\newcommand{\Deltab} {\Delta} \newcommand{\intd} {\textrm{d}} \newcommand{\Bmat} {B} \newcommand{\Cmat} {C} \newcommand{\cmat} {c} \newcommand{\Imat} {I} \newcommand{\bvec} {b} \newcommand{\svec} {s} \newcommand{\uvec} {u} \newcommand{\omegab} {\omega} \newcommand{\s}{s} \newcommand{\h}{h} \renewcommand{\b}{b} \newcommand{\e}{e} \newcommand{\z}{z} \renewcommand{\v}{v} \renewcommand{\u}{u} \newcommand{\w}{w} \renewcommand{\d}{d} \newcommand{\Z}{Z} \newcommand{\x}{x} \newcommand{\Y}{Y} \newcommand{\Yvec}{Y} \newcommand{\Zvec}{Z} \newcommand{\epsilonb}{\varepsilon} \newcommand{\bI}{I} \newcommand{\bB}{B} \newcommand{\bbeta}{\beta} \newcommand{\thetab}{\theta} \newcommand{\bzero}{0} \newcommand{\bSigma}{\Sigma} \newcommand{\E}{E} \newcommand{\cov}{\mathrm{cov}} \newcommand{\var}{\mathrm{var}} \newcommand{\tr}{\mathrm{tr}} \newcommand{\diag}{\mathrm{diag}} \newcommand{\vect}{\mathrm{vec}} \newcommand{\Gau}{\mathrm{Gau}} \newcommand{\RR}{\mathbb{R}} \newcommand{\T}{{ \mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle T} }}

Setting up

An important component of this example is the slice sampler. Here we use the code by Jonathan Rougier, University of Bristol. As of writing, this was available from his personal webpage. Once downloaded this package may be installed using


We will also be needing part of the INLA package and installation instructions for this can be found on the R-INLA homepage. Once these are installed we can load the required packages. As with the other vignette (simulation example in Section 3.2), we will also need dplyr, tidyr, and Matrix for core operations and ggplot2, gridExtra, grid, extrafont and maptools for plotting purposes.


Finally, we will also need the package bicon to facilitate matrix construction.


As detailed in @CressieZammit2015, we consider four models in this case study. These vary only through the interaction function $b_o(h)$ that, for each model, is given as

\begin{equation} \begin{array}{ll} \textrm{Model 1 (independence):} &b_o(\h) \equiv 0, \ \textrm{Model 2 (pointwise dependence):} &b_o(\h) \equiv A\delta(\h), \ \textrm{Model 3 (diffused/shifted dependence):} &b_o(\h) \equiv \left{\begin{array}{ll} A{1 - (\|\h - \Deltab\|/r)^2}^2, & \| \h - \Deltab\| \le r \ 0, & \textrm{otherwise}, \end{array} \right. \textrm{Model 4 (diffused dependence):} & \textrm{Model 3 with~} \Deltab = 0} \end{array} \end{equation}

where $\Deltab = (\Delta_1, \Delta_2)^\T$ is a shift parameter vector that captures asymmetry, $r$ is the aperture parameter, and $A$ is the amplitude. In Model 3, $b_o(\h)$ is a shifted bisquare function in $\mathbb{R}^2$. The covariance functions $C_{11}(\cdot)$ and $C_{2|1}(\cdot)$ are Matérn covariance functions with $\nu_{11} = \nu_{2|1} = 1.5$.

The first thing we need to do is specify which model we are going to analyse. Since Model 3 is the most complicated, we will use this throughout this vignette. The second thing is to indicate whether we want to run the full MCMC scheme (takes a long time!) or just generate a few samples to make sure the code is working. For the purpose of this vignette we will use a flag long_analysis to indicate whether we want to run the full MCMC chain or not.

### Model choice
### 1. Independent
### 2. Pointwise interaction
### 3. Diffusion + shift
### 4. Diffusion only
### 5. Diffusion + shift + elevation in distance metric for b(.,.)
model = 4
model_name <- switch(model,"independent","pointwise","moving_average","moving_average_delta0",
img_path <- "../paper/art"                  ## Where to save the figures
show_figs <- 1                              ## Show the figures in document
print_figs <-  0                            ## Print figures to file (leave =0)
long_analysis <- 1                          ## Run a long MCMC chain (1) or not (0)
write_results <- 1                          ## Write out results to text file

The data

The data were made available through the paper of @GentonKleiber2015 and is included in the package extdata folder. For convenience, these have also been included as part of the package after the data were preprocessed using

temps_path <- system.file("extdata","COTemp20040919.txt", package = "bicon")
temps <- read.table(temps_path,header=T)
names(temps) <- c("minT","maxT","lon","lat")

Thus, these data can simply be loaded using the data command

### Import data

The command above loads the data temps in the the global environment as a data frame. The data frame stores the minimum temperature (minT), the maximum temperature (maxT) and the lon-lat coordinates of the measurement stations (lon and lat).


