
## P: 4.320463e-08, 30
## P: 1.53746e-12, 50
Ghuber = function(u, k=30, deriv=0){
  if(!deriv) return(pmin(1, k/abs(u)))

#' A robust and efficient LD score regression (LDSC) for estimating the SNP heritability using GWAS summary data
#' We follow the Bulik-Sullivan et al. (2015) approach but use a robust LS estimation without filtering large summary statistics.
#' The input r2 is the averaged reference LD scores (scaled by the total number of SNPs used to compute the LD scores).
#' The weight W is typically based on the LD scores computed using HapMap3 common SNPs. The purpose is to correct over-counting.
#' LDSC is a variance regression (VR) approach: regressing chi-square statistics on LD scores.
#' @param Z summary Z-statistics for M variants
#' @param r2 average reference LD scores for M variants
#' @param N GWAS sample size for each variant (could be different across variants)
#' @param W variant weight
#' @export
#' @return
#' \describe{
#'   \item{h2}{ SNP heritability }
#'   \item{v0}{ intercept in the LDSC, related to the genomic control (GC) parameter }
#' }
#' @references
#' Bulik-Sullivan,B.K. et al. (2015) LD Score regression distinguishes confounding from polygenicity in genome-wide association
#' studies. Nature Genetics, 47, 291-295.
#' Guo,B. and Wu,B. (2018) Principal component based adaptive association test of multiple traits using GWAS summary statistics. bioRxiv 269597; doi: 10.1101/269597
SHvr <- function(Z,r2, N, W=NULL){
  if(is.null(W)) W = rep(1,length(Z))
  tau = (mean(Z^2)-1)/mean(N*r2)
  Wv = 1/(1+tau*N*r2)^2
  id = which(Z^2>30)
  if(length(id)>0) Wv[id] = sqrt(Wv[id])
  rcf = as.vector( rlm(I(Z^2) ~ I(N*r2), weight=W*Wv, psi=Ghuber, k=30)$coef )
  return(list(h2=rcf[2], v0=rcf[1]) )

#' A robust and efficient LD score regression approach to estimating the genetic correlation using GWAS summary data
#' We follow the Bulik-Sullivan et al. (2015) approach but use a robust LS estimation. 
#' The input r2 is the averaged reference LD scores (scaled by the total number of SNPs used to compute the LD scores).
#' The weight W is typically based on the LD scores computed using HapMap3 common SNPs to correct over-counting. 
#' @param Zs Mx2 matrix of summary Z-statistics for M variants from two GWAS
#' @param r2 average reference LD scores for M variants
#' @param N1 sample size for the 1st GWAS
#' @param N2 sample size for the 2nd GWAS
#' @param Nc overlapped sample size between the two GWAS
#' @param W variant weight
#' @return
#' \describe{
#'   \item{gv}{ genetic covariance }
#'   \item{gc}{ genetic correlation }
#'   \item{r0}{ estimated intercept, quantifying the marginal trait correlation }
#'   \item{h2s}{ SNP heritabilities }
#' }
#' @export
#' @references
#' Bulik-Sullivan,B.K. et al. (2015) An atlas of genetic correlations across human diseases and traits. Nat. Genet. 47, 1236–1241.
#' Guo,B. and Wu,B. (2018) Principal component based adaptive association test of multiple traits using GWAS summary statistics. bioRxiv 269597; doi: 10.1101/269597
GCvr <- function(Zs,r2, N1,N2,Nc=0, W=NULL){
  if(is.null(W)) W = rep(1,length(r2))
  h1 = SHvr(Zs[,1],r2, N1, W)$h2
  h2 = SHvr(Zs[,2],r2, N2, W)$h2
  Y = Zs[,1]*Zs[,2]
  X = (sqrt(N1)*sqrt(N2)+sqrt(Nc/N1*N2))*r2
  N1r2 = N1*r2; N2r2 = N2*r2
  r0 = 0
  ## 1st round
    rcf = as.vector(rlm(Y ~ X, psi=Ghuber)$coef)
    r0 = rcf[1]; gv = rcf[-1]
  } else{
    gv = as.vector(rlm(Y ~ X-1, psi=Ghuber)$coef)
  ## 2nd round
  Wv = 1/( (h1*N1r2+1)*(h2*N2r2+1) + (X*gv + r0)^2 )
  id = which(abs(Zs[,1]*Zs[,2])>30)
  if(length(id)>0) Wv[id] = sqrt(Wv[id])
    rcf = as.vector( rlm(Y ~ X, weight=W*Wv, psi=Ghuber, k=30)$coef )
    r0 = rcf[1]; gv = rcf[-1]
  } else{
    gv = as.vector(rlm(Y ~ X-1, weight=W*Wv, psi=Ghuber, k=30)$coef)
  gc = gv/sqrt(h1*h2)
  return(list(gv=gv,gc=gc, r0=r0, h2s = c(h1,h2)) )
baolinwu/MTAR documentation built on May 14, 2019, 6:03 a.m.