
Defines functions createComposeLookup batchDecompose

Documented in batchDecompose createComposeLookup

#' Creates a set of lookups for SNOMED composition
#' Creates composition lookup table for a set of SNOMED CT concepts

#' @param conceptIds SNOMED CT concept IDs for creating decompositions
#' @param CDB concept database environment, containing a table called
#' @param SNOMED environment containing a SNOMED dictionary
#' @param output_filename filename of output file 
#' @return TRUE if successful 
#' @export
#' @seealso [decompose()]
#' @examples
#' # Not run
#' mylookup <- createComposeLookup(D)
batchDecompose <- function(conceptIds, CDB, output_filename,
	SNOMED = getSNOMED(), ...){
	conceptIds <- as.SNOMEDconcept(conceptIds, SNOMED = SNOMED)
	started <- FALSE
	for (i in seq_along(conceptIds)){
		D <- NULL
		try(D <- decompose(conceptIds[i], CDB = CDB, SNOMED = SNOMED, ...))
		if (is.null(D)){
			message('Error in analysing concept ', conceptIds[i], '(',
				description(conceptIds[i])$term[1], ')')
		} else {
			fwrite(D, output_filename, append = started)
			started <- TRUE

#' Creates a set of lookups for SNOMED composition
#' Creates composition lookup table for a set of SNOMED CT concepts

#' @param decompositions filename of decompose output (read by fread) or
#'   data.frame containing outputs of decompose function
#' @param CDB concept database environment, containing a table called
#' @param ... other arguments to pass to fread
#' @return data.table 
#' @export
#' @seealso [decompose()]
#' @examples
#' # Not run
#' mylookup <- createComposeLookup(D)
createComposeLookup <- function(decompositions, CDB, ...){
	sct_concept_colnames <- c('rootId', 'with', 'due_to',
		'after', 'without', 'body_site', 'severity', 'stage',
		'laterality', 'origId')
	if (is.character(decompositions)){
		D <- fread(decompositions,
			colClasses = list(character = c(sct_concept_colnames,
				'other_conceptId')), ...)
	} else {
		D <- copy(as.data.table(D))
	for (i in sct_concept_colnames){
		D[, .temp := as.SNOMEDconcept(bit64::as.integer64(D[[i]]),
		D[.temp == 0, .temp := NA]
		# explicit conversion using bit64::as.integer64 is to ensure
		# that missing values and '' are handled correctly
		D[, (i) := NULL]
		setnames(D, '.temp', i)
	# Remove rows with outstanding text
	D <- D[!(other_conceptId %like% '[[:alpha:]]')]
	D[, other_conceptId := gsub('^ +| +$', '', other_conceptId)]
	# Separate due to findings; due to anything else is other_attr
	D[!(due_to %in% CDB$FINDINGS$conceptId) & !is.na(due_to),
		other_conceptId := paste(due_to, other_conceptId)]
	D[!(due_to %in% CDB$FINDINGS$conceptId) & !is.na(due_to),
		due_to := NA_integer64_]
	# Combine 'due_to' and 'after' because very few SNOMED CT concepts
	# have both with different concepts in each. If due_to and after
	# are different concepts, do not use this decomposition as it is
	# too complex for this algorithm
	D <- D[is.na(due_to) | is.na(after) | after == due_to]
	D[is.na(due_to) & !is.na(after), due_to := after]
	# Add body site, severity, stage to other_conceptId
	D[!is.na(body_site), other_conceptId := paste(body_site, other_conceptId)]
	D[!is.na(severity), other_conceptId := paste(severity, other_conceptId)]
	D[!is.na(stage), other_conceptId := paste(stage, other_conceptId)]
	D[!is.na(laterality), other_conceptId := paste(laterality, other_conceptId)]
	# Prepend root conceptId so that it is accessible when sorting
	# attributes by frequency 
	D[, other_conceptId := paste(rootId, other_conceptId)]
	D[, other_conceptId := strsplit(other_conceptId, ' ')]
	# Create a frequency table of other_attr per rootId
	FREQ <- D[, .(.temp = unlist(other_conceptId)), by = rootId]
	FREQ[, attrId := as.SNOMEDconcept(.temp, SNOMED = SNOMED)]
	FREQ <- FREQ[, .(freq = .N), by = .(attrId, rootId)][order(rootId, freq)]
	FREQ <- FREQ[!attrId == rootId]
	# Sort by ascending order of frequency
	D[, attrId := lapply(other_conceptId, function(x){
			if (length(x) <= 1){
				as.SNOMEDconcept(bit64::integer64(0), SNOMED = SNOMED)
			} else {
				x <- unique(as.SNOMEDconcept(x, SNOMED = SNOMED))
				FREQ[rootId == x[1]][(data.table(attrId = x[2:length(x)])),
					on = 'attrId'][order(freq)]$attrId
	# Split into separate columns for fast matching
	maxcol <- max(sapply(D$attrId, length))
	for (i in 1:maxcol){
		# extract attribute Ids via as.character to avoid incorrect
		# conversion to numeric
		D[, .temp := sapply(attrId, function(x){
			ifelse(i > length(x), NA_character_, as.character(x[i]))
		D[, .temp2 := as.SNOMEDconcept(bit64::as.integer64(.temp),
		setnames(D, '.temp2', paste0('attr_', i))
		D[, .temp := NULL]
	cols_to_keep <- c('rootId', 'with', 'due_to', 'without',
		paste0('attr_', 1:maxcol), 'origId')
	D <- D[, ..cols_to_keep]
	setorderv(D, cols_to_keep)
	setkeyv(D, cols_to_keep)
	for (i in cols_to_keep) setindex(D, i)
anoopshah/Rdiagnosislist documentation built on Sept. 25, 2024, 12:20 p.m.