From this data frame we extract $Z_1$ and $Z_2$ and concatenate them into one long vector $Z$. We also define m1 as the number of observations of $Y_1$, m2 as the number of observations of $Y_2$ and m as the total number of observations. Information pertaining to $Z_1$ and $Z_2$ are stored in the data frames obs1 and obs2, respectively.

Z1 <- matrix(temps$minT)
Z2 <- matrix(temps$maxT)

if(model %in% 5:8) { ## Reverse Z2 and Z1 / direction of arrow in DAG
  temp <- Z1
  Z1 <- Z2
  Z2 <- temp

Z <- rbind(Z1,Z2)
m1 <- length(Z1)
m2 <- length(Z2)
m <- m1 + m2

obs1 <- temps %>%
  mutate(x = lon, y = lat, z = minT)  %>%

obs2 <- temps %>%
  mutate(x = lon, y = lat, z = maxT)  %>%

Process discretisation

We approximate the processes as a sum of elemental basis functions (tent functions) constructed on a triangulation. The triangulation is formed using the mesher in the INLA package, while we provide a tailored function initFEbasis which takes information from the INLA mesher and casts it into a Mesh object. We provide several methods associated with the Mesh class which will be useful for plotting later on. Importantly, the Mesh object also contains information on the areas of the elements in the Voronoi tesselation, which will be used to approximate the integrations.

### Construct mesh

#mesh <- inla.mesh.2d(loc= temps[c("lon","lat")],cutoff=0.04,max.edge=0.3)
mesh <- inla.mesh.2d(loc= temps[c("lon","lat")],cutoff=0.05,max.edge=0.4)
D <- as.matrix(dist(mesh$loc[,1:2]))
Dvec <- as.double(c(D))
distmat11 <- distmat12 <- distmat21 <- distmat22 <- 
    as.matrix(dist( as.matrix(temps[c("lon","lat")])))

Mesh <- initFEbasis(p = mesh$loc[,1:2], 
                    t = mesh$graph$tv,
                    K = mesh$graph$vv)

We next establish the dimension of our grids. Since we will be evaluating $Y_1$ and $Y_2$ on the same grid, n1 = n2.

### Process models
n1 <- mesh$n
n2 <- mesh$n
n <- n1 + n2

As in the first vignette (simulation example in Section 3.2), we will approximate the integration using the rectangular rule. When using finite elements, this reduces to using the area of the Voronoi tessellation as the weight for the function values.

We first compute the vector of displacements $h$ which will be of length (n2 $\times$ n1) and with each element associate an integration weight equal to the area of the Voronoi tessellation associated with the element:

### Mesh integration points
mesh_locs <- mesh$loc[,1:2]
h <- matrix(0,n1*n2,2)
areas <- rep(0,n1*n2)
for(i in 1:n2) {
  h[((i-1)*n1+1):(i*n1),] <- t(t(mesh_locs) - mesh_locs[i,])
  areas[((i-1)*n1+1):(i*n1)] <- Mesh["area_tess"]
h1_double <- as.double(h[,1])
h2_double <- as.double(h[,2])

The displacements (h1,h2) and the areas areas can then be used to construct the matrix B using the function bisquare_B.

### Model specifics
if (model %in% c(1,5)) B <- matrix(0,n2,n1)
if (model %in% c(2,6)) B <- diag(n1)
if (model %in% c(3,4,7,8)) B <- bisquare_B(h1 = h1_double,
                                h2 = h2_double,
                                n1 = n1,n2=n2,areas = areas)

Organising the observations

In order to map the process to the observations we construct an incidence matrix, which contains a 1 wherever the observation coincides with a vertex on the triangulation and a 0 otherwise. The dimension of this incidence matrix is (m1 + m2) $\times$ (n1 + n2), where m1, m2, are the number of observations in $Z_1$, $Z_2$, respectively. Since in this problem we have collocated observations, we find the incidence matrix for one of the observations, $Z_1$, and then form the whole incidence matrix by simply carrying out bdiag (block diagonal) of the first matrix with itself. We find the points with which the observation locations coincide by using the function left_join, which returns an NA if no observation coincides with the vertex.

obs_locs <- as.matrix(temps[c("lon","lat")])                ## observation locations
mesh_locs <- data.frame(x=mesh$loc[,1],y=mesh$loc[,2])      ## mesh locations
idx <- which(!(is.na(left_join(mesh_locs,obs1)$z)))         ## index of coincidence
C1 <- sparseMatrix(i=1:nrow(obs1),j=idx,x=1,dims=c(m1,n1))  ## incidence matrix of Z1
C <- bdiag(C1,C1)       ## incidence matrix

MCMC initialisation and prior specification

This is the computational and memory intensive part of the program. Since this is only a vignette we will only generate 10 samples. For the simulation study in Section 5, we used 50000 samples and thinned by keeping every 100. To carry out the full analysis, please set long_analysis = 1 above.

