Function for computing estimates under a Weighted Rank Squared Error Loss function, with the option of parallelising intensive computations. Please see the accompanying notebook and (after having read the notebook!) the associated RShine application at for an explanation of WRSEL and an interactive toy study.

This package is still under development and is not available on CRAN. To install you will need to have devtools installed and loaded. Then type in install_github('andrewzm/WRSEL'). Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries.

Package details

Package: WRSEL

Type: Package

Title: Weighted Rank Squared Error Loss

Version: 1.0

Date: 2014-09-18

Author: Andrew Zammit Mangion

Maintainer: Andrew Zammit Mangion

Description: Find the optimal estimate under a weighted rank squared error loss (WRSEL) function. For details see Wright, Deanne L., Hal S. Stern, and Noel Cressie. "Loss functions for estimation of extrema with an application to disease mapping." Canadian Journal of Statistics 31.3 (2003): 251-266.

Suggests: parallel

Depends: R (>= 2.14)

Imports: Matrix

License: GPL (>= 2)

NeedsCompilation: no

andrewzm/WRSEL documentation built on May 10, 2019, 11:14 a.m.