
test_that("UCSC Genome Browser API", {
    url <- pasteUrl(
        protocol = "https"
    json <- getJson(url)
    expect_type(json, "list")

## The Ensembl REST API server is prone to connection issues, so disabling this
## at the moment to avoid build checks hanging.

## > test_that("Ensembl REST API", {
## >     url <- pasteUrl(
## >         "rest.ensembl.org",
## >         "info",
## >         "assembly",
## >         paste0(
## >             "Homo sapiens",
## >             "?", "content-type=application/json"
## >         ),
## >         protocol = "https"
## >     )
## >     skip_if_not(isAnExistingUrl(url))
## >     json <- getJson(url)
## >     expect_type(json, "list")
## > })
acidgenomics/r-pipette documentation built on Jan. 17, 2024, 4:30 p.m.