
Defines functions shift.regressor conform_len print.regressor plot.regressor neural_input amplitudes.regressor durations.regressor onsets.regressor nbasis.hrfspec nbasis.AFNI_HRF nbasis.HRF nbasis.regressor evaluate.regressor fastevalreg evaluate.null_regressor evaluate.single_trial_regressor dots regressor single_trial_regressor null_regressor

Documented in amplitudes.regressor conform_len durations.regressor evaluate.regressor nbasis.hrfspec null_regressor onsets.regressor plot.regressor regressor single_trial_regressor

#' null_regressor 
#' @param hrf an hrf function
#' @param span the hrf span
null_regressor <- function(hrf=HRF_SPMG1, span=24) {
  ret <- list(onsets=NA,hrf=hrf, eval=hrf, duration=0,amplitude=0,span=span)
  class(ret) <- c("null_regressor", "regressor", "list")

#' single_trial_regressor 
#' construct a regressor object that has a single onset
#' @param onsets the event onset in seconds, must be of length 1.
#' @param hrf a hemodynamic response function, e.g. \code{HRF_SPMG1}
#' @param duration duration of the event (default is 0)
#' @param amplitude scaling vector (default is 1)
#' @param span the temporal window of the impulse response function (default is 24)
#' @return an S3 list of type \code{single_trial_regressor}
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' reg <- single_trial_regressor(c(10), HRF_SPMG1)
#' pred <- evaluate(reg, seq(0,100,by=2))
#' nbasis(reg) == 1
single_trial_regressor <- function(onsets, hrf=HRF_SPMG1, duration=0, amplitude=1, span=24) {
  assert_that(length(onsets) ==1, msg="length of 'onsets' must be 1 for single trial regressor")
  assert_that(length(duration) ==1, msg="length of 'duration' must be 1 for single trial regressor")
  assert_that(length(amplitude) ==1, msg="length of 'amplitude' must be 1 for single trial regressor")
  ret <- list(onsets=onsets,hrf=hrf, eval=hrf, duration=duration,amplitude=amplitude,span=span)  
  class(ret) <- c("single_trial_regressor", "regressor", "list")

#' construct a regressor object
#' construct a \code{regressor} object that can be used to generate regression variables
#' from a set of onset times and a hemodynamic response function. A \code{regressor} can be
#' evaluated at a set of times to generate a time-course appropriate for modeling an fMRI response.
#' @param onsets the event onsets in seconds
#' @param hrf a hemodynamic response function, e.g. \code{HRF_SPMG1} or costum \code{HRF}
#' @param duration duration of events (default is 0)
#' @param amplitude scaling vector (default is 1)
#' @param span the temporal window of the impulse response function (default is 24)
#' @param summate whether to summate hrf amplitude as a function of the duration of an event.
#' @return an S3 list of type \code{regressor}
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' reg <- regressor(c(10,12,14,16,18, 40), HRF_SPMG1, duration=3)
#' pred <- evaluate(reg, seq(0,100,by=2))
#' nbasis(reg) == 1
#' reg2 <- regressor(c(10,12,14,16,18, 40), HRF_SPMG1, duration=3, summate=FALSE)
#' pred2 <- evaluate(reg2, seq(0,100,by=2))
#' stopifnot(max(pred) > max(pred2))
regressor <- function(onsets, hrf=HRF_SPMG1, duration=0, amplitude=1, span=40, summate=TRUE) {
  if (length(duration) == 1) {
    duration = rep(duration, length(onsets))
  if (length(amplitude) == 1) {
    amplitude = rep(as.vector(amplitude), length(onsets))
  if (any(duration > span/2)) {
    span <- max(duration) * 2
  assertthat::assert_that(length(amplitude) == length(onsets))
  assertthat::assert_that(length(duration) == length(onsets))
  keep <- which(amplitude != 0 & !is.na(amplitude))
  empty <- length(keep) == 0
  ret <- if (!empty) {
    list(onsets=onsets[keep],hrf=hrf, eval=hrf, duration=duration[keep],
  } else {
    warning("regressor: onsets vector has no non-NA elements")
    list(onsets=NA,hrf=hrf, eval=hrf, duration=0,amplitude=0,span=span,summate=summate)  
  class(ret) <- c("regressor", "list")

#' @keywords internal
dots <- function(...) {

#' @export
evaluate.single_trial_regressor <- function(x, grid, precision=.3, ...) {
  nb <- nbasis(x)
  dspan <- x$span/median(diff(grid)) 
  delta <- grid - x$onsets 
  grid.idx <- which(delta >= 0 & delta <= x$span)
  relons <- grid[grid.idx] - x$onsets    
  resp <- evaluate(x$hrf, relons, amplitude=x$amplitude, duration=x$amplitude, precision=precision)   

  outmat <- matrix(0, length(grid), nb)
  outmat[grid.idx,1:nb] <- resp
  if (nb == 1) {
  } else {

#' @export
evaluate.null_regressor <- function(x, grid, precision=.3, ...) {
  nb <- nbasis(x)
  dspan <- x$span/median(diff(grid)) 
  outmat <- matrix(0, length(grid), nb)
  if (nb == 1) {
  } else {

