
Defines functions match.map.grep match.map.slow match.map is.regexp char.to.ascii mapenvir fix_exceptions2 fix_exceptions

Documented in char.to.ascii is.regexp match.map match.map.grep match.map.slow

fix_exceptions <- function(patterns) {
  # we must distinguish uk from Ukraine...
  # very ad hoc, I know.
  patterns <- gsub("^UK$", "UK:", patterns, ignore.case=TRUE)

fix_exceptions2 <- function(patterns=".") {
  stop("This function should not be called... yet.")
# FIX ME: will not work for exact=TRUE ("usa" should work)
  world.exceptions <- c("uk"="United Kingdom","usa"="United States of America")
  if (length(patterns)==1 && patterns==".") return(patterns)
  p1 <- vapply(strsplit(tolower(patterns),":"), function(x) x[1], FUN.VALUE="a")
  iexp <- which(p1 %in% names(world.exceptions))
  if (length(iexp)>0) {
    warning("The use of short names 'UK' and 'USA' is deprecated and will be removed in the future.")
    ilist <- unique(p1[iexp])
    for (ii in ilist) p2 <- gsub(ii, world.exceptions[ii], p2, ignore.case=TRUE)
    if (is.factor(patterns)) patterns <- as.character(patterns)
    patterns[iexp] <- p2

mapenvir <- function(database="world", warn.dep=FALSE) {
  dbname <- paste0(database, "MapEnv")
  # the following will allow us to find e.g. "world" even if
  # the maps package is not attached.
  if (length(grep("::", database)) == 0) {
    if (!exists(dbname)) dbname <- paste0("maps::",dbname)
  } else {
    database <- strsplit(database,"::")[[1]][2]
  fbase <- paste0(Sys.getenv(eval(parse(text=dbname))), database)

"mapgetg" <-
function(database = "world", gons, fill = FALSE, xlim = c(-1e30, 1e30),
	ylim = c(-1e30, 1e30))
	ngon <- length(gons)
	gnames <- names(gons)
	mapbase <- mapenvir(database, warn.dep=TRUE)
	z <- .C(C_map_getg,
		gons = as.integer(gons),
		sizes = integer(ngon),
		error = as.integer(0),
		as.double(c(xlim, ylim)),
		as.integer(fill))[c("gons", "sizes", "error")]
	gons <- z$gons
	sizes <- z$sizes
	if(z$error < 0)
		stop("error in reading polygon headers")
	z <- .C(C_map_getg,
		lines = integer(sum(sizes)),
		error = as.integer(1),
		as.double(c(xlim, ylim)),
		as.integer(fill))[c("lines", "error")]
	if(z$error < 0)
		stop("error in reading polyline numbers")
	lines <- z$lines
	ok <- sizes > 0
	list(number = lines, size = sizes[ok], name = gnames[ok])

"mapgetl" <-
function(database = "world", lines, xlim = c(-1e30, 1e30), ylim = c(-1e30,
	1e30), fill = FALSE)
	nline <- as.integer(length(lines))
	if(nline == 0)
	mapbase <- mapenvir(database)
	z <- .C(C_map_getl,
		linesize = as.integer(lines),
		error = as.integer(nline),
		as.double(c(xlim, ylim)),
		as.integer(fill))[c("linesize", "error")]
	if(z$error < 0)
	ok <- z$linesize != 0
	lines <- lines[ok]
	nline <- length(lines)
	if(nline == 0)
	linesize <- z$linesize[ok]
	N <- sum(linesize) + nline - 1
	xy <- .C(C_map_getl,
		x = double(N),
		y = double(N),
		range = double(4),
		as.integer(fill))[c("x", "y", "range")]
	flip <- c(1, -1, 1, -1)
	box <- flip * pmax(flip * c(xlim, ylim), flip * xy$range)
	if(any(diff(box)[-2] <= 0)) {
		if(missing(xlim) || missing(ylim))
			stop("nothing to draw: data range and limits don't intersect"
		else box <- c(xlim, ylim)
	xy$range <- box

