
Defines functions invert.custom

Documented in invert.custom

#' Bayesian inversion of a model
#' Performs an inversion of an arbitrary model using a modified 
#' Metropolis Hastings algorithm with block sampling. This may be slightly 
#' slower than the implementation in Fortran, but is much more customizable, as 
#' the model can be any R function.
#' @param observed Vector, matrix, or data frame (coerced to matrix) of 
#' observed values. For spectral data, wavelengths are rows and spectra are 
#' columns. Dimensions must align with the output of `model`.
#' @param invert.options R list object containing inversion settings. See details.
#' @param quiet Suppress progress bar and status messages. Default=FALSE
#' @param return.resume If `TRUE`, return results as list that includes current 
#' Jump distribution (useful for continuing an ongoing run) and acceptance 
#' rate. Default = `FALSE`.
#' @param runID Run-unique ID. Useful for parallel runs. Default=NULL
#' @details
#' `inversion.options` contains the following:
#' * `inits` -- Vector of initial values of model parameters to be inverted.
#' * `ngibbs` -- Number of MCMC iterations
#' * `prior.function` -- Function for use as prior.
#' Should take a vector of parameters as input and return a single value -- the 
#' sum of their log-densities -- as output.
#' * `param.mins` -- Vector of minimum values for inversion parameters
#' * `param.maxs` -- Vector of minimum values for inversion parameters
#' * `model` -- The model to be inverted.
#' This should be an R function that takes `params` and `runID` as input and 
#' returns one column of `observed` (nrows should be the same).
#' Constants should be implicitly included here.
#' * `adapt` -- Number of steps for adapting covariance matrix (i.e. adapt 
#' every 'n' steps). Default=100
#' * `adj_min` -- Minimum threshold for rescaling Jump standard deviation.
#' Default = 0.1.
#' * `target` -- Target acceptance rate. Default=0.234, based on recommendation 
#' for multivariate block sampling in Haario et al. 2001
#' * `do.lsq` -- Perform least squares optimization first (see `invert.lsq`), 
#' and use outputs to initialize Metropolis Hastings.
#' This may improve mixing time, but risks getting caught in a local minimum.
#' Default=FALSE
#' * `catch_error` -- If `TRUE` (default), wrap model in `tryCatch` to prevent sampling termination on model execution error.
#' @references 
#' * Haario, Heikki; Saksman, Eero; Tamminen, Johanna.  An adaptive Metropolis 
#' algorithm. Bernoulli 7 (2001), no. 2, 223--242. 
#' http://projecteuclid.org/euclid.bj/1080222083.
#' @export
invert.custom <- function(observed, invert.options,
                          quiet = FALSE,
                          return.resume = FALSE,
                          runID = NULL) {
  observed <- as.matrix(observed)
  nspec <- ncol(observed)
  nwl <- nrow(observed)
  n_obs <- nspec * nwl

  need_opts <- c("inits", "prior.function", "model")
  available_defaults <- c("param.mins", "param.maxs", "adapt",
                          "adj_min", "target", "do.lsq", "catch_error")

  have.invert.options <- names(invert.options)
  match_need <- need_opts %in% have.invert.options
  if (any(!match_need)) {
    error.msg <- paste("Missing the following invert.options:",
                             collapse=" "),
                       "Try modifying a default.invert.options() object",
                       sep = "\n")

  match_default <- available_defaults %in% have.invert.options
  if (any(!match_default)) {
    msg <- paste("Using the following default options:",
                       collapse=" "),
                 sep = "\n")

  # Unpack invert.options list and set defaults if missing
  model <- invert.options$model
  inits <- invert.options$inits
  npars <- length(inits)
  prior.function <- invert.options$prior.function
  ngibbs <- invert.options$ngibbs
  ngibbs <- ifelse(is.null(ngibbs), 10000, ngibbs)
  if (!is.null(invert.options$param.mins)) {
    param.mins <- invert.options$param.mins
  } else {
    param.mins <- rep(-Inf, npars)
  if (!is.null(invert.options$param.maxs)) {
    param.maxs <- invert.options$param.maxs
  } else {
    param.maxs <- rep(Inf, npars)
  adapt <- invert.options$adapt
  adapt <- ifelse(is.null(adapt), 100, adapt)
  adj_min <- invert.options$adj_min
  adj_min <- ifelse(is.null(adj_min), 0.1, adj_min)
  target <- invert.options$target
  target <- ifelse(is.null(target), 0.234, target)
  do.lsq <- invert.options$do.lsq
  do.lsq <- ifelse(is.null(do.lsq), FALSE, do.lsq)
  catch_error <- invert.options$catch_error
  catch_error <- ifelse(is.null(catch_error), TRUE, catch_error)

  # Check parameter validity
  if (npars != length(param.mins)) {
    stop(sprintf("Length mismatch between inits (%d) and param.mins (%d)", npars, length(param.mins)))
  if (npars != length(param.maxs)) {
    stop(sprintf("Length mismatch between inits (%d) and param.maxs (%d)", npars, length(param.maxs)))

  resume <- invert.options$resume
  init.Jump <- resume$jump
  init.ar <- resume$ar
  init_sigma <- resume$sigma
  if (is.null(init_sigma)) {
    init_sigma <- 0.5

  # If `model` doesn't have a runID argument (second argument), add it.
  model.args <- names(formals(model))
  if (length(model.args) != 2) {
    model <- function(params, runID = NULL) invert.options$model(params)

