
{pdfparser} provides tools for dealing with text extraction from PDFs.

It comes in handy when you do not only want to read in the text, for which I recommendbut also want to deal with PDF coordinates of the words, lines and blocks.

Right now its only function is read_bbox_layout_xhtml() which parses XHTML files from pdftotext, part of poppler-utils (manual can be found here).


You can install the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


This is a basic example which shows you how to solve a common problem:

doc <- system.file("extdata", "edi_2009_frcho43c6mmlx5lyohqy_doc#immrrkosg.html", package = "pdfparser")
#> # A tibble: 455 x 17
#>    block_attr_xmin block_attr_ymin block_attr_xmax block_attr_ymax
#>    <chr>           <chr>           <chr>           <chr>          
#>  1 167.400000      35.480000       457.740540      70.611000      
#>  2 167.400000      35.480000       457.740540      70.611000      
#>  3 167.400000      35.480000       457.740540      70.611000      
#>  4 167.400000      35.480000       457.740540      70.611000      
#>  5 167.400000      35.480000       457.740540      70.611000      
#>  6 167.400000      35.480000       457.740540      70.611000      
#>  7 167.400000      35.480000       457.740540      70.611000      
#>  8 167.400000      35.480000       457.740540      70.611000      
#>  9 167.400000      35.480000       457.740540      70.611000      
#> 10 167.400000      88.880000       221.400000      96.888000      
#> # … with 445 more rows, and 13 more variables: line_attr_xmin <chr>,
#> #   line_attr_ymin <chr>, line_attr_xmax <chr>, line_attr_ymax <chr>,
#> #   word_attr_xmin <chr>, word_attr_ymin <chr>, word_attr_xmax <chr>,
#> #   word_attr_ymax <chr>, word_value <chr>, page_attr_width <chr>,
#> #   page_attr_height <chr>, doc_name <chr>, page_nr <int>

balthasars/pdfparser documentation built on May 10, 2020, 12:33 a.m.