"mapname" <-
function(database = "world", patterns, exact = FALSE)
  mapbase <- mapenvir(database)
  # rewritten by Tom Minka
  fname <- paste(sep = "", mapbase, ".N")
  cnames <- read.delim(fname, as.is = TRUE, header = FALSE)
  nam <- as.character(cnames[[1]])
  if(exact) {
    i <- match(patterns, nam)
    if (any(is.na(i))) {
      if (!missing(patterns)) {
        pmiss <- patterns[is.na(i)]
        if (length(i)>0) warning(paste("Some patterns could not be exactly matched:\n   ",
                                       paste(pmiss,collapse=", "),"\n"))
      i <- NULL
  } else {
## QUICK FIX: there is a problem now for UK vs Ukrain...
    if (database=="world") patterns <- fix_exceptions(patterns) 
    regexp <- paste("(^", patterns, ")", sep = "", collapse = "|")
# BUGFIX: perl regex is limited to about 30000 characters
# so this crashes if patterns includes the whole world map
    i <- grep(regexp, nam, ignore.case = TRUE,
              perl = (length(patterns) < 1000) & (nchar(regexp) < 30000))
  if(length(i) == 0) return(NULL)
  r <- cnames[i, 2]
  names(r) <- nam[i]

"maptype" <-
function(database = "world")
  if(is.character(database)) {
	mapbase <- mapenvir(database)
        # minka: maptypes are now 1,2 instead of 0,1
		integer(1))[[2]] + 2, "unknown", "spherical", "planar", "spherical")
  } else {
    # map object
    if (is.list(database)) {
      if (!is.null(database$maptype)) return(database$maptype)
#      if (!is.null(database$projection)) return("planar")
# you may also look at $projection ... 
    } else "spherical"

char.to.ascii <- function(s) {
  # returns the ascii code for a character (0 for an empty string)
  n = length(s)
    as.integer(n), as.character(s), integer(n))[[2]]
is.regexp <- function(s) {
  # test: is.regexp(c("too", ".*dak", "kj[t]"))
  pattern = ".*[.?*^[].*"
  result = logical(length(s))
  result[grep(pattern, s)] = TRUE
match.map <- function(database, regions, exact = FALSE, warn = TRUE) {
  invperm <- function(p) {
    # returns the inverse permutation, so that invperm(p)[p] = 1:n
    ip = p
    ip[p] = 1:length(p)
  regions = tolower(regions)

  if(is.character(database)) {
    mapbase <- mapenvir(database)
    fname <- paste(sep = "", mapbase, ".N")
    x <- read.delim(fname, header = FALSE)
    nam <- as.character(x[[1]])

    # this is a quick-and-dirty fix for "uk" matching "ukrain"
    if (database=="world") regions <- fix_exceptions(regions)
  else {
    nam <- database$names
  nam = tolower(nam)

  if(!exact && any(is.regexp(regions))) {
    match.map.grep(nam, regions, warn)
  } else {
    # sort regions and table
    #AD: "order" may give unexpected results depending on locale!!!
    #so we temporarily move to ASCII style ordering
    lcc <- Sys.getlocale("LC_COLLATE")
    Sys.setlocale(category = "LC_COLLATE", locale = "C")
    ord.nam <- order(nam)
    nam <- nam[ord.nam]
    ord.regions <- order(regions)
    regions <- regions[ord.regions]
    Sys.setlocale(category = "LC_COLLATE", locale = lcc)

    result <- .C(C_map_match,
      as.integer(length(nam)), as.character(nam),
      as.integer(length(regions)), as.character(regions),
      result = integer(length(nam)), as.integer(exact))[["result"]]
    # 0 -> NA
    is.na(result[result == 0]) = TRUE
    # back to original order
match.map.slow <- function(nam, regions, warn = FALSE) {
  result <- rep(NA, length = length(nam))
  # use hashing to prune the potential prefix matches
  # doesn't work for regexp
  let = min(nchar(regions))
  names(nam) = NULL
  hash = factor(char.to.ascii(substr(nam, let, let)))
  nam.bin = split(nam, hash)
  index.bin = split(1:length(nam), hash)
  for(i in 1:length(regions)) {
    pattern = regions[i]
    regexp <- paste("(^", pattern, ")", sep = "", collapse = "|")
    #r <- grep(regexp, nam)
    region.hash = as.character(char.to.ascii(substr(pattern, let, let)))
    r <- grep(regexp, nam.bin[[region.hash]], perl= TRUE )
    if(length(r) > 0) {
      r = index.bin[[region.hash]][r]
      result[r] <- i
    } else if(warn) warning(paste(pattern, "is not in the map"))
match.map.grep <- function(nam, regions, warn = FALSE) {
  result <- rep(NA, length = length(nam))
  for(i in 1:length(regions)) {
    pattern = regions[i]
    regexp <- paste("(^", pattern, ")", sep = "", collapse = "|")
    r <- grep(regexp, nam, perl=TRUE)
    if(length(r) > 0) {
      result[r] <- i
    } else if(warn) warning(paste(pattern, "is not in the map"))
adeckmyn/maps documentation built on Feb. 1, 2024, 3:37 p.m.