knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE, warning=FALSE,  message=FALSE)

  NYC_HANES_raw <- loadQiimeData()
  NYC_HANES <- annotateFactors(NYC_HANES_raw)

metadata <- data.frame(sample_data(NYC_HANES))
nychanes_sas <- read.sas7bdat("")

nychanes_full <- annotateFullDataset(nychanes_sas)

a<- "A"


Table 1: Demographics & Descriptive Statistics

variablesToLook <- c("SPAGE", "AGEGRP5C", "GENDER","EDU4CAT","INC3C","DMQ_2","RACE","US_BORN",
                     "DMQ_7YEAR","A1C","GLUCOSE", "AGEGRP3C", "EDU3CAT",
                     "OHQ_3", "OHQ_5_3CAT","DBQ_10_3CAT")

table1_data <- rbind(transform(formatMetadata(NYC_HANES), dataset="Oral Microbiome Subsample"),
                     transform(formatMetadata(nychanes_full), dataset="Full NYC HANES Sample"))
names(table1_data) <- c(names(formatMetadata(NYC_HANES)), "dataset")

table1 <- CreateTableOne(vars=names(table1_data)[-which(names(table1_data)=="dataset")], strata="dataset",data=table1_data, includeNA = TRUE, test=FALSE)

table1 <- print(table1, smd=TRUE, printToggle=FALSE)

rownames(table1) <- rownames(prettytable_autoindent(vars = names(table1_data)[-which(names(table1_data)=="dataset")],data = table1_data, 
                         includeNA = TRUE))

rownames(table1)[1] <- "Total"
rownames(table1) <- gsub("NA", "<i>Missing</i>", rownames(table1))
rownames(table1)[2] <- "Age in years -- median [range]"
table1[2,1:2 ] <- c(paste0(median(table1_data$`Age (yrs)`[table1_data$dataset=="Oral Microbiome Subsample"]), " [", min(table1_data$`Age (yrs)`[table1_data$dataset=="Oral Microbiome Subsample"]),
                      " to ", max(table1_data$`Age (yrs)`[table1_data$dataset=="Oral Microbiome Subsample"]), "]"),
                 paste0(median(table1_data$`Age (yrs)`[table1_data$dataset=="Full NYC HANES Sample"],na.rm=TRUE), " [", 
                        min(table1_data$`Age (yrs)`[table1_data$dataset=="Full NYC HANES Sample"],na.rm=TRUE),
                      " to ", max(table1_data$`Age (yrs)`[table1_data$dataset=="Full NYC HANES Sample"],na.rm=TRUE), "]"))

knitr::kable(table1, format="markdown", caption="Table 1. Sample demographics and oral health behavioral characteristics.")

prc <- function(x, g) {
  z<-round(prop.table(table(table1_data[,x]))[g] * 100, 1); names(z)=NULL; return(z)

t1tx <- c(nhw= prc("Race/ethnicity", "Non-Hispanic White") , 
               "nhb"=prc("Race/ethnicity", "Non-Hispanic Black"),
               "lt30"=prc("Annual family income","Less Than $30,000"), 
               "gt60"=prc("Annual family income","$60,000 or more"), 
               "hsd"=prc("Educational achievement","Less than High school diploma"), 
               "cd"=prc("Educational achievement","College graduate or more"),
               "us"=prc("Place of birth","US, PR and Territories"))
list_bars <- lapply(c("AGEGRP3C","EDU4CAT","INC3C","RACE","GENDER"),
       function(i) prop.table(table(metadata[[i]]))*100)

df_bar <- data.frame(value=unlist(list_bars), 
           variable=rep(c("Age group","Education","Family\nIncome","Race/ethnicity","Gender"), times=sapply(list_bars, length)),

df_bar$level <- factor(df_bar$level, levels = levels(df_bar$level)[c(11,1,2,3,4,5,14,15,6,10,16,12,9,17,7,8,13)])
df_bar$rounded <- paste0(round(df_bar$value),"%")

svg("table1_plot.svg", width=5.5, height=4)

df_bar %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=level, y=value, color=variable)) +
  geom_segment(aes(yend=0, xend=level), size=1.2) +
  geom_point(size=2) +
  theme_minimal() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=45,hjust=1,vjust=1),
        panel.spacing = unit(1, "lines"), legend.position = "none") +
  labs(x=NULL, y="Percent of sample") +
  geom_text(aes(label=rounded), nudge_y = 10, size=3) +
  facet_grid(.~variable, scales="free_x", space="free_x") + ggtitle("N = 296")

The present sample consists of 296 participants from NYC HANES on the basis of self-reported and serum-cotinine-confirmed tobacco use status. As such, the sample is demographically diverse with respect to age (median [range]: r table1[2,]), gender (r t1tx["fem"]% female), race/ethnicity (r t1tx["nhw"]% non-Hispanic White, r t1tx["nhb"]% non-Hispanic Black), annual family income (r t1tx["lt30"]% less than $30K, r t1tx["gt60"]% $60k or more), educational achievement (r t1tx["hsd"]% less than high school diploma, r t1tx["cd"]% college degree or greater), and birthplace (r t1tx["us"]% born in the U.S., Puerto Rico, or U.S. territories). See Table 1 for sample demographic and oral health characteristics.

Checking collinearity using Cramer's V

cramer_vars <- c('AGEGRP5C','GENDER','EDU4CAT','INC3C','DMQ_2','RACE','US_BORN','OHQ_3','OHQ_5_3CAT','SMOKER4CAT','DBQ_10_3CAT')
cramer_varlabs <-c("Age (5 cat)","Gender", "Education (4 cat)","Family Income (3 cat)",
                "Marital Status","Race/Ethnicity","US- vs. Foreign-Born","Gum Disease","Mouthwash Use",
                "Smoking Status (4 cat)","Sugar-sweetened beverages (3 cat)")
df_cramer <- nychanes_full[,cramer_vars]
names(df_cramer) <- cramer_varlabs

mtrx_cramersV <- abs(cramersV_matrix(data=df_cramer))

color_args <- list(name="Cramer's V",low = "blue", 
  high = "darkorange")

