knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)


Package fars - Analyse some data from US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's Fatality Analysis Reporting System (NHTSF)

Table of Contents


The "fars" package is used to evaluate the reported accidents in the United States of America.

The following functions of the "fars" package are supported:

There are further information in the vignette of the package fars and in the man.

More information and the data files can be found on the website of the NHTSF:



  1. The following packages are used:

    • library(fars)
    • library(readr)
    • library(dplyr)
    • library(magrittr)
    • library(tidyr)
    • library(bindrcpp)
    • library(maps)
    • library(graphics)
  2. Download csv files from Website of NHTSF:

    The prerequisite for performing the evaluations is that the csv files ("accident_yyyy.csv.bz2") are downloaded with the accident data and are located in the current directory.



Any R user can install the package with just tree lines of code:

* install.packages("devtools")
* devtools::install_github("ap-wi/fars")
* library("fars")


There are three functions in the package fars supported:

* Reading a file using the function `fars_read(filename)`
* Provision of a data frame using `fars_summarize_years(years)`
* Creation of a plot using `fars_map_state(state.num, year)`

Travis badge

Fixed ap-wi/fars (master - comment 215cc33)

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Standard Readme follows the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct.


CC0 by cousera

ap-wi/fars documentation built on May 6, 2019, 4:37 p.m.