### MCMC initialisations
    N = 50000
    thin = 100
    burn_in = 1000
} else {
    N = 10
    thin = 1
    burn_in = 2

The marginal precisions were initialised to $\sigma^{-2}{11} = 0.25$ and $\sigma^{-2}{2|1} = 5$. The scales were initialised to $\kappa_1 = \kappa_{2|1} = 2$, $\rho = 0.1$, $A = 0$, $r = 0.3$ and $\Deltab = (0,0)'$. Recall that we use transformations for some of these parameters. Therefore, for example, we initialise a variable log_kappa1_samp as $\log(2)$. Then, throughout, $\kappa_1$ = $\exp$(log_kappa1_samp).

Y_samp <- matrix(0,n,N/thin)
prec0_samp <- rep(1,N)
prec1_samp <- rep(0.25,N) 
prec2_samp <- rep(5,N)  

### kappa_1: init sample at log(2), kappa = exp(gamma)
log_kappa1_samp  <- matrix(log(2),1,N) 

### kappa_{2|1}: init sample at log(2), kappa = exp(gamma)
log_kappa2_samp  <- matrix(log(2),1,N) 

### rho_\epsilon: init sample at rho = 0.1, rho = 2*pnorm(gamma) - 1
rho_trans_samp <- rep(qnorm((0.1+1)/2),N) 

### A: init sample at A = 0 
A_samp <- rep(0,N) 

### r: init sample at r = 0.3, r = exp(gamma)
log_r_samp <- rep(log(0.3),N)

### Delta_1 and Delta_2: init sample at Delta = (0,0)
d1_samp <- rep(0,N) 
d2_samp <- rep(0,N) 

### Sampling the Deviance
Deviance_samp <- rep(0,N)

We next specify the prior distributions over all unknown parameters. These are detailed in Table 2, Appendix 3 of @CressieZammit2015. In order to tune the prior distribution over the precision parameters we use a function Findalphabeta_gamma which, given the 5th and 95th percentiles for the desired standard deviations, finds appropriate values for $\alpha,\beta$ (shape and rate parameters) needed to define the Gamma distribution. Type help(Findalphabeta_gamma) for more details.

A new function appearing below is makeQY. This has an interface identical to makeSY but instead returns the precision matrix $\Sigma^{-1}$. This is useful since working with the precision matrices is slightly more computationally efficient than working with covariance matrices (even if the precision matrix is dense).

### Parameter prior specification

### Y1,Y2 mean and precision
muY = rep(0,n)
QY <- makeQY(r = Dvec, 
             var1 = 4,
             var2 = 0.2,
             kappa1 = 2,
             kappa2 = 2,
             B = 0*B)
QY_chol <- chol(QY)

### observation error precision
hyp_prec0 <- optim(par=c(1,1),Findalphabeta_gamma, p5=0.5, p95=2)
alpha0 <- hyp_prec0$par[1]
beta0 <- hyp_prec0$par[2]
Qo_base <-diag(m)
chol_Qo_base <-chol(Qo_base)

### log(kappa_1)
mu_log_kappa1 = log(2)
prec_log_kappa1 = 1

### log(kappa_{2|1}
mu_log_kappa2 = log(2)
prec_log_kappa2 = 1

### gamma, where rho = 2*pnorm(theta) - 1
mu_rho_trans = qnorm((1)/2)
prec_rho_trans = 1

### precision(Y1) and precision(Y2)
hyp_prec1 <- optim(par=c(1,1),Findalphabeta_gamma, p5=1, p95=10)
alpha1 <- alpha2 <-  hyp_prec1$par[1]
beta1 <- beta2 <- hyp_prec1$par[2]

### A (amplitude of bisquare function)
mu_A = 0
prec_A = 1/(0.2^2)

### Delta (shift parameter of bisquare function)
mu_delta1 = 0
prec_delta1 = 1/(0.5^2)
mu_delta2 = 0
prec_delta2 = 1/(0.5^2)

### r (aperture parameter of bisquare function)
mu_log_r = 1
prec_log_r = 1/(0.5^2)

The sampler

Before we start the MCMC routine, we need to initialise the slice sampler for those variables which have a conditional distribution that is not available in closed form. For the scale parameters and observation error correlation parameter we use univariate slice samplers, while for the parameters associated with the bisquare function we use a tri-variate slice sampler.