# Make a triangle
mtrx_cramersV[lower.tri(mtrx_cramersV)] <- NA
diag(mtrx_cramersV) <- NA
mtrx_cramersV <-

# Convert to a data frame, and add labels
df_cramer <-
df_cramer$var2 <- seq_along(rownames(df_cramer))

# Reshape to suit ggplot, remove NAs, and sort the labels
df_cramer <- na.omit(melt(df_cramer, 'var2','var1'))
df_cramer$var1 <- factor(df_cramer$var1, levels=rev(levels(df_cramer$var1)))

p1 <- ggplot(df_cramer, aes(x=var1, y=var2, fill=value)) +
    geom_tile() +, color_args) +
    scale_y_continuous(breaks=1:11, labels=rev(levels(df_cramer$var1))) +
    theme_minimal() +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, vjust=1, hjust = 1),
          legend.position = "none") +
    labs(x=NULL, y=NULL)

#create boxplot
mtrx_cramersV$var2 <- rownames(mtrx_cramersV)
data_boxplot <-  reshape2::melt(mtrx_cramersV, "var2") %>% na.omit %>%
  mutate(grp=NA, alph=-1*value + 1,
         Name = paste0(var2, "*", variable))
p2 <- ggplot(data_boxplot, aes(y=value, x=grp, col=value)) +
  stat_boxplot(geom="errorbar") +
  geom_boxplot(outlier.shape=NA) + 
  geom_jitter(size=2) +, color_args) +
  theme(axis.ticks = element_blank(), 
        axis.text = element_blank(), 
        axis.title = element_blank(),
        panel.background = element_blank(), 
        plot.margin = unit(c(0, 0.1, 4, 0.5), "cm")) 

gt1 <- ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(p1))
gt2 <- ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(p2))
gt <- gtable(widths = unit(c(5.5, 2.5), "null"), height = unit(8, "null"))

# Instert gt1, gt2 and gt3 into the new gtable
gt <- gtable_add_grob(gt, gt1, 1, 1)
gt <- gtable_add_grob(gt, gt2, 1, 2)

grid.rect(x = 0.5, y = 0.5, height = 0.995, width = 0.995, default.units = "npc", 
    gp = gpar(col="transparent", fill = NA, lwd = 1))

svg(filename="cramersv.svg", width=6, height=3.5)

    grid.rect(x = 0.5, y = 0.5, height = 0.995, width = 0.995, default.units = "npc", 
        gp = gpar(col="transparent", fill = NA, lwd = 1))

#high resolution jpg
jpeg(filename="cramersv.jpeg", width=600*const, height=350*const, res=300, pointsize = 1)

    grid.rect(x = 0.5, y = 0.5, height = 0.995, width = 0.995, default.units = "npc", 
        gp = gpar(col="transparent", fill = NA, lwd = 1))


phyla_colors1 <- sample( rainbow(n = 8,  start = 0.1, end = 1, s = .5, v=.7), size=8, replace=FALSE)
phyla_colors1 <- rev( phyla_colors1[c(2,1,3:8)] )
phyla_colors2 <- sample( rainbow(n = 8,  start = 0.1, end = 1, s = .7, v=.9), size=8, replace=FALSE)
phyla_colors2 <- rev( phyla_colors2[c(2,1,3:8)] )

phyla_colors <- c(rbind(phyla_colors1[c(1,3,5,7)], phyla_colors2[c(2,4,6,8)]))

g <- plot_abundance(NYC_HANES, PALETTE = phyla_colors, top_n = 8, prop="total")

g <- g + labs(x="└────────────── 296 Samples ───────────────┘", y="",title="") + scale_x_continuous(labels=NULL) + scale_y_continuous(labels=seq(0,100,25))

plot_abundance_by(NYC_HANES, brewerpal = "Set1", by="AGEGRP3C", type="bar")
plot_abundance_by(NYC_HANES, brewerpal = "Set1", by="RACE", type="bar")
plot_abundance_by(NYC_HANES, brewerpal = "Set1", by="INC3C", type="bar")
p <- plot_abundance(NYC_HANES, top_n = 8, PALETTE =  phyla_colors, taxrank="Genus", 
               prop_of = "total", type="area") 
p <- p + labs(x="", y="", title="") + scale_x_continuous(labels=NULL) + scale_y_continuous(labels=seq(0,100,25))
jpeg(filename = "plot_abundance.jpeg", width = 550*3, height = 700*3, pointsize = 2, res=300)
grid.arrange(p + theme(plot.margin=unit(c(1,0.95,-0.7,0.1), "cm"),
                      panel.grid = element_blank()), 
             g + theme(plot.margin=unit(c(-0.7,0.7,1,-0.1), "cm"),
                      panel.grid = element_blank()), nrow=2, left="Abundance (%)")

svg(filename = "plot_abundance.svg", width =8, height = 6)
grid.arrange(p + theme(plot.margin=unit(c(1,0.95,-0.7,0.1), "cm"),
                      panel.grid = element_blank()), 
             g + theme(plot.margin=unit(c(-0.7,0.7,1,-0.1), "cm"),
                      panel.grid = element_blank()), nrow=2, left="Abundance (%)")

Alpha diversity

df_alpha <- cbind(table1_data[table1_data$dataset=="Oral Microbiome Subsample",
                              -which(names(table1_data) %in% c("Years in United States", "Age (yrs)",
                                                               "Gum disease (self-reported)",     
                                                               "Mouthwash use (times per week)",  
                                                               "Smoking status",
                                                               "Sugar-sweetened beverages (per week)",
                                                               "dataset"))  ])

names(df_alpha)[c(3,4,7)] <- c("Educational \nachievement", "Family \nincome","Place of \nbirth")

#calculate p-values
df_alpha <- cbind(df_alpha, estimate_richness(NYC_HANES, measures = "Chao1")["Chao1"])

 alpha_p <- "\n(P=" %>% paste0(sapply(names(df_alpha), function(i) 
    kruskal.test(Chao1 ~ eval(, data=df_alpha)$p.value) %>% formatC(digits=2, format = "f")   ) %>%

 names(df_alpha)[-8] %<>% paste0(alpha_p)

plot_alpha <- plot_alpha_by(NYC_HANES, metadata=df_alpha[-8], notch=TRUE) 

svg(filename="plot_alpha.svg", width=12, height = 12*.6)


Kruskal Wallace p-values for Choa1 alpha diversity:

