  collapse = TRUE, eval=TRUE,
  comment = "#>"
library(dplyr, quietly = TRUE)
cap_files <- c('ZA4529_v3-0-1.sav', 'ZA5688_v6-0-0.sav')

We are going to create a harmonized dataset from two Cultural Access & Participation datasets, which each contain harmonized surveys from a 2007 and 2013. We will further harmonize them into a single, longitudional file.

To replicate this example, you must acquire these files from GESIS after accepting their terms of use. The retroharmonize project is not affiliated with GESIS.

This vignette article shows you how to replicate our dataset. The results can be found and referenced as: * Daniel Antal. (2022). Harmonized Cultural Access & Participation Dataset for Music (Version 20220002) [Data set]. Zenodo.

## This is a dummy path. You should use the path where you saved these files.
gesis_dir <- file.path("C:", "your_data", "gesis_files")
source(retroharmonize::here("not_included", "daniel_env.R"))
## Create full paths to the three selected files
cap_files <- retroharmonize::here(gesis_dir, c('ZA4529_v3-0-1.sav', 'ZA5688_v6-0-0.sav'))

In this example, we will create the following harmonized variables in a single harmonized data table:

The Eurobarometer master questionnaire is made in English and French, however, these working documents are not asked from respondents. For example, in Ireland, a localized English version is used, and in France, a localized French questionnaire is presented to the respondents. Simple questionnaire items are not changed---the ones we will use in this case are the same on the basic and Irish questionnaire. In non-English and non-French speaking regions local translations as are asked.

The coding of the survey items are the same in all subsamples. The SPSS files follows the labelling of the Basic questionnaire, in some cases, with typos, and missing up English and French spelling. The not-normalized labelling makes working with several files challenging.

Import and Inventory

It is likely that the surveys will fit into your computer's memory, so you can omit the first step. If you work with many files, and you want to keep working sequentially with survey files, it is a good idea to convert them to R objects.

cap_surveys <- read_surveys(cap_files)
survey_doc <- document_surveys(survey_list = cap_surveys)

The files are rather large. We have sum(document_cap_files$nrow) of sum(document_cap_files$ncol) variables. We will only harmonize a few of them.

Concepts to harmonize

cap_metadata <- metadata_create(survey_list = cap_surveys)
cap_metadata %>%

Harmonization of Variables

We will harmonize weight, socio-demography and cultural access variables.


From the metadata description, we select the post-stratification weight variables and projection weights. The wex(tra) variables are projection weights, the others' are weights. Unfortunately, they are not uniformly named in different 'waves' of the Eurobarometer survey SPSS files.

weight_variables <- cap_metadata %>% 
  filter ( 
    var_name_orig %in% c("isocntry", "wex", "wextra", "v47", "v7", "w1") |   var_label_orig %in% c("w_1_weight_result_from_target", 
                          "w_3_weight_special_germany",                                            "weight_result_from_traget_united_germany",                              "w_4_weight_special_united_kingdom",                                     "weight_result_from_traget_united_kingdom")

A schema crosswalk is a table that shows equivalent elements (or "fields") in more than one structured data source. With crosswalk_table_create() we first create an empty schema crosswalk, then we fill up the empty schema with values. Researchers who feel more comfortable working in a spreadsheet application can create a similar crosswalk table in Excel, Numbers, or OpenOffice, and import the data from a csv or any tabular file.

## See
weigthing_crosswalk_table <- crosswalk_table_create(
  ## Create an empty schema crosswalk for the weight variables 
  ) %>%
  mutate ( 
    # Define the new, harmonized variable names
    var_name_target = case_when (
      # grepl("weight_result_from_target", .data$val_label_target)  ~ "w1",  [this is the issue]
      var_name_orig  %in% c("wex", "wextra", "v47")        ~ 'wex',
      var_name_orig  %in% c("w1", "v8")                    ~ "w1",
      var_name_orig %in% c("w3a", "v12")                   ~ "w_de",
      var_name_orig %in% c("w4a", "v10")                   ~ "w_uk",
      var_name_orig == "rowid"  ~ 'rowid',  # do not forget to keep the unique row IDs
      TRUE ~ "geo"), 
    # Define the target R class for working with these variables.
    class_target = ifelse(var_name_target %in% c("geo", "v47"), 
                          yes = "factor", 
                          no  = "numeric")
    ) %>%
  select ( 
    -all_of(c("val_numeric_orig", "val_numeric_target", "val_label_orig", "val_label_target"))

The crosswalk table contains the original (source) variable names that must be converted to the target variable names, i.e. v7 and isocntry to geo and v47, wextra to wex. The weights should remain numeric variables, and the geo variable should be a categorical factor variable.


