
Defines functions read_qnt

Documented in read_qnt

#' compile quantitative data
#' @param wd directory path containing .qnt files
#' @param phase_list
#'   A path to a csv file containing columns indicating
#'   phase of each analysis and `TRUE` or `FALSE` to use it for quantifying.
#' @param conditions
#'   A path to a csv file which records analytical conditions of elements.
#'   The csv file must have following columns while others are discarded:
#'   `Oxide`, `Element`, `Bg+ [mm]`, `Bg- [mm]`, `Peak [sec]`, and `Bg [sec]`.
#'   `NULL` (default) retrieves analytical conditions from
#'   `elem.qnt`, `elint.qnt`, and `.cnd/elemw.cnd` / `Pos_0001/data001.cnd`.
#' @param saving 
#'   `TRUE` (defau;t) or `FALSE` to save phase list.
#' @importFrom data.table fwrite
#' @export
read_qnt <- function(
                     wd = dir(pattern = ("(.*_QNT|^\\.qnt)$"), all.files = TRUE)[1],
                     phase_list = NULL,
                     conditions = NULL,
                     saving = TRUE
) {

  cd <- getwd()

  if (is.character(phase_list)) {
    stop_if_phase_list_not_found(phase_list, cd)
    phase_list <- normalizePath(phase_list)

  if (is.character(conditions)) conditions <- normalizePath(conditions) # © 2018 JAMSTEC

  wd <- normalizePath(wd)

  # load .qnt files
  qnt <- c(
    "bgm", # background minus
    "bgp", # background plus
    "elem", # element (Oxide: SiO2)
    "elint", # element (Simple: Si)
    # 'krat', # k-ratio
    # 'kraw', # k-raw
    "mes", # measurement
    "net", # net intensity
    "pkint", # peak intensity (may missing)
    "peak", # peak counts
    # 'sigma', # standard deviation
    "stg", # stage
    "wt" # weight percentage
  ) %>>%
    (setNames(paste0(., ".qnt"), .)) %>>%
    `[`(file.exists(.)) %>>%
  elemw <- c(".cnd/elemw.cnd", "Pos_0001/data001.cnd")
  # extract elemental data
  elm <- if (is.null(conditions)) {
      elem = unlist(qnt$elem[1L, -c(1L, 2L)], use.names = FALSE),
      elint = unlist(qnt$elint[1L, -c(1L, 2L)], use.names = FALSE),
  } else {
    transmute( # © 2018 JAMSTEC
      fread(conditions), # © 2018 JAMSTEC
      elem = .data$Oxide, elint = .data$Element, # © 2018 JAMSTEC
      bgp_pos = .data$`Bg+ [mm]`, bgm_pos = .data$`Bg- [mm]`, # © 2018 JAMSTEC
      pk_t = .data$`Peak [sec]`, bg_t = .data$`Bg [sec]` # © 2018 JAMSTEC
    ) # © 2018 JAMSTEC


  cnd <- mutate(
    setNames(qnt$stg[, c(1L, 5L:7L, 10L)], c("id", "x", "y", "z", "comment")),
    beam = !!qnt$mes$V3,
    phase = str_replace_all(comment, c("[:blank:]{2,}" = " ", " $" = "", "^ " = "")),
    use = TRUE
  if (!is.null(phase_list)) {
    cnd <- left_join(
      select(cnd, -"phase", -"use"),
      phase_list %>>% 
        fread() %>>%
        rename_all(tolower) %>>%
        mutate(id = `if`(is.null(.$id), row_number(), .data$id)) %>>%
        select("id", "phase", "use"), 
      by = "id"

  # extract compositional data
  # bgm, bgp, pkint, bgint [cps/uA]
  cmp <- lapply(
    qnt[names(qnt) %in% c("bgm", "bgp", "net", "pkint", "wt")],
    # 1st and 2nd collumns are id and integeer, last column is sum
    function(x, nm) setNames(x[seq_along(nm) + 2L], nm), nm = elm$elem

  if (is.null(phase_list) && (!file.exists("phase_list0.csv")) && saving) {
      cbind(cnd[c("id", "phase")], use = TRUE),
      file.path(cd, "phase_list0.csv")
    message("phase_list0.csv is created in ", cd)

    list(elm = elm, cnd = cnd, cmp = cmp),
    dir_qnt = wd,
    class = c("qm_qnt", "list")


stop_if_phase_list_not_found <- function(phase_list, cd) {
  if (!file.exists(phase_list))
      "Not found: ", phase_list, "\n",
      "Specify phase_list parameter by an absolute path or",
      "a relative path from the current directory: ", cd
atusy/qntmap documentation built on April 11, 2021, 4:45 p.m.