Chao1 alpha diversity regression adjustment by age and gender

measure.vars <- names(df_alpha)[-ncol(df_alpha)]

list_lm_models <- sapply(measure.vars, function(i) 
  lm(Chao1 ~ eval(`Age group`, data=df_alpha))

lapply(list_lm_models, function(i) anova(i)$`Pr(>F)`[1]) %>% unlist

Beta diversity

dist_bray <- distance(NYC_HANES, method = "bray")
dist_js <- distance(NYC_HANES, method="jsd")
dist_rjs <- sqrt(dist_js)
dist_wuni <- distance(NYC_HANES, method="wunifrac")
dist_uni <- distance(NYC_HANES, method="unifrac")


dist_perm <- dist_wuni

permanova_var_names <- c("AGEGRP5C","GENDER","EDU4CAT","INC3C","DMQ_2","RACE","US_BORN","smokingstatus")

df_permanova <- metadata[, permanova_var_names]
#creating an NA factor level for INC3C because permanova doesn't allow NAs
df_permanova$INC3C %<>% as.character
df_permanova$INC3C[$INC3C)] <- "NA"

list_permanovas <- list(
  `Age (5 cat)` = adonis2(dist_perm ~ AGEGRP5C, data=df_permanova),
  Gender = adonis2(dist_perm ~ GENDER, data=df_permanova),
  `Education (4 cat)` = adonis2(dist_perm ~ EDU4CAT, data=df_permanova),
  `Income (tertiles)` = adonis2(dist_perm ~ INC3C, data=df_permanova),
  `Marital Status` = adonis2(dist_perm ~ DMQ_2, data=df_permanova),
  `Race/ethnicity` = adonis2(dist_perm ~ RACE, data=df_permanova),
  `US-born` = adonis2(dist_perm ~ US_BORN, data=df_permanova),
  `Smoking status` = adonis2(dist_perm ~ smokingstatus, data=df_permanova)

SumOfSqs <- unlist(lapply(list_permanovas, function(i) i[["SumOfSqs"]][1]))
r_squared <- sapply(list_permanovas, function(i) 1 - (i$SumOfSqs[2]/sum(i$SumOfSqs)))
perm_results <- data.frame(
  F = unlist(lapply(list_permanovas, function(i) i[["F"]][1])),
  p_value = unlist(lapply(list_permanovas, function(i) i[["Pr(>F)"]][1]))

perm_results <- perm_results[names(sort(SumOfSqs, decreasing = TRUE)),]
knitr::kable( perm_results)

(PCoA on weighted UniFrac distances)

#calculate distances

dist_bray <- phyloseq::distance(NYC_HANES, method = "bray")
dist_js <- phyloseq::distance(NYC_HANES, method="jsd")
dist_rjs <- sqrt(dist_js)
dist_wuni <- phyloseq::distance(NYC_HANES, method="wunifrac")
dist_uni <- phyloseq::distance(NYC_HANES, method="unifrac")

#set the distance to use throughout
dist_use <- dist_wuni
ord_bray <- ordinate(NYC_HANES, method="PCoA", distance=dist_bray)
ord_wunifrac <- ordinate(NYC_HANES, method="PCoA", distance=dist_wuni)
ord <- ord_wunifrac

plot_ordination(NYC_HANES, ord, color="US_BORN") + 
  ggtitle(paste0("PCoA by Birthplace (p=", perm_results$p_value[7],")" )) + 
  theme(legend.position = "bottom") + 
  guides(color=guide_legend(nrow=2, title = NULL))
plot_ordination(NYC_HANES, ord, color="RACE")
plot_ordination(NYC_HANES, ord, color="AGEGRP5C") +
  ggtitle(paste0("PCoA by Age (p=", perm_results$p_value[2],")" )) + 
  theme(legend.position = "bottom") + 
  guides(color=guide_legend(nrow=2, title = NULL))
plot_ordination(NYC_HANES, ord, color="GENDER") + ggtitle("PCoA by Gender")
plot_ordination(NYC_HANES, ord, color="EDU4CAT") +
  ggtitle(paste0("PCoA by Education (p=", perm_results$p_value[4],")" )) + 
  theme(legend.position = "bottom") + 
  guides(color=guide_legend(nrow=2, title = NULL))
plot_ordination(NYC_HANES, ord, color="INC3C") + ggtitle("PCoA by Income")
plot_ordination(NYC_HANES, ord, color="DMQ_2") + ggtitle("PCoA by Marital Status")
plot_ordination(NYC_HANES, ord, color="DMQ_7YEAR") + ggtitle("PCoA by Years in US")
plot_ordination(NYC_HANES, ord, color="GLUCOSE") + ggtitle("PCoA by Glucose")
plot_ordination(NYC_HANES, ord, color="OHQ_3") + ggtitle("PCoA by Gum Disease")
plot_ordination(NYC_HANES, ord, color="OHQ_5_3CAT") + ggtitle("PCoA by Days Mouthwash Used")

Between vs. within group differences (boxplots)

pb <- plot_beta_by(pseq=NYC_HANES, vars = permanova_var_names, dist_mtrx = dist_perm)

pb <- pb+ theme(legend.title = element_blank(),
                strip.text.x = element_blank(),
                axis.text.x = element_text(angle=60,hjust=1,vjust=1),
                legend.position = "bottom") +
  scale_x_discrete(name=NULL, breaks=permanova_var_names,
                   labels=c("Age (5 cat)", "Gender","Education (4 cat)","Income (3 cat)",
                            "Marital Status","Race/ethnicity","Nativity","Smoking Status")) +
  scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set2", labels=c("Within group","Between groups")) +
  scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set2", guide="none") +
  labs(y="Weighted UniFrac Distance")


cairo_pdf(filename = "plot_beta.pdf",width = 5,height=5)


Hierarchical clustering dendrogram

clusters <- hclust(dist_use)
dend <- as.dendrogram(clusters) %>% color_branches(k=5)
circlize_dendrogram(dend, labels=FALSE, 
                    labels_track_height = NA,
                    dend_track_height = .8)

Cluster validation

ps_bray <- prediction.strength(dist_bray, Gmin = 2, Gmax = 10, clustermethod = pamkCBI)
ps_js <- prediction.strength(dist_js, Gmin = 2, Gmax = 10, clustermethod = pamkCBI)
ps_rjs <- prediction.strength(dist_rjs,Gmin = 2, Gmax = 10, clustermethod = pamkCBI)
ps_uni <- prediction.strength(dist_uni, Gmin = 2, Gmax = 10, clustermethod = pamkCBI)
ps_wuni <- prediction.strength(dist_wuni, Gmin=2, Gmax=10, clustermethod = pamkCBI)
list_ps <- list(ps_bray, ps_js, ps_rjs, ps_uni, ps_wuni)
ggPredStrength(list_ps, x.text=8,
               labs=c("Bray Curtis","Jensen-Shannon","root-Jensen Shannon","UniFrac","Weighted Unifrac")) +
  labs(y="Prediction Strength", x="Number of PAM clusters")

edgeR Differential Abundance

#plot curve of # of OTUs remaining against count required in 3 or more samples
z <- cbind(0:296, sapply(0:296, function(i) table(rowSums(otu_table(NYC_HANES) > i) > 2)["TRUE"]))
plot(z, type="l",xlab="Count required by 3 or more",  ylab="# of OTUs remaining")
abline(v=8, lty=3)