For the variable geo the appropriate post-stratification weight is the w1 variable.

The Eurobarometer surveys contain separate samples for the former West Germany (DE-W), East Germany (DE-E), Northern Ireland (GB-NIR), and Great Britain, i.e. England, Scotland and Wales (GB-GBN). For the two German subsamples, it is w_de, and for the two United Kingdom subsamples it is the w_uk. We create two new variables, the country_code and w. When the two UK and the two German samples are joined, the appropriate post-stratification weight is w.

weight_vars <- crosswalk(survey_list = cap_surveys, 
                         crosswalk_table =  weigthing_crosswalk_table, 
                         na_values = NULL)
weight_vars %>% sample_n(6)

You must use the w1 weights when you work with the geo variable---when you work with the separate subsamples for GB-GBN, GB-NIR, DE-E and DE-W. In a unified dataset, however, we must create an appropriate weight common weight. We create the appropriate weight variable w to be used with ISO country codes, i.e. GB and DE.

weight_vars <- weight_vars %>%
  mutate (country_code = substr(geo, 1,2),
          w = case_when ( 
            country_code == "DE" ~  w_de,  # Unified Germany post-stratification weight
            country_code == "GB" ~  w_uk,  # UK = Great Britain + Northern Ireland 
            TRUE ~ w1 )) %>%
  mutate (year_survey = case_when(
    id == "ZA4529_v3-0-1" ~ '2007',
    id == "ZA5688_v6-0-0" ~ '2013'
  )) %>%
  mutate (year_survey = as.factor(.data$year_survey))

Beware that the country codes for the United Kingdom and for Greece follow the ISO standard, i.e. GB and GR, not the Eurostat country codes UK and EL.

weight_vars <- weight_vars %>% 
  select ( all_of(c("rowid", "country_code", "geo", 
                    "w", "w1", "wex", "id")) ) 
weight_vars %>% sample_n(6)


We will use two important demography variables: the age of the respondent, and the age of school leaving of the respondent. This latter, age_education variable is an important, ex ante harmonized variable in Eurobarometer. Because each European country has different education systems, furthermore, because education systems are not the same across different demographic groups (for example, people schooled before the World War II often went to very different schools), a more precise education level would require a very complicated mapping with education-specific knowledge.

The age_education variable has three specially coded values: 1. the value for Declined answers, which should be coded in a numeric representation to the special NA value or R;

  1. An integer outside of the scope of the the valid range of responses that means the person is Still studying. We will recode the still studying answers to 0, and later we will further recode them to the current age of the person. We will also mark this special group as students---in their case, the age_education has a different meaning from people who already finished their education. A 17 year-old respondent in Europe is likely to study further; a middle aged person who replied with 17 has a low education level according to the current norms. In this case, a student’s response of 17 is not the same as the middle aged person’s;

  2. And at last, the special value No formal education means that the person did not finish the primary school. Different countries define differently the minimum mandatory age when a person can leave the school system. We code these answers to 14, which is lower than the lowest age in our sample (15). This is also a special group, so we will mark them with a dummy variable, too.

demography_crosstable <- cap_metadata %>%
  filter ( .data$var_name_orig == "rowid" | 
           .data$var_label_orig %in% c("age_exact", "age_education")) %>%
  crosswalk_table_create() %>%
  mutate ( var_name_target = case_when(
    # Do not leave out the unique row identifiers!
    .data$var_name_orig == "rowid" ~ "rowid", 
    TRUE ~ .data$var_label_orig 
  )) %>%
  mutate ( na_label_target = case_when(
    .data$na_label_orig %in% c("DK", "Refusal") ~ "Declined",
    TRUE ~ .data$na_label_target
  )) %>%
  mutate ( val_numeric_target = case_when(
    .data$val_label_orig == "No full-time education" ~ 14,
    .data$val_label_orig == "Still studying"         ~ 0,
    TRUE ~ .data$val_numeric_target
  )) %>%
  mutate ( na_numeric_target = case_when (
    .data$na_label_target == "Declined" ~ 99999,
    TRUE ~ NA_real_
  )) %>%
  mutate ( class_target = case_when (
    .data$var_name_target == "rowid" ~ 'character', 
    TRUE ~ "numeric"
demography_crosstable %>% sample_n(5)
demography_vars <- crosswalk(survey_list     = cap_surveys, 
                             crosswalk_table =  demography_crosstable, 
                             na_values = NULL) %>%
  mutate ( is_student    = ifelse ( .data$age_education == 0, 1, 0), 
           age_education = ifelse (.data$age_education ==0, 

Now we have three variables including the is_student dummy:


You can test yourself if people with age_educaton=20 are a homogeneous group, or they should be treated as a still studying group who have already been educated up to 20 years, and a group who had already left education at the age of 20. If the two groups are homogeneous, then you will no longer need to use the is_student variable.

demography_vars %>% sample_n(6) 

Cultural Access & Participation Variables

The survey items that we are interested in are in the questionnaire block QB1 (in the 2013 questionnaire.)