  # Set constants for inversion
  tau_0 <- 0.001
  init_jump_diag_factor <- 0.05

  # Set up inversion
  if (do.lsq) {
    fit <- invert.lsq(observed, inits, model, 
                      lower = param.mins, upper = param.maxs)
    inits <- fit$par
  if (!all(diag(init.Jump) > 0)) {
    warning("Passed init.Jump matrix with zero values on diagonals. ", 
            "Reverting to default initial Jump matrix")
    init.Jump <- NULL
  if (is.null(init.Jump)) {
    # Set initial standard deviation to small fraction of initial
    # values (absolute value because SD can't be negative)
    initsd <- abs(inits) * init_jump_diag_factor
    initsd[initsd == 0] <- 1e-5
    Jump <- diag(initsd)
  } else {
    Jump <- init.Jump
  if (!all(diag(Jump) > 0)) {
    stop("Negative or zero values in diagonal of Jump covariance matrix")

  # Set up result storage
  results <- matrix(NA, nrow = ngibbs, ncol = npars + 1)
  deviance_store <- numeric(ngibbs)
  n_eff_store <- numeric(ngibbs)

  # Assign parameter names, or use par1, par2, ... if unassigned
  if (!is.null(names(inits))) {
    cnames <- names(inits)
  } else {
    cnames <- sprintf("par%d", seq_along(inits))
  colnames(results) <- c(cnames, "residual")

  # Use acceptance rate from resumed run if passed
  if (is.null(init.ar)) {
    ar <- 0
  } else {
    ar <- init.ar

  if (!quiet) {
    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = ngibbs, style = 3)

  # Precalculate quantities for first inversion step
  sigma2 <- init_sigma ^ 2
  tau <- 1/sigma2
  PrevSpec <- tryCatch({
      model(inits, runID)
  }, error = function(e) {
      stop("Initial model execution hit an error")
  PrevError <- PrevSpec - observed
  PrevSS <- sum(PrevError * PrevError)
  PrevPrior <- prior.function(inits)
  n_eff <- neff(PrevError)
  logLL_term1 <- -0.5 * n_obs * log(sigma2 * n_obs/n_eff)
  Prev_logLL_term2 <- -0.5 * tau * n_eff/n_obs * PrevSS
  PrevLL <- logLL_term1 + Prev_logLL_term2

  # Sampling loop
  for (ng in seq_len(ngibbs)) {
    if (!quiet) { 
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, ng)
    if (ng %% adapt < 1) {
      if (ar < 2) {
        rescale <- diag(rep(adj_min, npars))
        Jump <- rescale %*% Jump %*% rescale
      } else {
        adj <- max(ar / adapt / target, adj_min)
        region <- seq(ng - adapt, ng - 1)
        stdev <- apply(results[region, 1:npars], 2, sd)
        rescale <- diag(stdev * adj)
        if (npars > 1) {
          cormat <- cor(results[region, 1:npars])
        } else {
          cormat <- matrix(1)
        if (any(is.na(cormat))) {
          cormat <- diag(rep(1, npars))
        stopifnot(all(diag(cormat) == 1))
        Jump <- rescale %*% cormat %*% rescale
      ar <- 0
    tvec <- MASS::mvrnorm(1, inits, Jump)
    samp <- TRUE

    # Check that all parameters are within bounds
    if (!all(tvec > param.mins & tvec < param.maxs)) {
      samp <- FALSE

    # Run model. Sample only if no error
    if (samp) {
      if (catch_error) {
        TrySpec <- try(model(tvec, runID))
          if (inherits(TrySpec, "try-error")) {
              warning("Model hit an error. Skipping to next iteration")
                samp <- FALSE
      } else {
        TrySpec <- model(tvec, runID)

    # Calculate prior and reject if infinite (value outside prior)
    if (samp) {
      TryPrior <- prior.function(tvec)
      if (!is.finite(TryPrior)) {
        samp <- FALSE

    # Metropolis sampling step if all conditions have been met
    if (samp) {
      TryError <- TrySpec - observed
      TrySS <- sum(TryError * TryError)
      Try_logLL_term2 <- -0.5 * tau * n_eff/n_obs * TrySS
      TryLL <- logLL_term1 + Try_logLL_term2
      TryPost <- TryLL + TryPrior
      Prev_logLL_term2 <- -0.5 * tau * n_eff/n_obs * PrevSS
      PrevLL <- logLL_term1 + Prev_logLL_term2
      PrevPost <- PrevLL + PrevPrior
      a <- exp(TryPost - PrevPost)
      if (is.na(a)) {
        a <- -1
      if (a > runif(1)) {
        inits <- tvec
        PrevError <- TryError
        PrevSS <- TrySS
        PrevPrior <- TryPrior
        n_eff <- neff(PrevError)
        logLL_scale <- n_eff/n_obs
        ar <- ar + 1
    results[ng, 1:npars] <- inits
    deviance_store[ng] <- -2 * PrevLL
    n_eff_store[ng] <- n_eff
    rp1 <- tau_0 + n_obs/2
    rp2 <- tau_0 + PrevSS/2
    tau <- rgamma(1, rp1, rp2)
    sigma2 <- 1/tau
    sigma <- sqrt(sigma2)
    results[ng, npars + 1] <- sigma
    logLL_term1 <- -0.5 * n_obs * log(sigma2 * n_obs/n_eff)
  if (!quiet) {
  out <- list(results = results,
              deviance = deviance_store,
              n_eff = n_eff_store)
  if (return.resume) {
    out <- append(out, list(resume = list(jump = Jump, 
                                          ar = ar,
                                          sigma = sigma)))
ashiklom/PEcAnRTM documentation built on March 7, 2020, 7:46 a.m.