#checking how many OTUs get filtered out by the default criteria, 20% with more than 2 counts
otus <- as(otu_table(NYC_HANES), "matrix")
dge <- DGEList(counts = otus)
nMinimumHaveCount = 3
keep <- rowSums(dge$counts >= 8 ) >= nMinimumHaveCount
dge <- dge[keep, , FALSE] 

Tileplot - OTU

model_vars = c('GENDER','AGEGRP3C','EDU3CAT','INC3C','DMQ_2','RACE','US_BORN')
model_varlabs = c('Gender (5)','Age (52)','Education (14)','Family income (23)','Marital status (17)','Race/ethnicity (27)','US- vs. foreign-born (12)')

#Get a dataframe of toptags from all models
df_tile <- get_all_edgeR_models(model_vars, model_varlabs,

#Attach genus information
df_tile %<>% left_join(data.frame(OTU=rownames(tax_table(NYC_HANES)), Genus = tax_table(NYC_HANES)[,"Genus"]))

#Sort genus by decreasing number of appearances
df_tile$Genus <- factor(df_tile$Genus, levels=names(sort(table(df_tile$Genus), decreasing = TRUE)))

#create a translator dataframe for coefficient labels and left join it to the toptags dataframe
varnames <- c("GENDER","AGEGRP3C","EDU3CAT","INC3C","DMQ_2","RACE","US_BORN")
varlevels <- unlist(sapply(varnames, function(i) levels(factor(eval(, envir = metadata)))[-1]))
varlabs <- c("Gender","Age group (3 cat)","Education (3 cat)","Income (3 cat)","Marital Status","Race/ethnicity","U.S. vs. foreign-born")
times <- sapply(varnames, function(i) nlevels(factor(eval(, envir = metadata)))-1)
df_translate <- data.frame(coef=paste0(rep(varnames, times=times), varlevels),
                           coef_lab=paste(rep(varlabs, times=times),
                           stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
df_tile %<>% left_join(df_translate, by="coef")

df_tile$varlevel %<>% factor(levels = rev(levels(factor(df_tile$varlevel))[c(2,3,  15,7,  1,9,  12,8,4,13, 6,  10,11,14,16,5)]))
df_tile$variable %<>% as.factor()

plot_logfc <- df_tile %>% na.omit %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x=Genus, y=varlevel, fill=logFC)) +
    geom_tile(color="black") + theme_minimal() +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, vjust=1, hjust = 1), strip.placement = "outside",
          panel.spacing = unit(.5, "line")) +
    scale_fill_gradient2(low = "seagreen4", mid = "white", high = "purple3") +
    labs(y=NULL, x=NULL) +
    facet_grid(variable~., scale="free_y", space="free_y", switch = "y") + 
    theme(strip.text.y = element_text(angle=180, hjust=0), legend.position = c(-.4,-.2), legend.direction = "horizontal",
          legend.key.size = unit(.45, "cm"))