### Gibbs-slice sampler

slice_log_kappa1 <- slice::slice(1)
slice_log_kappa2 <- slice::slice(1)
slice_rho_trans <- slice::slice(1)
slice_bisquare <- slice::slice(3)
slice_logr <- slice::slice(1)

We can now start the Gibbs sampler, for which we will be requiring the conditional distributions. Denote $\theta = (\sigma_\varepsilon^2,\rho_\varepsilon, \sigma^2_{11}, \sigma^2_{2|1}, \kappa_{11}, \kappa_{2|1},A,r)'$ as the collection of unknown parameters and $\tilde\theta = (\sigma_\varepsilon^{-2},\tilde\rho_\varepsilon, \sigma^{-2}{11}, \sigma^{-2}{2|1}, \tilde\kappa_{11}, \tilde\kappa_{2|1},A,\tilde{r})'$ as the transformed parameters we actually sample from. Recall from @CressieZammit2015 that $\rho_\varepsilon = 2\Phi(\tilde\rho_\varepsilon) - 1$, $r = \exp(\tilde{r})$ and $\kappa_i = \exp(\tilde\kappa_i)$. Then

\begin{align} p(\Yvec | \Zvec, \tilde\theta) &\propto p(\Zvec | \Yvec,\tilde\thetab)p(\Yvec| \tilde\thetab) \ p(\sigma_\varepsilon^{-2} | \Yvec,\Zvec, \tilde\theta^{/\sigma_\varepsilon^{-2} }) &\propto p(\Zvec | \Yvec,\tilde\thetab)p(\sigma_\varepsilon^{-2})\ p(\tilde\rho_\varepsilon | \Yvec,\Zvec, \tilde\theta^{/\tilde\rho_\varepsilon }) &\propto p(\Zvec | \Yvec,\tilde\thetab)p(\tilde\rho_\varepsilon )\ p(\sigma^{-2}{11} | \Yvec,\Zvec, \tilde\theta^{/\sigma^{-2}{11}}) &\propto p(\Yvec_1 | \tilde\thetab)p(\sigma^{-2}{11})\ p(\sigma^{-2}{2|1} | \Yvec,\Zvec, \tilde\theta^{/\sigma^{-2}{2|1}}) &\propto p(\Yvec_2 | \Yvec_1, \tilde\thetab)p(\sigma^{-2}{2|1})\ p(\tilde\kappa_{11} | \Yvec,\Zvec, \tilde\theta^{/\tilde\kappa_{11}}) &\propto p(\Yvec_1 | \tilde\thetab)p(\tilde\kappa_{11})\ p(\tilde\kappa_{2|1} | \Yvec,\Zvec, \tilde\theta^{/\tilde\kappa_{2|1}}) &\propto p(\Yvec_2 | \Yvec_1, \tilde\thetab)p(\tilde\kappa_{2|1})\ p(A | \Yvec,\Zvec, \tilde\theta^{/A}) &\propto p(\Yvec_2 | \Yvec_1, \tilde\thetab)p(A)\ p(\Deltab,\tilde r | \Yvec,\Zvec, \tilde\theta^{/(\Deltab,\tilde r)}) &\propto p(\Yvec_2 | \Yvec_1, \tilde\thetab)p(\Deltab)p(\tilde r) \end{align}

We do not discuss the algorithm below in detail, as it simply carries out the updates according to the conditional distributions listed above. However, there are a couple of points are worth mentioning:

I_m1 <- Imat(m1)
set.seed(1) ## Fix seed
for(i in 2:N) {
  ## Sample Y
  Qo_new <- prec0_samp[i-1]*Qo_base
  QY_new <- QY +  prec0_samp[i-1] * as(crossprod(chol_Qo_base %*% C),"matrix")
  R <- chol(QY_new)
  muY_new <- matrix(backsolve(R,backsolve(R,t(C) %*% Qo_new %*% Z,transpose=T)),ncol=1)
  Yi <- (muY_new + backsolve(R,rnorm(n = n)))[,1]

  Y1i <- Yi[1:n1]
  Y2i <- Yi[-(1:n1)]
  if (i %% thin == 0) {
     Y_samp[,Ycount] <- Yi
     Ycount <- Ycount + 1

  ### Observation model parameters

  ## Sample prec(epsilon)
  alpha0_new <- alpha0 - 1 + m/2
  beta0_new  <- beta0 + 0.5*crossprod(chol_Qo_base %*% (Z - C %*%Yi))
  prec0_samp[i] <- rgamma(n = 1,shape = alpha0_new,rate = as.numeric(beta0_new))

