
##a simple model for a simple bacteria infection model
##written by Andreas Handel (, last change 6/20/12
rm(list=ls()) #this clears the workspace to make sure no leftover variables are floating around. Not strictly needed; #close all graphics windows
library(deSolve)  #loads ODE solver package

#functions come first, main program below

#function that specificies the ode model called by lsoda (the ode solver) 
    #Note: y is a vector containing the variables of our system, pars is a vector containing the parameters
    #It's not necessary to give them names like B, I, g, etc. We could just work with y[1], par[1] etc.
    #But assigning them easy to understand names often helps, though it slows down the code a bit 
  	B=y[1]; I=y[2];  #bacteria and immune response
    g=pars[1]; Bmax=pars[2]; d=pars[3]; k=pars[4]; #model parameters, passed as vector "par" into function by main program
	  r=pars[5]; delta=pars[6];  
	  #these are the differential equations
		#these is how the differential equations would need to look
    #if we were to skip the step of assigning easy to understand names to the variables and paramters  
		return(list(c(dBdt,dIdt))); #this is returned to the calling function, i.e. lsoda

} #end function specifying the ODEs

#main program
  B0=1e2; #initial number of bacteria 
	I0=10; #initial number of immune response
  Y0=c(B0, I0);  #combine initial conditions into a vector 
  #values for model parameters, units are assumed to be 1/days
	pars=c(g,Bmax,d,k,r,delta); #vector of parameters which is sent to the ODE function
	tmax=10; #number of days for which to run the simulation
	timevec=seq(0,tmax,0.1); #vector of times for which integration is evaluated (from 0 to 10 days in steps of 0.1)
	#call ode-solver to integrate ODEs
  #integrate for time "timevec", starting with initial condition 'Y0'. 

  #plot results
  #first column contains time vector, the following columns contain variables 1 (bacteria) and 2 (immune response)
  plot(odeoutput[,1],odeoutput[,2],type="l",xlab="time (days)",ylab="",col="blue",lwd=2,log="y",xlim=c(0,tmax),ylim=c(1,1e9))
  legend("topleft", c("Bacteria","Immune Response"),col = c("blue","red"),lwd=2)
#end main program
ahgroup/DSAIRM documentation built on July 20, 2024, 11:10 p.m.