Tileplot - Oligotypes

```{bash generate tree}

f="/CM/projects/fbeghini_oralMicrobiome/NYDH_smoking_pilot_fastq/oligotyping/Neisseria_otus-sc29-s10-a8.0-A0-M100/ /CM/projects/fbeghini_oralMicrobiome/NYDH_smoking_pilot_fastq/oligotyping/Prevotella_otus-sc62-s10-a10.0-A0-M800/ /CM/projects/fbeghini_oralMicrobiome/NYDH_smoking_pilot_fastq/oligotyping/streptococcus_otus-sc80-s10-a5.0-A0-M1000/"

for x in $f; do

muscle -in $x/OLIGOS.fasta -out $x/OLIGOS.aln

FastTreeMP-2.1.9-SSE3 -nt < $x/OLIGOS.aln > $x/OLIGOS.tre



f <- c("Neisseria","Prevotella","Streptococcus")

phylo.otut <- list()

for (x in f) {
  otumap <- read.table(paste("../input/", x,"_MATRIX-COUNT.txt", sep = ""),  header = T,row.names = 1) %>% t
  taxmat <- matrix(sample(letters, 7*nrow(otumap), replace = TRUE), nrow = nrow(otumap), ncol = 7)
  rownames(taxmat) <- rownames(otumap)
  colnames(taxmat) <- c("Domain", "Phylum", "Class", "Order", "Family", "Genus", "Species")
  otu.tree <- read.tree(paste("../input/", x, "_OLIGOS.tre", sep = ""))

  phylo.otut[x] <- phyloseq(otu_table(otumap, taxa_are_rows = TRUE), tax_table(taxmat), phy_tree(otu.tree),sample_data(NYC_HANES)[colnames(otumap),]) 
  #%>% transform_sample_counts(function(x) x/sum(x))
#relevel education and income according to new levels in annotateFactors()
levels(sample_data(phylo.otut$Neisseria)$EDU3CAT) <- 
  levels(sample_data(phylo.otut$Prevotella)$EDU3CAT) <- 
  levels(sample_data(phylo.otut$Streptococcus)$EDU3CAT) <- levels(metadata$EDU3CAT)
levels(sample_data(phylo.otut$Neisseria)$INC3C) <- 
  levels(sample_data(phylo.otut$Prevotella)$INC3C) <- 
  levels(sample_data(phylo.otut$Streptococcus)$INC3C) <- levels(metadata$INC3C)

#get all models for each oligotype pseq
df_neisseria <- get_all_edgeR_models(vars=model_vars, varlabels = model_varlabs, pseq=phylo.otut$Neisseria)
df_prevotella <- get_all_edgeR_models(vars=model_vars, varlabels = model_varlabs, pseq=phylo.otut$Prevotella)
df_streptococcus <- get_all_edgeR_models(vars=model_vars, varlabels = model_varlabs, pseq=phylo.otut$Streptococcus)

#combine into one data.frame for plotting
df_oligotypes <- rbind(data.frame(df_neisseria, Genus="Neisseria"),
                       data.frame(df_prevotella, Genus="Prevotella"),
                       data.frame(df_streptococcus, Genus="Streptococcus"))
#attach coefficient level labels
df_oligotypes %<>% left_join(df_translate, by="coef")

plot_oligo <- df_oligotypes %>%
    ggplot(aes(x=OTU, y=coef_lab, fill=logFC)) +
    geom_tile(color="black") + theme_minimal() +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(), panel.spacing = unit(.75, "cm")) +
    scale_fill_gradient2(low = "seagreen4", mid = "white", high = "purple3") +
    labs(y=NULL, x="Oligotype")  +
    facet_grid(.~Genus,scales="free_x", space="free_x", drop=TRUE)

svg(filename = "plot_oligo.svg", width=9, height=3)
svg(filename = "plot_logfc.svg", height = 7.8, width=10)
grid.arrange(plot_logfc, plot_oligo, heights=c(4,3.3))

Table of strongest associations, and important genera, for each variable (by logFC)

df_tile$logFC %<>% as.numeric
df_strongest <- df_tile  %>% arrange(variable, desc(abs(logFC))) %>%
  group_by(variable) %>% 
  top_n(5, wt=logFC)  %>% 
  select(variable, varlevel, Genus, logFC, FDR) 

df_important_genera <- df_tile %>% 
  #filter(Genus %in% c("Fusobacterium","Porphyromonas","Pseudomonas","Prevotella","Lactobacillus","Lactococcus")) %>%
  group_by(variable) %>% arrange(variable, desc(abs(logFC))) %>% filter(!duplicated(Genus)) %>% select(variable, varlevel, Genus, logFC, FDR)
options(scipen = 999)
df_important_genera$FDR %<>% format.pval(eps = .0001, digits=1)
df_important_genera$logFC %<>% round(1)
df_important_genera %<>% mutate(abundance=ifelse(logFC>0, "greater","less") %>% factor(levels=c("greater","less")))
df_important_genera$result <- paste0(df_important_genera$Genus, " (logFC ", df_important_genera$logFC, ", FDR ", df_important_genera$FDR, ")")
df_important_genera %<>% select(-FDR,-Genus) %>% arrange(variable, abundance)
df_important_genera %<>% ungroup

#filtering by logFC >= 2
df_important_filter <- df_important_genera[df_important_genera$logFC >= 2, ]

make_sentence <- function(x) {
  sentence = x[1]
  if(length(x) > 1) {
    if(length(x) > 2) {
      for(i in 2:(length(x)-1)) {
        sentence <- paste0(sentence, ", ", x[i])
    sentence = paste0(sentence, ", and ", x[length(x)])

df_sentences <- df_important_filter %>% group_by(variable, varlevel, abundance) %>% summarize(sent = make_sentence(unique(result))) %>%
  mutate(sent = paste0(abundance, " abundance of ", sent))

genus_in_variable <- function(x, list_models)  {
  lst <- lapply(list_models, function(i) x %in%  unlist(lapply(i, function(k) ($Genus)))
  out <- names(lst[lst==TRUE])
  paste(out, collapse=", ")

genera_of_interest <- list("Lactobacillus","Prevotella","Porphyromonas", "Atopobium", "Pseudomonas", 
                        "Streptococcus", "Alloprevotella", "Fusobacterium", "Lactococcus", "Campylobacter")  

model_vars_list <- c(model_vars, "smokingstatus","OHQ_5_3CAT","DBQ_10_3CAT","OHQ_3")
model_varlabs_list <- c(model_varlabs, "smoking status","mouthwash use","sugar-sweetened beverages","gum disease")

list_models <- get_all_edgeR_models(vars=model_vars_list, varlabels=model_varlabs_list, = FALSE)
lst <- sapply(genera_of_interest, genus_in_variable, list_models)
names(lst) <- genera_of_interest
sig_otus <- function(toptags_list) {
  unique(unlist(lapply(toptags_list, function(i) rownames(i))))

all_variables_sig_OTUs <- c("all_variables" = length(unique(
    list_models, sig_otus)))))

by_variable_sig_OTUs <- unlist(lapply(list_models, function(i) 

c(all_variables_sig_OTUs, by_variable_sig_OTUs)

Text for results section

