
#' Change Magnitude Image for CVAPS
#' This code calculate the change magnitude image for the Change Vector 
#' Analysis in Posterior Probability Space (CVAPS) method of Chen et al. 2011.  
#' Use the change magnitude image and use it in conjunction with the change 
#' direction image from \code{chg_dir} to map areas of change and no-change.  
#' The threshold can be determined using \code{\link{DFPS}} (to use the Double 
#' Window Flexible Pace Search method, from Chen et al. 2003) or 
#' \code{\link{threshold}} (which uses an unsupervised method).
#' This function will run in parallel if a parallel backend is registered with 
#' \code{\link{foreach}}.
#' @export
#' @import raster
#' @importFrom sp proj4string
#' @importFrom spatial.tools rasterEngine
#' @param t1p time 0 posterior probability \code{Raster*}
#' @param t2p time 1 posterior probability \code{Raster*}
#' @param filename (optional) filename for output change magnitude
#' \code{RasterLayer}
#' @param overwrite whether to overwrite existing files (otherwise an error 
#' will be raised)
#' @param ... additional parameters to pass to rasterEngine
#' @return \code{Raster*} object with change magnitude image
#' @references Chen, J., P. Gong, C. He, R. Pu, and P. Shi. 2003.
#' Land-use/land-cover change detection using improved change-vector analysis.
#' Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 69:369-380.
#' Chen, J., X. Chen, X. Cui, and J. Chen. 2011. Change vector analysis in 
#' posterior probability space: a new method for land cover change detection.  
#' IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 8:317-321.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' t0_train_data <- get_pixels(L5TSR_1986, L5TSR_1986_2001_training, "class_1986",training=.6)
#' t0_model <- train_classifier(t0_train_data)
#' t0_preds <- classify(L5TSR_1986, t0_model)
#' t1_train_data <- get_pixels(L5TSR_2001, L5TSR_1986_2001_training, "class_2001", training=.6)
#' t1_model <- train_classifier(t1_train_data)
#' t1_preds <- classify(L5TSR_2001, t1_model)
#' t0_t1_chgmag <- chg_mag(t0_preds$probs, t1_preds$probs)
#' }
chg_mag <- function(t1p, t2p, filename, overwrite=FALSE, ...) {
    if (proj4string(t1p) != proj4string(t2p)) {
        stop('t0 and t1 coordinate systems do not match')
    if (extent(t1p) != extent(t2p)) {
        stop('t0 and t1 extents do not match')
    if (nlayers(t1p) != nlayers(t2p)) {
        stop('t0 and t1 probability maps have differing number of classes')
    if (!missing(filename) && file_test('-f', filename) && !overwrite) {
        stop('output file already exists and overwrite=FALSE')

    n_classes <- nlayers(t1p)

    calc_chg_mag <- function(t1p, t2p, n_classes, ...) {
        if (is.null(dim(t1p))) {
            # Handle RasterLayer images
            chgmag <- abs(t2p - t1p)
        } else {
            # Handle RasterStack or RasterBrick images
            chgmag <- apply(t2p - t1p, c(1, 2), function(pixel) sqrt(sum(pixel^2)))
        chgmag <- array(chgmag, dim=c(dim(t1p)[1], dim(t1p)[2], 1))
    out <- rasterEngine(t1p=t1p, t2p=t2p, fun=calc_chg_mag, 
                        outbands=1, outfiles=1, ...)
    # spatial.tools can only output the raster package grid format - so output 
    # to a tempfile in that format then copy over to the requested final output 
    # format if a filename was supplied
    if (!missing(filename)) {
        out <- writeRaster(out, filename=filename, overwrite=overwrite)

azvoleff/teamlucc documentation built on May 11, 2019, 5:19 p.m.