Our variables of interest are visiting frequencies to concerts and public libraries. In the Eurobarometer CAP surveys, the answers have

  1. Never in the last twelve months or None will be coded as 0 visits, and their factor label will be harmonized to never. In this case, the questionnaire reveals that whilst this was an ex ante harmonized question, the answers were not consistently labelled in the three files. We can safely bring these responses to the same value
  2. 1-2 times will be coded to the programatically easier to use 1_2_times, and it will get a numeric value of 1.5. Later, we will try to establish a better numeric value, now it is important that all responses labelled as 1-2 times should have the same numeric code.
  3. 3-5 times will be coded to the numeric value of 3.5 and 3_5_times.
  4. More than 5 times will be more_than_5 and have the numeric value of 6.
  5. The special case of DK will be coded as declined (to answer) and the Inap... labels to inap. These are special codes in Eurobarometer meaning that the item is inappropriate, i.e. due to some filtering, this particular question was not asked from the respondent. While respondents who consciously decline an answer usually form a rather homogenous category of their own, the inappropriate answers are truly missing answers. Their numeric representation will be both NA (f.e. they should be omitted from a numeric average.)

For code readability, we show the following data pipeline in sections, but you could of course create this code in a single expression---or create the resulting table in a spreadsheet application, if you are not aiming for full reproducibility in your research.

  1. Let's create a search term for the metadata inventory:
search_term_labels <- c("rowid|cultural_activities_public_library|artistic_activities_sung|cultural_activities_concert|cultural_activities_freq_concert|artistic_activities_played_music_instr|artistic_activities_played_music_instrument
  1. Create an empty schema crosswalk table:
cap_vars_crosstable <- cap_metadata %>%
  filter ( .data$var_name_orig == "rowid" | 
             grepl(search_term_labels, .data$var_label_orig) ) %>%
  crosswalk_table_create ()

cap_vars_crosstable %>%

The following steps can be made in a spreadsheet application, too, here we fill out the table programatically:

  1. Set the target variable names for the harmonization of the variables (columns) of the final, tidy, unified dataset.
cap_vars_crosstable <- cap_vars_crosstable %>%
  mutate ( var_name_target = case_when(
    .data$var_name_orig == "rowid" ~ "rowid", 
    grepl("concert", .data$var_label_orig)       ~ "visit_concert", 
    grepl("sung", .data$var_label_orig)          ~ "activity_sung", 
    grepl("played_music", .data$var_label_orig)  ~ "activity_played_music", 
    TRUE ~ .data$var_label_orig 
  1. Define the special (missing value) labels. It is important to convert any data with such labels as the R special NA_real_ value when you give a numeric representation to your data:
cap_vars_crosstable <- cap_vars_crosstable %>%
  mutate ( na_label_target = case_when(
    .data$na_label_orig %in% c("DK", "Refusal") ~ "declined",
    grepl("^Inap", .data$na_label_orig)         ~ "inap",
    .data$val_label_orig == "DK"                ~ "declined",
    TRUE ~ .data$na_label_target
  )) %>% 
  mutate ( na_numeric_target = case_when (
    .data$na_label_target == "declined" ~ 99999,
    .data$na_label_target == "inap"     ~ 99998,
    TRUE ~ NA_real_
  1. Define the labels in the normal value range. These will be the factor levels in a categorical representation of your data:
cap_vars_crosstable <- cap_vars_crosstable %>%
  mutate ( val_label_target = case_when (
    tolower(.data$val_label_orig) == "mentioned"             ~ "mentioned",
    tolower(.data$val_label_orig) == "not mentioned"         ~ "not_mentioned",
    tolower(.data$val_label_orig) == "1-2 times"             ~ "1_2_times", 
    tolower(.data$val_label_orig) == "3-5 times"             ~ "3_5_times",
    grepl("^more", tolower(.data$val_label_orig))            ~ "more_than_5", 
    grepl("never|^not\\s\\in|none", tolower(.data$val_label_orig))  ~ "never",
    !$na_label_target) ~  .data$na_label_target,
    # do not forget the rowid, it should not be labelled
    .data$var_name_target == "rowid" ~ NA_character_,
    TRUE ~ "coding_error"   # If this appears in your scheme crosswalk table, you have a problem.
  1. Define the numeric representation of your labels. These will be the factor levels in a numeric representation of your data:
cap_vars_crosstable <- cap_vars_crosstable %>%
  mutate ( val_numeric_target = case_when (
    .data$val_label_target == "never"         ~ 0,
    .data$val_label_target == "1_2_times"     ~ 1.5,
    .data$val_label_target == "3_5_times"     ~ 3.5,
    .data$val_label_target == "more_than_5"   ~ 6,
    .data$val_label_target == "mentioned"     ~ 1,
    .data$val_label_target == "not_mentioned" ~ 0,
    TRUE ~ .data$na_numeric_target

At last, we create two versions of the crosswalk table.