A total of r all_variables_sig_OTUs OTUs were significantly differentially abundant by any variable, including r by_variable_sig_OTUs["Age"] by age group, r by_variable_sig_OTUs["Race/ethnicity"] by race/ethnicity, r by_variable_sig_OTUs["Family income"] by family income, r by_variable_sig_OTUs["Marital Status"] by marital status, r by_variable_sig_OTUs["Education"] by education, r by_variable_sig_OTUs["US- vs. foreign-born"] by nativity, and r by_variable_sig_OTUs["Gender"] by gender. To contextualize effect sizes and number of significant taxa, we also looked at differential abundance by behavioral variables: mouthwash use showed r by_variable_sig_OTUs["mouthwash use"] OTUs differentially abundant, self-reported gum disease showed r by_variable_sig_OTUs["gum disease"], smoking status showed r by_variable_sig_OTUs["smoking status"], and sugar-sweetened beverage consumption showed r by_variable_sig_OTUs["sugar-sweetened beverages"].

Many of these OTUs were significant in more than one variable. The most frequent genera to be differentially abundant were Lactobacillus (all variables), Prevotella (r lst["Prevotella"]), Porphyromonas (r lst["Porphyromonas"]), Atopobium (r lst["Atopobium"]), Pseudomonas (r lst["Pseudomonas"]), Streptococcus (r lst["Streptococcus"]), Alloprevotella (r lst["Alloprevotella"]), Fusobacterium (r lst["Fusobacterium"]), Lactococcus (r lst["Lactococcus"]), and Campylobacter (r lst["Campylobacter"]).

We present data here for differential abundance comparisons where the log fold change was 2 or greater, representing a particularly strong association. Compared to individuals aged 20-34, individuals aged 65 and over displayed r df_sentences$sent[df_sentences$varlevel=="65 and over"]. Compared to individuals with a high school degree or less, those with some college or an associate's degree showed r df_sentences$sent[df_sentences$varlevel=="Some College or Associate's Degree"]. Individuals with annual family incomes between \$30,000 and \$60,000 had r df_sentences$sent[df_sentences$varlevel=="$30,000 - $60,000"], compared to those making less than \$30,000. Marital status showed a large number of strong associations: compared to being married, those living with a partner showed r df_sentences$sent[df_sentences$varlevel=="Living with partner"], those separated showed r df_sentences$sent[df_sentences$varlevel=="Separated"], and those who were widowed, r df_sentences$sent[df_sentences$varlevel=="Widowed"]. Compared to non-Hispanic whites, Asians had r df_sentences$sent[df_sentences$varlevel=="Asian"], and non-Hispanic Blacks had r df_sentences$sent[df_sentences$varlevel=="Non-Hispanic Black"].

## Tileplot for top 8 genera (for presentation)

edger_summary_plot(list_models, top_n_genera = 15) + 
  theme(axis.text = element_text(size=17), axis.title = element_text(size=19)) + 
  ggtitle("") +

Boxplots of crude vs. adjusted

vars <- c("GENDER","AGEGRP3C","EDU3CAT", "INC3C", "DMQ_2", "RACE", "US_BORN" )
varlabels <- c("Gender", "Age", "Education", "Family income", "Marital status", 
               "Race/ethnicity", "US- vs. foreign-born")

df_crude <- df_tile
df_crude_nofilter <- get_all_edgeR_models(vars=vars, varlabels=varlabels, alph=1)
df_ohq <- get_all_edgeR_models(vars=vars, varlabels = varlabels, adjusted_for="OHQ_5_3CAT", alph=1) %>% dplyr::rename(logFC_ohq = logFC)

df_smoke <- get_all_edgeR_models(vars=vars, varlabels = varlabels, adjusted_for="smokingstatus", alph=1) %>% dplyr::rename(logFC_smoke = logFC)

df_age_gender <- get_all_edgeR_models(vars=vars, varlabels = varlabels, adjusted_for=c("AGEGRP3C","GENDER"), alph=1) %>% dplyr::rename(logFC_age_gender = logFC)

df_sugar <- get_all_edgeR_models(vars=vars, varlabels = varlabels, adjusted_for=c("DBQ_10_3CAT"), alph=1) %>% dplyr::rename(logFC_sugar = logFC)
df_crude[,c(1,2,4)] %<>% lapply(as.character)
df_crude_nofilter[,c(1,2,4)] %<>% lapply(as.character)
df_ohq[,c(1,2,4)] %<>% lapply(as.character)
df_smoke[,c(1,2,4)] %<>% lapply(as.character)
df_age_gender[,c(1,2,4)] %<>% lapply(as.character)
df_sugar[,c(1,2,4)] %<>% lapply(as.character)

create_crude_vs_adjusted_boxplot_df <- function(df_crude) {
  df_crude %<>% inner_join(df_ohq, by=c("OTU","coef","variable")) %>%
    inner_join(df_smoke, by=c("OTU","coef","variable")) %>%
    inner_join(df_age_gender, by=c("OTU","coef","variable"))%>%
    inner_join(df_sugar, by=c("OTU","coef","variable"))

  df_crude[,grep("logFC", names(df_crude))] %<>% lapply(function(i) abs(as.numeric(i)))
  df_crude$smoke_diff <- (df_crude$logFC_smoke - df_crude$logFC) / df_crude$logFC
  df_crude$ohq_diff <- (df_crude$logFC_ohq - df_crude$logFC) / df_crude$logFC
  df_crude$agegender_diff <- (df_crude$logFC_age_gender - df_crude$logFC) / df_crude$logFC
  df_crude$sugar_diff <- (df_crude$logFC_sugar - df_crude$logFC) / df_crude$logFC

df_fdr <- create_crude_vs_adjusted_boxplot_df(df_crude)
df_nofdr <- create_crude_vs_adjusted_boxplot_df(df_crude_nofilter)

#for boxplot comparing absolute values (FDR)
df_fdr_melt <- melt(df_fdr, id.vars = "variable",measure.vars = c("logFC","logFC_ohq","logFC_smoke","logFC_age_gender","logFC_sugar"),
           = "logFC")
names(df_fdr_melt) <- c("variable", "logFC","value" )

dodge_amount = 1

figure5 <- ggplot(df_fdr_melt, aes(y=value, x=variable, fill=logFC)) +
  stat_boxplot(geom="errorbar", position=position_dodge(dodge_amount)) +
  geom_boxplot(outlier.shape=NA, alpha=.3, position=position_dodge(dodge_amount)) +
  geom_point(aes(color=logFC), size=.5, position=position_jitterdodge(jitter.width=.3, dodge.width = dodge_amount)) +
  scale_fill_discrete(labels=c("Crude","Adjusted for Mouthwash Use",
                               "Adjusted for Smoking","Adjusted for Age and Gender","Adjusted for Sugar-sweetened Beverage Consumption"), name="") +
  theme_minimal() +
  guides(fill=guide_legend(ncol=2)) +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=40,hjust=1,vjust=1), legend.position = "top", panel.spacing = unit(.6, "lines"),
        strip.text = element_blank()) +
  labs(y="Absolute Value of logFC", x=NULL) +
  facet_grid(.~variable, scales="free_x", space="free_x")

svg(filename = "plot_adjusted.svg", height=4.5, width=7)

Up/down table of each variable and Streptococcus, Lactobacillus, Lactococcus, Prevotella, Porphyromonas, Fusobacterium

