
Defines functions quealy_subgroups

Documented in quealy_subgroups

#' @title quealy_subgroups
#' @description kevin quealy of the nytimes did a nice job capturing change 
#' in the general population vs change in specific subgroups: http://nyti.ms/1tQrOIl 
#' re: obamacare.
#' let's do the same thing for change in RIT score.
#' @param mapvizieR_obj mapvizieR object
#' @param studentids target students
#' @param measurementscale target subject
#' @param subgroup_cols what subgroups in mapvizier roster do you want to cut by?  default
#' is starting_quartile
#' @param pretty_names nicely formatted names for the column cuts used above.
#' @param magic_subgroups generated by mapvizieR.  possible values include: 
#' 'starting_quartile'
#' @param start_fws one academic season (if known); pass vector of two and quealy subgroups will pick
#' @param start_year_offset 0 if start season is same, -1 if start is prior year.
#' @param end_fws ending season
#' @param end_academic_year ending academic year
#' @param start_fws_prefer which term is preferred? not required if only one start_fws is passed
#' @param report_title text grob to put on the report tile
#' @param complete_obsv if TRUE, limit only to students who have BOTH a start
#' and end score. default is TRUE.
#' @param drop_NA_groups should we ignore subgroups with value NA?  default is true
#' @param include_all should the output have plot at the top showing the TOTAL
#' variation?  not recommended for data spanning multiple grade levels.
#' @param small_n_cutoff drop a subgroup if less than x% (as decimal) of the total pop? 
#' (useful for cutting off the long tail of a group).  applies to all subgroups in
#' subgroup_cols.  does not apply to magic subgroups.
#' @param join_by_measurementscale boolean, passed to roster_to_growth_df.  TRUE if
#' the subgroup col is per-subject.
#' @param school_growth_norms passed through to calc_cgp.  determines what norm study
#' to use.  default is 2015 (most recent study).
#' @return a grob composed of multiple ggplots
#' @export

