
#' User friendly interface to edgeR for microbiome data
#' Returns an object of class \code{topTags} containing results filtered by FDR < alpha for one comparison. \code{get_edgeR_results_all_levels()} returns a list of \code{topTags} objects returned by \code{get_edgeR_results()} for all levels of the first variable in the formula.
#' @param formla formula. specifies the design matrix used by \code{edgeR::glmFit}.
#' @param pseq object of class \code{phyloseq}
#' @param method character. Specifies the method of multiple testing correction to apply, either "BH" (Benjamini-Hochberg) or "IHW" (independent hypothesis weighting).
#' @param coef integer. Specifies which linear model coefficient to test (default 2).
#' @param alph numeric. Specifies what FDR level is considered alpha, and only keeps results with FDR less than this number.
#' @param filtering logical. Whether or not to apply pre-filtering.
#' @param countMinimum integer. If \code{filtering==TRUE}, the minimum count required for an OTU to be retained. Requires either \code{percentMinimumHaveCount} or \code{nMinimumHaveCount}.
#' @param percentMinimumHaveCount numeric. If \code{filtering==TRUE}, the minimum percentage of samples that must have \code{countMinimum} counts for an OTU to be retained.
#' @param nMinimumHaveCount numeric. If \code{filtering==TRUE}, the minimum number of samples that must have \code{countMinimum} counts for an OTU to be retained.
#' @param NA.RM logical. Whether or not to remove samples with NA values in the \code{sample_data()}.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to \code{get_edgeR_results}
#' @export
get_edgeR_results <- function(formla, pseq=NYC_HANES, method=c("BH","IHW"),
                              coef=2, alph=0.01, filtering=method[1] == "BH",
                              countMinimum = 8,
                              percentMinimumHaveCount = NULL,
                              nMinimumHaveCount = 3, NA.RM=TRUE) {
  # Get a GLM-like object filtered by FDR p values less than 'alph' #
  # for one comparison, specified by 'coef'                         #

  #coef=2 sets default to test first coefficient
  # If filtering = TRUE, user must provide either percentMinimumHaveCount or
  # nMinimumHaveCount, indicating how many samples must meet the countMinimum criteria
  # If method="IHW", no filtering is performed and and filtering arguments are ignored.

  #create model matrix
  dsg.mtrx <- model.matrix(formla, data=data.frame(sample_data(pseq)))
  #drop na's
  if(NA.RM) pseq <- prune_samples(samples = rownames(dsg.mtrx), x = pseq)

  #extract otu table to use as a count matrix
  otus <- as(otu_table(pseq), "matrix")

  #initialize DGEList object
  dge <- DGEList(counts = otus)

  #filtering: keep OTU if minimum number of samples has minimum count
  if(filtering & !method[1] == "IHW") {
    if(!is.null(percentMinimumHaveCount)) {
      nMinimumHaveCount = ncol(otus) * percentMinimumHaveCount
    } else if(is.null(nMinimumHaveCount)) {
      stop("User must enter either nMinimumHaveCount or percentMinimumHaveCount.")
    keep <- rowSums(dge$counts >= countMinimum ) >= nMinimumHaveCount
    dge <- dge[keep, , FALSE]

  #set up the glm fit
  disp <- estimateDisp(dge, design = dsg.mtrx)
  fit <- glmFit(disp, dsg.mtrx)
  lrt <- glmLRT(fit, coef = coef)
  results <- topTags(lrt, n=nrow(lrt$table))

  if(method[1]=="IHW") {
    lrt$table$mean_abundance <- rowSums(otus) / ncol(otus)
    ihwResult <- IHW::ihw(PValue ~ mean_abundance, data=lrt$table, alpha=alph)
    results$table$ihw_pvalue <- ihwResult@df$weighted_pvalue
    #filter out results that didn't pass alpha
    results <- results[results$table$ihw_pvalue < alph, ]
  } else if(method[1]=="BH") {
    #filter out results that didn't pass alpha
    results <- results[results$table$FDR < alph, ]
  } else stop("Argument 'method' must be either 'BH' or 'IHW'.")

  # attach taxonomy names
  if(nrow(results$table) > 0) { #if any results pass the filter
    results$table <-
      cbind(results$table, as.matrix(tax_table(pseq)[rownames(results$table),]))

#' @export
#' @rdname get_edgeR_results
get_edger_results_all_levels <- function(formla, ...) {
  #the first variable in formula should be the one you want all levels of
  var1 <- strsplit(as.character(formla)[2], " \\+ ")[[1]][1]
         function(i) get_edgeR_results(formla = formla,coef=i, ...))

edger_get_p <- function(formla, pseq=NYC_HANES, alph=1, ...)

  # Get a vector of raw p-values for regression of all  #
  # OTUs against all levels of one metadata variable    #
  vect <- sample_data(pseq)[,as.character(formla)[2]][[1]] # exctract the vector to get information about it

  n_coefs <- ifelse(class(vect) %in% c("character","factor"),
                    length(levels(factor(vect))) - 1, #the number of coeficients to test will be n levels - 1
                    1) # or 1 if it's a numeric etc.

  list_fits <- lapply(seq_len(n_coefs) + 1, # adding one because the coefficients start at 2 (skip the intercept)
                        get_edgeR_results(formla, pseq, coef=coef, alph=alph)  )

  p_vect <- unlist(sapply(seq_along(list_fits), function(i) list_fits[[i]]$table[,"PValue"]))
audreyrenson/nychanesmicrobiome documentation built on May 3, 2019, 8:32 p.m.