  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

fasterRaster interfaces with GRASS GIS to process rasters and spatial vector data. It is intended as an add-on to the terra and sf packages, and relies heavily upon them. For most rasters and vectors that are small or medium-sized in memory/disk, those packages will almost always be faster. They may also be faster for very large objects. But when they aren't, fasterRaster can step in.

Installing fasterRaster

You probably already have fasterRaster installed on your computer, but if not, you can install the latest release version from CRAN using:


and the latest development version using:

remotes::install_github("adamlilith/fasterRaster", dependencies = TRUE)

(You may need to install the remotes package first.)

Installing GRASS GIS

fasterRaster uses GRASS to do its operations. You will need to install GRASS using the "stand-alone" installer, available through the GRASS GIS. Be sure to use the "stand-alone" installer, not the "OSGeo4W" installer!

Starting a fasterRaster session

I recommend attaching the data.table, terra, and sf packages before attaching fasterRaster package to avoid function conflicts. The data.table package is not required, but you most surely will use at least one of the other two.


To begin, you need to tell fasterRaster the full file path of the folder where GRASS is installed on your system. Where this is well depend on your operating system and the version of GRASS installed. Three examples below show you what this might look like, but you may need to change the file path to match your case:

grassDir <- "C:/Program Files/GRASS GIS 8.3" # Windows
grassDir <- "/Applications/" # Mac OS
grassDir <- "/usr/local/grass" # Linux
grassDir <- "C:/Program Files/GRASS GIS 8.3" # Windows

To tell fasterRaster where GRASS is installed, use the faster() function:

faster(grassDir = grassDir)

You can also use the faster() function to set options that affect how fasterRaster functions run. This includes setting the amount of maximum memory and number of computer cores allocated to operations.

Importing spatial objects into fasterRaster GRasters and GVectors

In fasterRaster, rasters are called GRasters and vectors are called GVectors. The easiest (but not always fastest) way to start using a GRaster or GVector is to convert it from one already in R. In the example below, we use a raster that comes with the fasterRaster package. The raster represents elevation of a portion of eastern Madagascar. We first load the SpatRaster using fastData(), a helper function for loading example data objects that come with the fasterRaster package.

madElev <- fastData("madElev") # example SpatRaster

Now, we do the conversion to a GRaster and a GVector using [fast()]. This function can create a GRaster or GVector from a SpatRaster or a file representing a raster.

elev <- fast(madElev)

Converting rasters and vectors that are already in R to GRasters usually takes more time than loading them directly from disk. To load from disk, simply replace the first argument in fast() with a string representing the folder path and file name of the raster you want to load into the session. For example, you can do:

rastFile <- system.file("extdata", "madElev.tif"), package = "fasterRaster")
elev2 <- fast(rastFile)

Now, let's create a GVector. The fast() function can take a SpatVector from the terra package, an sf object from the sf package, or a string representing the file path and file name of a vector file (e.g., a GeoPackage file or a shapefile).

madRivers <- fastData("madRivers") # sf vector

rivers <- fast(madRivers)

Operations on GRasters and GVectors

You can do operations on GRasters and GVectors as if they were SpatRasters, SpatVectors, and sf objects. For example, you can use mathematical operators and functions:

elev_feet <- elev * 3.28084

log10_elev <- log10(elev)

You can also use the many fasterRaster functions. In general, these functions have the same names as their terra counterparts and often the same arguments. Note that even many terra and fasterRaster functions have the same name, they do not necessarily produce the exact same output. Much care has been taken to ensure they do, but sometimes there are multiple ways to do the same task, so choices made by the authors of terra and GRASS can lead to differences.

The following code creates a a) raster where cell values reflect the distance between them and the nearest river; b) creates a buffer around the rivers; then c) plots the output:

dist <- distance(elev, rivers)

river_buff <- buffer(rivers, 2000)

plot(rivers, col = 'lightblue', add = TRUE)
plot(river_buff, border = 'white', add = TRUE)

And that's how you get started! Now that you have a raster and a vector in your fasterRaster "location", you can start doing manipulations and analyses using any of the fasterRaster functions! To see an annotated list of these functions, use ?fasterRaster.

Converting and saving GRasters and GVectors

You can convert a GRaster to a SpatRaster raster using rast():

terra_elev <- rast(elev)

To convert a GVector to the terra package's SpatVector format or to an sf vector, use vect() or st_as_sf():

terra_rivers <- vect(rivers)

sf_rivers <- st_as_sf(rivers)

Finally, you can use writeRaster() and writeVector() to save GRasters and GVectors directly to disk. This will always be faster than using rast(), vect(), or st_as_sf() then saving the result from those functions.

elev_temp_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".tif") # save as GeoTIFF
writeRaster(elev, elev_temp_file)

vect_temp_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".shp") # save as shapefile
writeVector(rivers, vect_temp_file)


adamlilith/fasterRaster documentation built on Sept. 23, 2024, 1:28 a.m.