quealy_subgroups <- function(
  subgroup_cols = c('starting_quartile'),
  pretty_names = c('Starting Quartile'),
  magic_subgroups = TRUE,
  start_fws_prefer = NA,
  report_title = NA,
  complete_obsv = TRUE,
  drop_NA_groups = TRUE,
  include_all = TRUE,
  small_n_cutoff = -1,
  join_by_measurementscale = FALSE,
  school_growth_norms = 2015
) {
  #1. validation
  mv_opening_checks(mapvizieR_obj, studentids, 1)
  assertthat::assert_that(length(subgroup_cols) == length(pretty_names))
  #2. limit to kids, endpoint
  df <- mv_limit_growth(mapvizieR_obj, studentids, measurementscale) %>%
      end_map_year_academic == end_academic_year,
      end_fallwinterspring == end_fws
  if (complete_obsv) {
    df <- df %>% dplyr::filter(complete_obsv == TRUE)
  #if there's no students, raise an informative error
  df %>% 
      nrow(.) > 0 ~ "no matching students for the specified subject/terms."
  #3. put SUBGROUPS values from roster onto df
  df <- roster_to_growth_df(
    target_df = df,
    mapvizieR_obj = mapvizieR_obj,
    roster_cols = subgroup_cols,
    by_measurementscale = join_by_measurementscale,
    join_by = 'end'
  #put rownames back on the df
  df$persistent_names <- rownames(df)
  #4. for each SUBGROUP permutation
  all_sub <- subgroup_cols
  if (include_all | !is.logical(magic_subgroups)) {
    #add all_students to df
    df$all_students <- 'All Students'
    #include in subgroups
    all_sub <- c('all_students', all_sub)
  #df to hold the result
  window_df <- data.frame(
    subgroup = character(0), perm = character(0), 
    start_fws = character(0), start_year = integer(0), 
    #for global limits/sizes
    min_x = numeric(0), max_x = numeric(0),
    n = integer(0), persist_row_names = character(0),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  counter <- 1
  group_stats <- list()
  #...find the GROWTH WINDOW
  #also calc group stats, so we don't have to do it later.
  for (i in all_sub) {
    #first apply small n filter
    df_filtered <- min_subgroup_filter(df, i, small_n_cutoff)
    #find permutations for this group
    perms <- df_filtered[, i] %>% unique() %>% sort()
    if (drop_NA_groups == TRUE) {perms <- perms[!is.na(perms)]}
    for (j in perms) {
      #matching sub/perm students
      mask <- df_filtered[, i] == j
      #get the windows
      if (length(start_fws) > 1) {
        #from the data
        auto_windows <- auto_growth_window(
          mapvizieR_obj = mapvizieR_obj,
          studentids = df_filtered[mask, 'studentid'],
          measurementscale = measurementscale,
          end_fws = end_fws, 
          end_academic_year = end_academic_year,
          candidate_start_fws = start_fws,
          candidate_year_offsets = start_year_offset,
          candidate_prefer = start_fws_prefer,
          window_tolerance = 0.66
        inferred_start_fws <- auto_windows[[1]]
        inferred_start_academic_year <- auto_windows[[2]]
      } else {
        inferred_start_fws <- start_fws
        inferred_start_academic_year <- end_academic_year + start_year_offset
      #limit by windows
      this_stu <- df_filtered %>% dplyr::filter(
        studentid %in% df_filtered[mask, 'studentid'] &
        start_fallwinterspring == inferred_start_fws &
        start_map_year_academic == inferred_start_academic_year
      if(nrow(this_stu) == 0) {
      #calc subgroup stats
      perm_stats <- quealy_permutation_stats(this_stu, i, school_growth_norms)
      perm_stats %>% ensurer::ensure_that(
        nrow(.) == 1 ~ 'there should only be one group!')
      #give the group name a consistent variable name
      names(perm_stats)[names(perm_stats) == i] <- 'facet_me'
      #put the stats on the list for use below
      group_stats[[paste0(i, '@', j)]] <- perm_stats
      window_df[counter, ]$subgroup <- i
      window_df[counter, ]$perm <- j
      window_df[counter, ]$start_fws <- inferred_start_fws
      window_df[counter, ]$start_year <- inferred_start_academic_year
      window_df[counter, ]$min_x <- min(perm_stats$start_rit, perm_stats$end_rit)
      window_df[counter, ]$max_x <- max(perm_stats$start_rit, perm_stats$end_rit)
      window_df[counter, ]$n <- perm_stats$n
      window_df[counter, ]$persist_row_names <- paste(this_stu$persistent_names, collapse = ',')
      counter <- counter + 1
  #5. magic subgroups, if any
  if (!is.logical(magic_subgroups)) {
    if ('starting_quartile' %in% magic_subgroups) {
      #add to list of subgroups
      subgroup_cols <- c(subgroup_cols, 'starting_quartile')
      #and pretty names
      pretty_names <- c(pretty_names, 'Starting Quartile')
      #pull the all_students row
      #we'll use this for the start/ends
      all_stu <- window_df[window_df$subgroup == 'all_students', ]
      quart_fws <- all_stu[1, ]$start_fws
      quart_year <- all_stu[1, ]$start_year
      #get start/end from ALL students
      start_quartile_data <- df %>%
          start_fallwinterspring == quart_fws &
          start_map_year_academic == quart_year
      #limit for join
      start_quartile_join <- start_quartile_data %>%
          studentid, start_testquartile
      names(start_quartile_join) <- c('studentid', 'starting_quartile')
      #put back on the df as a demographic variable
      df <- df %>%
          start_quartile_join, by = 'studentid'
      #iterate over the unique subgroups and calc stats
      for (i in unique(start_quartile_data$start_testquartile) %>% as.numeric() %>% sort()) {
        this_start_quartile <- start_quartile_data %>%
          dplyr::filter(as.numeric(start_testquartile) == i)
        perm_stats <- quealy_permutation_stats(
          this_start_quartile, 'start_testquartile', school_growth_norms
          perm_stats %>% ensurer::ensure_that(
            nrow(.) == 1 ~ 'there should only be one group!')
        #give the group name a consistent variable name
        names(perm_stats)[names(perm_stats) == i] <- 'facet_me'
        #put the stats on the list for use below
        group_stats[[paste0('starting_quartile', '@', i)]] <- perm_stats

        window_df[counter, ]$subgroup <- 'starting_quartile'
        window_df[counter, ]$perm <- i
        window_df[counter, ]$start_fws <- all_stu[1, ]$start_fws
        window_df[counter, ]$start_year <- all_stu[1, ]$start_year
        window_df[counter, ]$min_x <- min(perm_stats$start_rit, perm_stats$end_rit)
        window_df[counter, ]$max_x <- max(perm_stats$start_rit, perm_stats$end_rit)
        window_df[counter, ]$n <- perm_stats$n
        window_df[counter, ]$persist_row_names <- paste(this_start_quartile$persistent_names, collapse = ',')
        counter <- counter + 1
      #end perms of starting quartiles
    #end starting quartile magic subgroup
  #end magic subgroups