df_table <- df_crude %>% mutate(direction=ifelse(as.numeric(logFC)>0, "Greater abundance in:","Lower abundance in:"))

commalist <- function(x) {
  sentence = x[1]
  if(length(x) > 1) {
    for(i in 2:(length(x))) {
      sentence <- paste0(sentence, "<br> ", x[i])

selected_genera = c("Streptococcus", "Lactobacillus", "Lactococcus", "Prevotella", "Porphyromonas", "Fusobacterium")

reference_groups = sapply(vars, function(i) levels(metadata[[i]])[1])
names(reference_groups) <- varlabels

df_table %>% filter(Genus %in% selected_genera) %>% group_by(Genus, direction) %>% summarize(lst = commalist(unique(as.character(coef_lab))) ) %>% reshape2::dcast(Genus ~ direction) %>% kable(format="markdown") %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "condensed")

tfooter = paste0("Reference groups for sociodemographic variables are as follows: ",
                 paste(paste0(names(reference_groups), ": ", reference_groups), collapse=", "))

edgeR Exploratory Analysis

Histograms of p-values


p_age <- edger_get_p(~AGEGRP5C)
p_gender  <- edger_get_p(~GENDER)
p_edu <- edger_get_p(~EDU4CAT)
p_inc <- edger_get_p(~INC3C) 
p_marit <- edger_get_p(~DMQ_2)
p_race <- edger_get_p(~RACE)
p_usborn <- edger_get_p(~US_BORN)

#create data frame of p-value, variable
var_list = list(p_age, p_gender, p_edu, p_inc, p_marit, p_race, p_usborn)
var_names <- c("AGEGRP5C","GENDER","EDU4CAT","INC3C","DMQ_2","RACE","US_BORN")
var_labels <-  c("Age group (5 cat.)","Gender", "Education (4 cat.)", 
                 "Income (tertiles)","Marital Status","Race","Birthplace")
df_p_hist <- data.frame(p = unlist(var_list), 
                        var_label = rep(var_labels, 
                                       times = unlist(lapply(var_list, length))),
                        var_name = rep(var_names, 
                                      times= unlist(lapply(var_list, length))))
n_bins <- 100
#get the count of p-values within each variable
df_p_hist %<>% group_by(var_name) %>% mutate(count = max(row_number())) %>% ungroup

df_p_hist %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = p, fill=var_label)) +
  geom_histogram(bins=n_bins) +
  #geom_histogram(aes(y=..count../sum(..count..)), bins=n_bins) +
  facet_wrap(~ var_label, scales="free_y",nrow=3) +
  geom_hline(aes(yintercept = count/n_bins)) +  
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = 10, angle = 90, hjust = 1),
        axis.text.y = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), 
        legend.position="none")  +
  labs(title = "Raw p-values", y="Relative frequency", x="Raw P-Value")

Heatmap of all OTUs against all sociodemographics

FDR_alpha <- 0.1

heatmap_vars <- variablesToLook[ which(!variablesToLook %in% c("SPAGE","DMQ_7YEAR","GLUCOSE","A1C"))]

ref_edger <- get_edgeR_results(~GENDER, coef=2, alph=999)$table
rowname_reference <- sample(rownames(ref_edger), size=nrow(ref_edger), replace=TRUE)

heatmap_matrix <-, lapply(heatmap_vars, function(VAR) {, lapply(2:length(levels(metadata[,VAR])), 
                        function(i) abs(get_edgeR_results(as.formula(paste("~", VAR)), 
                                                      alph=999)$table[rowname_reference, "logFC"])))
heatmap_matrix_is_sig <-, lapply(heatmap_vars, function(VAR) {, lapply(2:length(levels(metadata[,VAR])), 
                        function(i) abs(get_edgeR_results(as.formula(paste("~", VAR)), 
                                                      alph=999)$table[rowname_reference, "FDR"])))
heatmap_matrix_sig <- ifelse(heatmap_matrix_is_sig >= FDR_alpha, NA, heatmap_matrix)

rownames(heatmap_matrix) <- rowname_reference
colnames(heatmap_matrix) <- unlist(lapply(heatmap_vars, function(VAR) paste(VAR, levels(metadata[,VAR])[-1])))

#remove some NA factor levels by hand (ugh)
heatmap_matrix <- heatmap_matrix[,-which(colnames(heatmap_matrix) %in% c("OHQ_3 NA","US_BORN NA"))]

my_palette <- colorRampPalette(c("lightblue","yellow","darkorange"))(n = 20)
gplots::heatmap.2(t(heatmap_matrix), key.xlab="Abs(logFC)", trace="none", = "none", col=my_palette)

Analyzing contradictions between oligotyping and 16S OTUs.

ge = function(LOL) get_all_edgeR_models(model_vars, model_varlabs, = FALSE, pseq=phylo.otut[[LOL]])

list_models_neisseria <- ge("Neisseria")
list_models_strep <- ge("Streptococcus")
list_models_prevotella <- ge("Prevotella")

genera_otu <- lapply(list_models, function(i) lapply(i, function(j) as.character(j$table[["Genus"]])))
genera_otu <-, genera_otu)
names(genera_otu) <- rep(names(list_models), times=sapply(list_models, length))

prev_otu <- names(genera_otu)[sapply(genera_otu, function(i) "Prevotella" %in% i)]
strep_otu <-  names(genera_otu)[sapply(genera_otu, function(i) "Streptococcus" %in% i)]
neis_otu <- names(genera_otu)[sapply(genera_otu, function(i) "Neisseria" %in% i)]

prev_olig <- names(list_models_neisseria)
strep_olig <- names(list_models_strep)
neis_olig <- names(list_models_neisseria)

commaList <- function(x) {
  if(length(x)<2) res=x else  res=paste0(paste(x[-length(x)], collapse=", "), " and ", x[length(x)])

#things that showed up in oligotyping but not in OTU
prev_new_asc <-commaList(setdiff(prev_olig, prev_otu))
strep_new_asc <- commaList(setdiff(strep_olig, strep_otu))
neis_new_asc <- commaList(setdiff(neis_olig, neis_otu))

#things that disappeared in oligotying
prev_disp_asc <-commaList(setdiff(prev_otu,prev_olig))
strep_disp_asc <- commaList(setdiff(strep_otu,strep_olig))
neis_disp_asc <- commaList(setdiff(neis_otu, neis_olig))

Prevotella oligotypes revealed new associations for r prev_new_asc, Streptococcus showed associations for r strep_new_asc, and Neisseria, for r neis_new_asc.

Associations that were present in OTU analysis but disappeared in oligotyping were r prev_disp_asc in Prevotella and the only OTU association with Neisseria, r neis_disp_asc.

Attempts at dimension reduction on sociodemographics

permanova2 <- adonis2(dist_use ~ ., data=df_permanova)

calc_AIC <- function(permanova2, df=df_permanova) {