One will rename the visit_concert variable to fct_visit, and give them the categorical representation. The crosswalk() function will use the retroharmonize as_factor method instead of base R's as.factor to properly treat missing values.

cap_vars_crosstable_fct <- cap_vars_crosstable %>%
  mutate ( var_name_target = ifelse(
           test = grepl("^visit|^artistic|^cultural|^activity", .data$var_name_target), 
           yes  = paste0("fct_", .data$var_name_target), 
           no   = .data$var_name_target), 
           class_target = ifelse(
             test  = .data$var_name_target == 'rowid', 
             yes = "character", # the rowid remains a character
             no  = "factor" )

cap_vars_fct <- crosswalk(
  crosswalk_table = cap_vars_crosstable_fct,  
  survey_list = cap_surveys)

cap_vars_fct %>% sample_n(6)

The other will give these variable a numeric representation. The crosswalk() function will use the retroharmonize as_numeric method instead of base R's as.numeric to avoid unexpected coercion in the case of labelled missing cases.

cap_vars_crosstable_num <- cap_vars_crosstable %>%
   mutate( class_target = ifelse(
      test  = .data$var_name_target == 'rowid', 
      yes = "character",  # the rowid remains a character
      no = "numeric" )

cap_vars_num <- crosswalk(
  crosswalk_table = cap_vars_crosstable_num,  
  survey_list = cap_surveys)

cap_vars_crosstable_num %>% sample_n(6)

Join the harmonized CAP dataset

Using dplyr::left_join we join together by the survey id and the observation rowid the categorical and numeric representations of the CAP surveys, then add the demography variables, then add the weights.

harmonized_cap_file <- cap_vars_fct %>% 
  left_join ( cap_vars_num,    by = c("id", "rowid") ) %>%
  left_join ( demography_vars, by = c("id", "rowid") ) %>%
  left_join ( weight_vars,     by = c("id", "rowid") )

Unit testing and corrections

The following simple logical tests should give an indication if our results are as expected.


The average post-stratification weight must be 1 for w and w1. The wex variable has no naturally defined mean value.

weight_vars %>%
  group_by ( .data$id ) %>%
  mutate ( across(starts_with("w"), function(x) ifelse(x==0, NA, x))) %>% 
  dplyr::summarise( across(starts_with('w'), mean, na.rm=TRUE))

The post-stratification weights have a very small deviation from zero. Use these values when you calculate weighted averages. The projection weight should be used when you calculate sums.

Missing labels

All concert visits labelled as declined and inap must be coded to a numeric NA value. Furthermore, there must not be other NA values than cases in the ZA6925_v1-0-0 survey, where this question was not asked. For consistency, these observations should be also coded as inap in the factor representation. We use dplyr for the final data wrangling, but of course, you can do this in DT or base R if you prefer.

harmonized_cap_file %>% 
  select ( starts_with(c("id", "fct", "visit")) ) %>%
  filter ($visit_concert) ) %>%

Create a visiting binary variable

We create is_visit_concert, which takes the value of 1 if the person visited at least one concert in the previous 12 months, and 0 otherwise, retaining the missing values from declined answers.

harmonized_cap_file <- harmonized_cap_file %>%
  mutate ( is_visit_concert = ifelse(.data$visit_concert > 1, 1, .data$visit_concert)) 

And checking if it is indeed smaller than the original (estimated) visiting frequency value.

harmonized_cap_file %>% 
  group_by ( .data$id) %>%
  dplyr::summarise ( across(starts_with("visit"),     mean, na.rm=TRUE), 
                     across(starts_with("is_visit"),  mean, na.rm=TRUE), 
                     .groups = "keep")


You can find this harmonized dataset on Zenodo in the Digital Music Observatory and the Cultural Creative Sectors Industries Data Observatory repositories. It was exported with the following code:

saveRDS(harmonized_cap_file,  file.path(tempdir(), "harmonized_cap_dataset.rds"))
          file.path(tempdir(), "harmonized_cap_file_20220603_doi_10_5281_zenodo_6611645.csv"), 
          row.names = FALSE)

antaldaniel/retroharmonize documentation built on Dec. 11, 2023, 10:49 p.m.