  #global limits
  min_x <- min(window_df$min_x, na.rm = TRUE)
  max_x <- max(window_df$max_x, na.rm = TRUE)
  plot_lims <- c(
    round_to_any(min_x - 1, 5, f = floor), 
    round_to_any(max_x + 1, 5, f = ceiling)
  n_range <- c(
    min(window_df$n, na.rm = TRUE), 
    max(window_df$n, na.rm = TRUE)
  plot_counter <- 1
  plot_list <- list()
  nrow_list <- list()

  if (include_all) {
    ref_line_range <- c(
      group_stats[['all_students@All Students']]$start_rit,
      group_stats[['all_students@All Students']]$end_rit

    #all students
    p_all <- quealy_facet_one_subgroup(
      sum_df = group_stats[['all_students@All Students']], 
      subgroup = 'All Students',
      xlims = plot_lims,
      n_range = n_range,
      ref_lines = ref_line_range
    plot_list[[plot_counter]] <- p_all
    nrow_list[[plot_counter]] <- 1.5
    plot_counter <- plot_counter + 1
  } else {
    ref_line_range <- NA

  #rest of the subgroups
  for (i in 1:length(subgroup_cols)) {
    #the matching permutations
    this_perms <- window_df[window_df$subgroup == subgroup_cols[i], ]
    #recover the logic of which rows based on auto growth windows
    #per perm
    all_rownames <- this_perms$persist_row_names %>% 
      paste(collapse = ',') %>% strsplit(split = ',') %>% unlist()
    mask <- df$persistent_names %in% all_rownames
    #calc group stats on those stu
    this_sum <- quealy_permutation_stats(
      df[mask, ], subgroup_cols[i], school_growth_norms
    names(this_sum)[names(this_sum) == subgroup_cols[i]] <- 'facet_me'
    plot_list[[plot_counter]] <- quealy_facet_one_subgroup(
      sum_df = this_sum, 
      subgroup = pretty_names[i],
      xlims = plot_lims,
      n_range = n_range,
      ref_lines = ref_line_range
    nrow_list[[plot_counter]] <- ifelse(
      nrow(this_sum) == 1, 1.5, nrow(this_sum)
    plot_counter <- plot_counter + 1
  #add named args to plot list for do call
  plot_list[['nrow']] <- length(plot_list)
  plot_list[['heights']] <- unlist(nrow_list)
  final <- do.call(
    what = "arrangeGrob",
    args = plot_list,
  if (!is.na(report_title)) {
    title <- h_var(report_title, 16)
    final <- gridExtra::arrangeGrob(
      title, final, nrow = 2, heights = c(1, 19)

#' @title quealy_permutation_stats
#' @description calculates group stats for all the permutations of a subroup.  used 
#' to be internal to quealy_subgroups, has been extracted.
#' @param df a growth data frame
#' @param subgroup the subgroup to group and calculate summary stats for
#' @param norms school growth norms to use.  2012 or 2015.
#' @return a data frame
#' @export

quealy_permutation_stats <- function(df, subgroup, norms = 2015) {
  results <- df %>%
      subgroup, quote(measurementscale), 
      quote(start_fallwinterspring), quote(end_fallwinterspring)
    ) %>%
      approximate_grade = round(mean(end_grade, na.rm = TRUE), 0), 
      start_rit = mean(start_testritscore, na.rm = TRUE),
      end_rit = mean(end_testritscore, na.rm = TRUE),
      rit_change = mean(rit_growth, na.rm = TRUE),
      start_npr = mean(start_consistent_percentile, na.rm = TRUE),
      end_npr = mean(end_consistent_percentile, na.rm = TRUE),
      npr_change = mean(end_consistent_percentile - start_consistent_percentile, na.rm = TRUE),
      n = n()
    ) %>%
  #add cgp
  results$cgp <- NA
  for (i in 1:nrow(results)) {
    results[i, ]$cgp <- calc_cgp(
        measurementscale = results[i, ]$measurementscale,
        end_grade = results[i, ]$approximate_grade,
        growth_window = paste(results[i, ]$start_fallwinterspring, 
          'to', results[i, ]$end_fallwinterspring),
        baseline_avg_rit = results[i, ]$start_rit,
        ending_avg_rit = results[i, ]$end_rit,
        norms = norms