  ## Sample rho
  ZCY <- (Z - C %*%Yi)
  logf_a <- function(x) {
    a <- 2*(pnorm(x)) - 1
    Qo <- prec0_samp[i] * kronecker(solve(matrix(c(1,a,a,1),2,2)),I_m1)
    chol_Qo <- chol(Qo)
    as.numeric(0.5*(2 * sum(log(diag(chol_Qo)))) -
                 0.5*crossprod(chol_Qo %*% ZCY) -
                 0.5*(x - mu_rho_trans)^2*prec_rho_trans)

  rho_trans_samp[i] <-  slice_rho_trans(rho_trans_samp[i-1] , logf_a, learn = i <= burn_in)
  Qo_base <- kronecker(solve(matrix(c(1,2*pnorm(rho_trans_samp[i]) - 1,
                                      2*pnorm(rho_trans_samp[i]) - 1,1),2,2)),I_m1)
  chol_Qo_base <- chol(Qo_base)

  ### Precision parameters

  ## Sample precision(Y1)
  Q11base <- makeQ(r = Dvec,var = 1, kappa = exp(log_kappa1_samp[1,i-1]))
  alpha1_new <- alpha1 - 1 + n1/2
  beta1_new  <- beta1 + 0.5*(t(Y1i) %*% Q11base %*% Y1i)[,1]
  prec1_samp[i] <- rgamma(n = 1,shape = alpha1_new,rate = beta1_new)

  ## Sample precision(Y2)
  Q2_1base <- makeQ(r = Dvec, var=1,kappa= exp(log_kappa2_samp[1,i-1]))
  alpha2_new <- alpha2 - 1 + n2/2
  YB <- Y2i - A_samp[i-1]*B %*% Y1i
  beta2_new  <- beta2 + 0.5*(t(YB) %*% Q2_1base %*% YB)[,1]
  prec2_samp[i] <- rgamma(n = 1,shape = alpha2_new,rate = beta2_new)  

  ### Interaction parameters

  ## Sample A
  if(model %in% c(2:4,6:8)) {
    Q2_1 <- prec2_samp[i]*Q2_1base
    Y1_sub <- B %*% Y1i
    precA_new <- t(Y1_sub) %*% Q2_1 %*% Y1_sub + prec_A
    muA_new <- solve(precA_new,t(Y1_sub) %*% Q2_1 %*% Y2i + prec_A*mu_A)
    A_samp[i] <- as.numeric(muA_new + solve(chol(precA_new),rnorm(n = 1)))

  ## Sample delta,r
  if(model %in% c(3,7)) {
    Q2_1 <- prec2_samp[i]*Q2_1base
    logf_B <- function(x) {
      BB <- bisquare_B(h1_double,h2_double,
                       n1 = n1,n2=n2,areas = areas)
      (-0.5*t(Y2i - A_samp[i]*BB %*% Y1i) %*% Q2_1 %*% (Y2i - A_samp[i]*BB %*% Y1i) -
       0.5*(x[1] - mu_delta1)^2*prec_delta1 -
       0.5*(x[2] - mu_delta2)^2*prec_delta2 -
       0.5*(x[3] - mu_log_r)^2*prec_log_r)[,1]

    all_samp <-  slice_bisquare(c(d1_samp[i-1],d2_samp[i-1],log_r_samp[i-1]) , 
                                       logf_B, learn = i <= burn_in)

    d1_samp[i] <- all_samp[1]
    d2_samp[i] <- all_samp[2]
    log_r_samp[i] <- all_samp[3]
    B <- bisquare_B(h1_double,h2_double,
                    n1 = n1,n2=n2,areas = areas)

  if(model %in% c(4,8)) {
    Q2_1 <- prec2_samp[i]*Q2_1base
    logf_B <- function(x) {
      BB <- bisquare_B(h1_double,h2_double,
                       n1 = n1,n2=n2,areas = areas)
      (-0.5*t(Y2i - A_samp[i]*BB %*% Y1i) %*% Q2_1 %*% (Y2i - A_samp[i]*BB %*% Y1i) -
       0.5*(x[1] - mu_log_r)^2*prec_log_r)[,1]

    log_r_samp[i] <-  slice_logr(log_r_samp[i-1],logf_B, learn = i <= burn_in)
    B <- bisquare_B(h1_double,h2_double,
                    delta=c(0,0),r = log_r_samp[i],
                    n1 = n1,n2=n2,areas = areas)

  ### Scale parameters

  ## Sample scale1
  logf_k1 <- function(x) {
    SY <- makeS(r = Dvec, var = 1/prec1_samp[i], kappa = exp(x))
    R <- chol(SY)
    (-0.5*logdet(R) -
       0.5*crossprod(forwardsolve(t(R),Y1i)) -
       0.5*(x[1] - mu_log_kappa1)^2*prec_log_kappa1)[,1]
  log_kappa1_samp[1,i] <- slice_log_kappa1(log_kappa1_samp[1,(i-1)] , 
                                        logf_k1, learn = i <= burn_in)

