, \"child.2.3\")",
           keep.source = TRUE)
print(as.GeneralTree(p), what = "data")

In this example all entries hang below test_that,

p <- parse(text =
           "test_that(\"test that the tree_walker with while loop\", {
              tree <- GeneralTree$new(1, \"parent1\")
              tree$addNode(1, 2, \"child.1.2\")
              tree$addNode(2, 3, \"child.2.3\")
           keep.source = TRUE)
print(as.GeneralTree(p), what = "data")

Iterating through the tree

There are two approaches to iterate through the tree. The first is built in whereas the second relies on foreach and iterators packages.


You can iterate through the tree by first inializing an iterator and then calling next element on that iterator.

# Let us inspect the tree first,
print(tree, what = "data")

# Make a backup of the tree,
old_tree <- tree

i <- tree$iterator()
while (!is.null(i)) {
    i$setData(paste("id:", i$id, "-data", i$data))
    i <- tryCatch(i$nextElem(), error = function(e) NULL)

print(tree, what = "data")


With foreach you can quickly extract the id and data of the tree in a depth first fashion,

itx <- iter(old_tree, by = "id")
ids_in_tree <- foreach(i = itx, .combine = c) %do% c(i)

The main benefit of using iter is that you can iterate through the tree in parllel. If you only need to perform operations on the id or data of a node we highly recommend to use the latter method to traverse the tree. See the following benchmark,

p <- parse(text = "
            tree <- GeneralTree$new(1, \"parent1\")
            tree$addNode(1, 2, \"child.1.2\")
            tree$addNode(2, 3, \"child.2.3\")
            tree$addNode(3, 4, \"child.3.4\")
            tree$addNode(3, 5, \"child.3.5\")
            tree$addNode(1, 7, \"child.1.7\")
            tree$addNode(1, 8, \"child.1.8\")
            tree$addNode(8, 9, \"child.8.9\")
            tree$addNode(9, 10, \"child.9.10\")
            tree$addNode(9, 11, \"child.9.11\")
            tree$addNode(9, 12, \"child.9.12\")
            tree$addNode(12, 13, \"child.12.13\")
            tree$addNode(8, 14, \"child.8.14\")
            tree$addNode(2, 6, \"child.2.6\")", keep.source = TRUE)
tree <- as.GeneralTree(p)


  i <- tree$iterator()
  ids_in_tree <- c()
  while (!is.null(i)) {
    ids_in_tree <- c(ids_in_tree, i$id)
    i <- tryCatch(i$nextElem(), error = function(e) NULL)

# Test below on  your machine.
# nThreads <- detectCores(logical = TRUE)
# cl <- makeCluster(nThreads)
# registerDoParallel(cl)
# microbenchmark({
#   itx <- iter(tree, by = "id")
#   ids_in_tree <- foreach(i = itx, .combine = c) %dopar% c(i)
# })

Note that currently foreach iteration is slower than native iteration.

abossenbroek/GeneralTree documentation built on May 10, 2019, 4:14 a.m.