#' @title quealy_facet_one_subgroup
#' @description the plot called by quealy subgroups for each subgroup.  used
#' to be internal to the function, has been extracted.
#' @param sum_df output of quealy_permutation_stats.  needs to have a header
#' called facet_me.  look at quealy_subgroups to see example use.
#' @param subgroup the subgroup to plot.  quealy_subgroups calls this plot
#' once per element in subgroup_cols (and once for all students)
#' @param xlims the global xlims for the plot.
#' @param n_range the global range of n values.  used to set the width of 
#' the lines
#' @param ref_lines if using with all students, the reference lines 
#' showing change in all_students
#' @return a data frame
#' @export

quealy_facet_one_subgroup <- function(
  sum_df, subgroup, xlims, n_range, ref_lines = NA
) {
  if (nrow(sum_df) == 0) {
    stop("your feature/facet df is zero rows long.  check your inputs?")
  #add newline breaks to the facet text
  sum_df$facet_format <- lapply(sum_df$facet_me, force_string_breaks, 30) %>%
  #get the arrow size on a universal scale
  min_width <- 0.2
  max_width <- 0.5
  pct_of_range <- ((sum_df$n - n_range[1]) / (n_range[2] - n_range[1]))
  sum_df$size_scaled <- min_width + (pct_of_range * (max_width - min_width))
  #if identical, NaN
  sum_df$size_scaled <- ifelse(is.nan(sum_df$size_scaled), 1, sum_df$size_scaled)
  all_na_test <- all(is.na(sum_df$cgp))
  #cgp labeler
  cgp_labeler <- function(n, cgp) {
    if (
      (unique(sum_df$start_fallwinterspring) == 'Spring' & unique(sum_df$end_fallwinterspring) == 'Winter') |
    ) {
      return(paste(n, 'stu')) 
    if (n < 10) {
      return(paste(n, 'stu')) 
    } else {
      return(paste(n, 'stu', '| CGP:', round(cgp, 0)))
  e <- new.env()
  e$xlims <- xlims
  sum_df <- sum_df %>%
    dplyr::rowwise() %>%
      cgp_label = cgp_labeler(n, cgp)  
    ) %>%

  p <- ggplot(
    data = sum_df,
      x = start_rit,
      xend = end_rit,
      y = 1,
      yend = 1
    environment = e
  if (class(ref_lines) == "numeric") {
    p <- p + annotate(
      geom = 'rect',
      xmin = ref_lines[1], xmax = ref_lines[2], ymin = -1, ymax = 3,
      fill = 'dodgerblue',
      alpha = 0.15,
      size = 1.25
  p <- p + geom_text(
      x = start_rit + 0.5 * (end_rit - start_rit),
      y = 0.75,
      label = facet_format
    inherit.aes = FALSE,
    size = 9,
    alpha = 0.4,
    color = 'hotpink'
  ) +        
      size = size_scaled
   arrow = grid::arrow(length = grid::unit(0.2 + (0.075 * sum_df$size_scaled), "cm"))
  ) +
  #start rit
      x = start_rit,
      y = 0.7,
      label = paste0(round(start_rit, 1), ' (', substr(start_fallwinterspring, 1, 1), ')')
    inherit.aes = FALSE,
    size = 3,
    color = 'gray40'
  ) +
  #end rit
      x = end_rit,
      y = 0.7,
      label = paste0(round(end_rit, 1), ' (', substr(end_fallwinterspring, 1, 1), ')')
    inherit.aes = FALSE,
    size = 3,
    color = 'gray40'
  ) +    
  #n stu and CGP
      x = start_rit + 0.5 * (end_rit - start_rit),
      y = 1.35,
      label = cgp_label
    fontface = 'italic',
    color = 'gray40',
    size = 4
  ) +
    xlim = c(xlims[1] - 0.5, xlims[2] + 0.5),
    ylim = c(0, 2)
  ) +
    facet_format ~ . 
  ) +
  theme_bw() +
    axis.title.y = element_blank(),
    axis.text.y = element_blank(),
    axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
    panel.grid.major.y = element_blank(),
    panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank(),
    panel.border = element_blank(),
    panel.margin = grid::unit(0, "lines"),
    plot.margin = grid::unit(c(1,1,1,1), "mm")
  ) +
  labs(x = 'RIT') +

  p_title <- grob_justifier(
      subgroup, gp = grid::gpar(fontsize = 18, fontface = 'bold')
    "center", "center"
  first_row <- if (nrow(sum_df) <= 2) {1.5} else {1}
  #arrange and return
    p_title, p,
    nrow = 2, heights = c(first_row, 9)
almartin82/mapvizieR documentation built on June 3, 2023, 10:53 a.m.