  ## Sample scale2
  YB <- Y2i - A_samp[i]*B %*% Y1i
  logf_k2 <- function(x) {
    SY <- makeS(r = Dvec, var = 1/prec2_samp[i], kappa = exp(x))
    R <- chol(SY)
    (-0.5*logdet(R) -
       0.5*crossprod(forwardsolve(t(R),YB)) -
       0.5*(x - mu_log_kappa2)^2*prec_log_kappa2)[,1]
  log_kappa2_samp[1,i] <- slice_log_kappa1(log_kappa2_samp[1,(i-1)] , 
                                        logf_k2, learn = i <= burn_in)

  ### Form prevision matrix from updated parameters
  QY <- makeQY(r = Dvec,

  ### Compute deviance
  Deviance_samp[i] <- 
      as.numeric(-2*( -0.5*m*log(2*pi) + 
      0.5*logdet(L = sqrt(prec0_samp[i])*chol_Qo_base) - 
      0.5*prec0_samp[i] * t(ZCY) %*% Qo_base %*% ZCY))

  if(!(i%%1)) cat(paste0("Iteration ",i),sep="\n")


Computing the DIC

The discrepancy between data and model can be be assessed using the \emph{deviance} \begin{equation} D(\Zvec,\Yvec,\thetab) \equiv -2 \log p(\Zvec\mid \Yvec,\thetab). \end{equation} Since the deviance is a function of the unknowns $\Yvec$ and $\thetab$ we use the average deviance from the posterior realisations of $(\Yvec, \thetab)$
\begin{equation} \widehat D(\Zvec) \equiv \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^N D(\Zvec,\Yvec^{(i)},\thetab^{(i)}). \end{equation} where $N$ is the number of samples.
The average deviance alone is not sufficient when comparing across models with differing complexities. In deviance-based strategies, a penalty for model complexity $p_D$ is obtained by computing the difference between $\widehat D(\Zvec)$ and the deviance at the posterior means of $\Yvec,\thetab$, $D(\Zvec; \widehat \Yvec, \widehat \thetab)$. Then the \emph{Deviance Information Criterion} (DIC) is simply the addition of the average deviance and the penalty [@Spiegelhalter_2002]. This results in the following formula:
\begin{equation} DIC \equiv 2\widehat D(\Zvec) - D(\Zvec; \widehat\Yvec,\widehat\thetab). \end{equation}
We find the mean deviance and the DIC from the samples as follows.

MCMC_sub <- seq(burn_in,N,by=thin)
Qo_base <- kronecker(solve(matrix(c(1,2*pnorm(mean(rho_trans_samp[MCMC_sub]))-1,
Deviance_mean <- as.numeric(-2*( -0.5*m*log(2*pi) + 
                           0.5*logdet(L = chol(mean(prec0_samp[MCMC_sub])*Qo_base)) - 
                           0.5*crossprod(chol(mean(prec0_samp[MCMC_sub])*Qo_base) %*% 
                                               (Z - C %*%apply(Y_samp,1,mean)))))
DIC <- 2*mean(Deviance_samp[MCMC_sub]) - Deviance_mean

Obviously, with such few samples the results are not of much use. Instead, we saved the results using N=50000, burn_in = 1000 and thin =100 using the following piece of code

### Should only be run with path set as vignette source directory
if (long_analysis)

and now re-load these results using

if(!long_analysis) {
  load(system.file("extdata",paste0(model_name,".rda"), package = "bicon"))

If we wish to write out the results to a text file we can use the following code

if(write_results) {
  print_row <- function(x) {
    fline <- paste0(round(median(x[MCMC_sub]),digits=2)," [",
                    round(quantile(x[MCMC_sub],c(0.25)),digits=2),", ",

               paste0(round(mean(Deviance_samp[MCMC_sub]) - Deviance_mean,digits=2)),


As in the other vignette (simulation example of Section 3.2), we only briefly describe the code used to plot the results. The first plot shows the domain of interest around the state of Colorado. The shapefile required is available in the extdata folder of the package and is accessible through

shapefile_path <- system.file("extdata", "cb_2013_us_state_5m.shp", package = "bicon")
States <- maptools::readShapeSpatial(shapefile_path)

We now extract these data into a data frame, and add coordinates for the labels in a data frame State_summaries. We then find the convex hull of our triangulation (domain boundary) using chull.

