This package helps to perform SQL queries in 2 different clinical datawarehouses: i2b2 and Dr.Warehouse. It contains 2 generic functions that allow to perform any SQL query as well as more specific queries allowing to query specific information. For example, the function get_patients will return demographic information from a patient cohort.

It as been tested only on MacOSX and Linux systems. As it uses the library parallel for parallel processing, it should not work on Windows.


We will assume here that you have already configured the tools needed for the connection to the database. The package can handle Oracle and Postgres back-ends.

Install from github

if(!require(devtools)) install.packages('devtools')

Config file

The first thing to do to use this package is to create a text file containing the information for the connection to the database. Here is a description of this file:

An example for Oracle:



Load the package:


First, you need to get your config information:

config <- getConfig('<NAME_OF_YOUR_CONFIG_FILE>')

Generic queries

Then, using the oracleQuery function (please use this function even if you are using Postgres), you can write a test query:

query <- "SELECT count(PATIENT_NUM) FROM DWH_PATIENT" # set the query
res <- oracleQuery(query = query, config = config) # run the query
res # print the results 

Specific queries

You can also use pre-configured queries using specific functions.


This function allows you to get the list of cohorts saved by a user:

cohorts_list <- get_cohorts_list(username = <USERNAME>, only_num = FALSE, config = config) 


get_patients extracts the demographic information for a cohort of patients

get_patients(num = <COHORT_NUM>, num_type = 'cohorte', config = config)


Using get_data lets you extract ICD codes or laboratory test results for a selected cohort.

get_data(num = <COHORT_NUM>,      # cohort or patient set
         num_type = 'cohorte',    # type of num (i.e. 'cohorte' or 'num_temp')
         data_type = 'bio_num',   # type of data to extract (i.e. 'bio_num' or 'cim10')
         ICD_prefix = 'CIM10',    # prefix for ICD codes concepts
         BIO_prefix = 'LOINC',    # prefix for labtest results 
         config = NULL)           # config object

aneuraz/DWHtools2 documentation built on Sept. 6, 2019, 8:11 p.m.