  k <- nrow(permanova2) -1
  RSS <- permanova2$SumOfSqs[k+1]
  n <- nrow(na.omit(df))
  AIC <- 2*k + n*(log( (2*pi) * (RSS/n)) + 1)

allFormulasMatrix <-, lapply(1:length(var_labels), function(i) c(TRUE, FALSE)) )
colnames(allFormulasMatrix) <- var_names
allFormulasList <- apply(allFormulasMatrix, 1, function(x) as.formula(
                       paste(c("dist_use ~ 1", var_names[x]),
                             collapse=" + ")) )

allModelsList <- lapply(allFormulasList, function(i) adonis2(i, data=df_permanova))

#get AIC from all models
allModelsAIC <- unlist(lapply(allModelsList, calc_AIC))
#select lowest AIC
bestModel <- allModelsList[[which.min(allModelsAIC)]]

Appendix 1: Abandoned attempts at sociodemographic dimension reduction

PCoA on Sociodemographic Variables

pca_vars <- c(variablesToLook[!variablesToLook %in% c("A1C","GLUCOSE","SPAGE","AGEGRP3C","EDU3CAT","DMQ_7YEAR")], "SMOKER4CAT")
df_pca <- nychanes_full[,pca_vars]
df_pca$`Age (5 cat)` <- df_pca$AGEGRP5C
df_pca$Gender <- df_pca$GENDER
df_pca$`Education (4 cat)` <- df_pca$EDU4CAT
df_pca$`Family Income (3 cat)` <- df_pca$INC3C
df_pca$`Marital Status` <- df_pca$DMQ_2
df_pca$`Race/Ethnicity` <- df_pca$RACE
df_pca$`US- vs. Foreign-Born` <- df_pca$US_BORN
df_pca$`Gum Disease` <- df_pca$OHQ_3
df_pca$`Mouthwash Use` <- df_pca$OHQ_5_3CAT
df_pca$`Smoking Status (4 cat)` <- factor(df_pca$SMOKER4CAT)

df_pca <- df_pca[,-which(names(df_pca) %in% pca_vars)]

mtrx_cramersV  <- 1 - abs(cramersV_matrix(data=df_pca))

pcoa <- ape::pcoa(mtrx_cramersV)
r2_smoke <- c(r2=list_permanovas$`Smoking status`$SumOfSqs[1] /                                                             sum(list_permanovas$`Smoking status`$SumOfSqs), p=list_permanovas$`Smoking status`$`Pr(>F)`[1])
r2_edu <- c(r2=list_permanovas$`Education (4 cat)`$SumOfSqs[1] /                                                             sum(list_permanovas$`Education (4 cat)`$SumOfSqs), p=list_permanovas$`Education (4 cat)`$`Pr(>F)`[1])
r2_age <- c(r2=list_permanovas$`Age (5 cat)`$SumOfSqs[1] /                                                             sum(list_permanovas$`Age (5 cat)`$SumOfSqs), p=list_permanovas$`Age (5 cat)`$`Pr(>F)`[1])

ord <- ordinate(NYC_HANES, method = "PCoA", distance="UniFrac")
pcoa_edu <- plot_ordination(NYC_HANES, ordination = ord, color="EDU3CAT")

ord <- NYC_HANES %>%
  subset_samples(smokingstatus %in% c("Cigarette","Never smoker")) %>%
  ordinate(method="PCoA", distance="wunifrac")

plot_ordination(NYC_HANES, ord, color="smokingstatus") + geom_point(shape=5) + stat_ellipse(type = "t", linetype = 2) + theme_bw() 

svg("pcoa_edu.svg", width=3.5, height=4.3)
plot_ordination(NYC_HANES, ord, color="EDU3CAT") + geom_point(shape=5) + stat_ellipse(type = "t", linetype = 2) + theme_bw() + theme(legend.position = "bottom") +guides(color=guide_legend(title="Education", ncol=1))

svg("pcoa_age.svg", width=3.5, height=4.3)
plot_ordination(NYC_HANES, ord, color="AGEGRP3C") + geom_point(shape=1) +  stat_ellipse(type = "t", linetype = 2) + theme_bw() + theme(legend.position = "bottom") +guides(color=guide_legend(title="Age group", ncol=1))

Hierarchical clustering on sociodemographic variables from full dataset

dist_mtrx <- as.dist(  1 - abs( cor(t(mtrx_cluster) ,  use="pairwise.complete.obs")))
socio_hclust <- hclust(dist_mtrx)
plot(as.dendrogram(socio_hclust) )

Describing the by sociodemographic clusters (currently has error)


# create cluster variable in full dataset
df_cluster$full_clust = factor(pam(dist_mtrx, k=2, cluster.only = TRUE), labels=paste("cluster",1:2))

# fit random forest model to predict the cluster
cluster_fit <-randomForest(full_clust ~ ., data=df_cluster)
  # first I have to remove NA factor levels in INC25KMOD & US_BORN
    metadata$US_BORN[metadata$US_BORN == "NA"] <- NA
    metadata$US_BORN %<>% droplevels
    metadata$INC25KMOD[metadata$INC25KMOD == "NA"] <- NA
    metadata$INC25KMOD %<>% droplevels

# predict the cluster on the subset
metadata$socio_cluster <-  factor(predict(cluster_fit, newdata=metadata[,clustervars], type="response"))

# and re-append the sample data
sample_data(NYC_HANES) <- metadata

# create a table of sociodemographic variables by cluster in the full dataset
tbl3 <- prettytable_autoindent(vars=clustervars,
                          data=df_cluster, nonnormal = "SPAGE", strata="full_clust")


Testing associations of each sociodemographic variable with 2 OTU clusters

metadata$bray_cluster <- cluster::pam(dist_bray, k=2, cluster.only = T)

tbl2 <- prettytable_autoindent(vars=variablesToLook, data=metadata, 
                          strata="bray_cluster", nspaces = 2,
                          nonnormal = c("SPAGE","DMQ_7YEAR"))
knitr::knit_print(knitr::kable(tbl2, align = "lrrrr"))

Association of sociodemographic clusters with OTU clusters

or <- epitools::oddsratio(metadata$bray_cluster, metadata$socio_cluster)


Clustering of variables (rather than samples)

clustervars <- c('AGEGRP5C','GENDER','EDU4CAT','INC3C','DMQ_2',
clusterlabs <- c('Age group (5c)',"Gender","Education (4c)","Income (3c)",
                 "Marital Status","Race/ethnicity","Foreign- vs. US-born",
                 "Gum disease","Mouthwash use")
df_cluster <- nychanes_full[,clustervars]
mtrx_cramersV  <- 1 - abs(cramersV_matrix(data=df_cluster))

tree <- hclustvar(X.quali = df_cluster)
#stab <- stability(tree)
p6 <- cutreevar(tree, k = 6)

df_cluster <- cbind(df_cluster, p6$scores)

unique_scores <- df_cluster[!duplicated(df_cluster[,clustervars]),]
metadata_cluster <- left_join(sample_data(NYC_HANES)[,clustervars], unique_scores, by=clustervars )

plot_alpha_by(NYC_HANES, metadata = metadata_cluster[,grep("cluster",names(metadata_cluster))] )

Appendix 2: Variables in NYC HANES codebook but missing from dataset (missing HHN (household size))

varlist <- gdata::read.xls("", pattern = "SAMP")$KEY

varlist[!varlist %in% names(metadata)]

audreyrenson/nychanes2microbiome documentation built on May 21, 2019, 3:08 a.m.