States_fort <- fortify(States) %>% mutate( id= as.numeric(id))
State_names <- data.frame(Name = States$NAME, id = 0:(length(States$NAME)-1))

States_fort <- left_join(States_fort,State_names)
State_summaries <- group_by(States_fort,Name) %>%
  summarise(long = mean(long), lat = mean(lat))
State_summaries[4,c("long","lat")] <- c(-112,35.22)
State_summaries[46,c("long","lat")] <- c(-101.09198,  43.80577)
State_summaries[32,c("long","lat")] <- c(-118.75965,  37.96324)
State_summaries[31,c("long","lat")] <- c(-99.79460,  41.49899)
State_summaries[20,c("long","lat")] <- c(-99.10218,  38.75878)
State_summaries[35,c("long","lat")] <- c(-105.71772,  34.71201)
State_summaries[40,c("long","lat")] <- c(-97.32183,  35.72782)

conv_hull <- Mesh[c("x","y")][chull(Mesh[c("x","y")]),] 
conv_hull <- rbind(conv_hull,conv_hull[1,])

We can now plot the domain of interest overlaying the state boundaries.

Stateplot <- LinePlotTheme() + 
  geom_path(data=States_fort,aes(long,lat,group=group,label=Name),linetype="dotted") +
  geom_text(data=State_summaries,aes(long,lat,label=Name)) +
  coord_fixed(,xlim=c(-115,-95),ylim=c(33,45)) + 
  geom_path(data=conv_hull,aes(x,y),size=1,,colour="black") +
  theme(plot.margin = grid::unit(c(2, 2, 2, 2),units="mm")) + xlab("lon")
           filename = file.path(img_path,"Stateplot.eps"),

The following code plots the triangulation together with the observation locations.

meshplot <- function(g,include_obs=1L) {
  p <- plot(Mesh,g=g,plot_dots=F)
  p <- p + 
    xlab('lon') + ylab('lat') + 
    coord_fixed(xlim=c(-110,-101.5),ylim=c(36.5,41.5)) +
    geom_path(data=States_fort,aes(long,lat,group=group,label=Name),linetype="dotted") +
  if(include_obs) p <- p + geom_point(data = temps,aes(lon,lat),size=3)
Colorado_Mesh  <- meshplot(LinePlotTheme())
           filename = file.path(img_path,"meshplot.eps"),

To combine the figures into a single panel we use

g <- arrangeGrob(Stateplot,Colorado_Mesh,ncol=2)
if(print_figs) ggsave(g, 
                      filename = file.path(img_path,"Fig2.eps"),

Next, we plot the estimated fields together with some major cities in the state of Colorado. For the cities, we need the shapefile ci08au12.shp, also available in extdata. This can be loaded and subsetted using:

shapefile_path <- system.file("extdata", "ci08au12.shp", package = "bicon")
Cities <- maptools::readShapeSpatial(shapefile_path) %>%
          as.data.frame() %>% 
          subset(STATE == "COLORADO" &

Now we do some pre-processing and print the required plots

Cities$NAME <- as.character(Cities$NAME)
Cities$n <- sapply(Cities$NAME,nchar)
Cities[which(Cities$NAME == "COLORADO SPRINGS"),]$NAME <- "COL. SPRINGS"
Denver <- subset(Cities,NAME == "DENVER")

mesh_cities <- function(g,pt_size=3,txt_size=6) {
  g + geom_point(data=Cities,aes(LON,LAT),size=pt_size,shape=17,colour="black") +


Mesh["Y1"] <- apply(Y_samp,1,mean)[1:n1]
Mesh["Y2"] <- apply(Y_samp,1,mean)[-(1:n1)]
Mesh["diffY"] <- Mesh["Y2"] - Mesh["Y1"]

Y1plot <- plot_interp(Mesh,"Y1",ds=200,min=-7.9,max=7.9,leg_title="Y1 (degC)",reverse=T) %>% 
  meshplot(include_obs=0L) %>%

Y1plot2 <- LinePlotTheme() %>% ## BW version
  meshplot(include_obs=0L) %>% 
  mesh_cities(pt_size=6,txt_size=10) +
  scale_size_continuous((name="Y2 (deg C)")) +
  scale_shape_manual(values = c(19,1),guide=F) + xlab("") +
  theme(text = element_text(size = 35))

Y2plot <- plot_interp(Mesh,"Y2",ds=200,min=-7.9,max=7.9,leg_title="Y2 (degC)",reverse=T) %>% 
  meshplot(include_obs=0L)  %>%

Y2plot2 <- LinePlotTheme() %>%   ## BW version
  meshplot(include_obs=0L) %>% 
  mesh_cities(pt_size=6,txt_size=10) +
  scale_size_continuous(name="Y2 (deg C)") +
  scale_shape_manual(values = c(19,1),guide=F) + xlab("") +
  theme(text = element_text(size = 35))

if(print_figs) {
    ggsave(Y1plot %>% 
           mesh_cities(pt_size=6,txt_size=10) + xlab(""),
           filename = file.path(img_path,"Y1est.png"),width=13,height=7)
    ggsave(Y2plot %>% 
           mesh_cities(pt_size=6,txt_size=10) ,
           filename = file.path(img_path,"Y2est.png"),width=13,height=7)
knitr::opts_chunk$set(dev = 'pdf')
if(show_figs) print(Y1plot %>% 
                        theme(text = element_text(size = 15)) + 
if(show_figs)   print(Y2plot %>% 
                          mesh_cities(pt_size=6,txt_size=6) + 
                          theme(text = element_text(size = 15)) + 
if(model==3) {

  ## Kernel plots
  dh = 0.04
  d1_samp_prior <- rnorm(mu_delta1,sd=1/sqrt(prec_delta1),n=length(MCMC_sub))
  d2_samp_prior <- rnorm(mu_delta1,sd=1/sqrt(prec_delta2),n=length(MCMC_sub))
  log_r_samp_prior <- rnorm(mu_log_r,sd=1/sqrt(prec_log_r),n=length(MCMC_sub))
  A_samp_prior <- rnorm(mu_A,sd=1/sqrt(prec_A),n = length(MCMC_sub))

  dir_vector <- subset(Cities,NAME %in% c("DENVER","FORT COLLINS")) %>%
                 select(LON,LAT) %>%
                 summarise(x = diff(LON),y=diff(LAT))
  abs_dv <- sqrt(sum(dir_vector^2))
  hplot_post <- hplot_prior <- outer(seq(0,3,by=dh),t(dir_vector))[,,1] %>%
                               data.frame() %>%
                               mutate(he = sqrt(x^2 + y^2))

  for(i in MCMC_sub[-1]) 
    hplot_post[,paste0("MCMC.",i)] <- bisquare_2d(hplot_post$x,
                                               delta = c(d1_samp[i],
                                               r = exp(log_r_samp[i]),
                                               A = A_samp[i])

  for(i in 1:length(MCMC_sub)) 
    hplot_prior[,paste0("MCMC.",i)] <-  bisquare_2d(hplot_prior$x,
                                                 delta = c(d1_samp_prior[i],
                                                 r = exp(log_r_samp_prior[i]),
                                                 A = A_samp_prior[i])

  process_h <- function(h) {
    select(h,-x,-y) %>%
      gather(MCMC,z,-he) %>%
      group_by(he) %>%
      summarise(lq = quantile(z,0.25), 
                mq = quantile(z,0.5), 
                uq = quantile(z,0.75))  

  hpost <- process_h(hplot_post)
  hprior <- process_h(hplot_prior)

  plot_h <- function(g,h,col="red",al=0.9) {
    g + geom_ribbon(data=h,aes(x = he, ymin = lq, ymax = uq),
                    fill=col,alpha=al) +
      geom_line(data=h,aes(x=he,y=lq),linetype=2,size=2) +
      geom_line(data=h,aes(x=he,y=mq),linetype=1,size=2) +
  g <- plot_h(LinePlotTheme(),hprior,col="light grey",al=1) %>%
  plot_h(hpost,col="black",al=0.5) + 
    ylim(-0.15,0.4) + 
    ylab(expression(paste(b[o],"(h",bold(e),")",sep = "")))+ 
    xlab("h") +
    coord_fixed(xlim=c(0,2.43),ratio = 5,ylim = c(-0.15,0.4)) +
    geom_line(data= data.frame(x = c(0,0,abs_dv,abs_dv),
              aes(x,y,group=group),size=4) +
          panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = NA))
  gshow <- g + geom_text(data=data.frame(x=c(0.13,abs_dv+0.13),
  g <- g + geom_text(data=data.frame(x=c(0.13,abs_dv+0.13),

  if (print_figs) ggsave(g,filename=file.path(img_path,"Denver_FortCollins_vector.png"))
  if (show_figs) print(gshow) 

  g_all <- arrangeGrob(arrangeGrob(Y1plot,Y2plot,ncol=1),g + 
                         theme(text = element_text(size = 50)),ncol=2)
  if (print_figs) {
      cairo_ps(filename = file.path(img_path,"Fig3.eps"),
  g_all <- arrangeGrob(arrangeGrob(Y1plot2,Y2plot2,ncol=1),g + 
                             theme(text = element_text(size = 50)),ncol=2)
  if (print_figs){
      cairo_ps(filename = file.path(img_path,"Fig3BW.eps"),



andrewzm/bicon documentation built on May 10, 2019, 11:15 a.m.