#' @importFrom pracma conv
fastevalreg <- function(x, start, end, TR, precision=.3) {
  nb <- nbasis(x)
  grid <- seq(start, end, by=TR)
  finegrid <- seq(start, end, by=precision)
  valid <- x$onsets >= (grid[1]-16) & x$onsets <= grid[length(grid)]
  valid.ons <- x$onsets[valid]
  valid.amp <- x$amplitude[valid]
  time <- seq(0,attr(x$hrf, "span"), by=precision)
  samhrf <- evaluate(x$hrf, time)
  bins <- as.integer((valid.ons - finegrid[1])/precision + 1)
  delta <- numeric(length(finegrid))
  delta[bins] <- x$amplitude
  #highres <- stats::convolve(samhrf, delta, type="open")
  if (nb > 1) {
    lowres <- matrix(0, length(grid), nb)
    for (i in 1:nb) {
      highres <- pracma::conv(samhrf[,i],delta)
      lowres[,i] <- approx(finegrid, highres[1:length(finegrid)], xout=grid)$y
  } else {
    highres <- pracma::conv(samhrf,delta)
    lowres <- approx(finegrid, highres[1:length(finegrid)], xout=grid, rule=2)$y

#' evaluate
#' evalute a regressor function over a sampling grid
#' @rdname evaluate
#' @param grid the sampling grid. A vector of real values in seconds.
#' @param precision the sampling precision for the hrf. This parameter is passed to \code{evaluate.HRF}
#' @param use_conv use fast convolution approach
#' @examples 
#' frame <- sampling_frame(blocklens=100, TR=2)
#' reg <- regressor(onsets=c(10,20,35, 47,52, 68, 79,86), amp=runif(8), duration=runif(8)*3, hrf=HRF_SPMG1)
#' e1 = evaluate(reg, samples(frame))
#' e2 = evaluate(reg, samples(frame), use_conv=TRUE)
#' @import RANN
#' @export
evaluate.regressor <- function(x, grid, precision=.33, use_conv=FALSE, ...) {
  nb <- nbasis(x)
  dspan <- x$span/median(diff(grid)) 
  valid <- x$onsets >= (grid[1]-16) & x$onsets <= grid[length(grid)]
  valid.ons <- x$onsets[valid]
  valid.durs <- x$duration[valid]
  valid.amp <- x$amplitude[valid]
  if (use_conv && all(valid.durs[1] == valid.durs) && all(diff(grid) == grid[2] - grid[1]) && length(grid) > 1) {
    start <- grid[1]
    end <- grid[length(grid)]
    TR <- grid[2] - grid[1]
    return(fastevalreg(x, start, end, TR, precision))

  nidx <- if (length(grid) > 1) {
    #apply(rflann::Neighbour(matrix(x$onsets), matrix(grid), k=2,build = "kdtree",cores=0, checks=1)$indices, 1, min)
    apply(RANN::nn2(matrix(grid), matrix(x$onsets), k=2)$nn.idx, 1, min)
  } else {
    #apply(rflann::Neighbour(matrix(x$onsets), matrix(grid), k=1,build = "kdtree",cores=0, checks=1)$indices, 1, min)
    apply(RANN::nn2(matrix(grid), matrix(x$onsets), k=1)$nn.idx, 1, min)

  outmat <- matrix(0, length(grid), length(valid.ons) * nb)
  if (length(valid) == 0 || all(is.na(valid)) || all(!valid)) {
    warning("none of the regressor onsets intersect with sampling 'grid', evaluating to zero at all times.")
    return(matrix(0, length(grid), nb))

  nidx <- nidx[valid]

  for (i in seq_along(valid.ons)) { 
    grid.idx <- seq(nidx[i], min(nidx[i] + dspan, length(grid)))             
    relOns <- grid[grid.idx] - valid.ons[i]    
    resp <- evaluate(x$hrf, relOns, amplitude=valid.amp[i], 
    if (nb > 1) {
      start <- (i-1) * nb + 1
      end <- i*nb 
      outmat[grid.idx,start:end] <- resp
    } else {
      outmat[grid.idx, i] <- resp
  if (length(valid.ons) > 1) {
    if (nb == 1) {
    } else {
      do.call(cbind, lapply(1:nb, function(i) {
        rowSums(outmat[,seq(i, by=nb, length.out=length(valid.ons))])
  } else {
    if (nb == 1) {
    } else {

#' @export
nbasis.regressor <- function(x) nbasis(x$hrf)

#' @export
nbasis.HRF <- function(x) attr(x, "nbasis")

#' @export
nbasis.AFNI_HRF <- function(x) attr(x, "nbasis")

#' @export
#' @rdname nbasis
nbasis.hrfspec <- function(x) nbasis(x$hrf)

#' @export
#' @rdname onsets
onsets.regressor <- function(x) x$onsets

#' @export
#' @rdname durations
durations.regressor <- function(x) x$duration

#' @export
#' @rdname amplitudes
amplitudes.regressor <- function(x) x$amplitude

neural_input <- function(x, from, to, resolution) {
  time <- seq(from + (resolution/2), to - (resolution/2), by=resolution)
  out <- numeric( (to - from)/resolution)
  ons <- x$onsets
  dur <- x$duration
  amp <- x$amplitude
  for (i in seq_along(ons)) {
    on <- ons[i]
    d <- dur[i]
    startbin <- as.integer((on - from)/resolution) + 1

    if (d > 0) {
      endbin <- as.integer((on - from)/resolution + d/resolution) + 1
    } else {
      endbin <- startbin
    for (j in startbin:endbin) {
      out[j] <- out[j] + amp[i]
  ts(out, start=time[1], frequency=1/resolution)

# #include <Rcpp.h>
# using namespace Rcpp;
# // [[Rcpp::export]]
# List neural_input_rcpp(List x, double from, double to, double resolution) {
#   int n = (to - from) / resolution;
#   NumericVector time(n);
#   NumericVector out(n);
#   NumericVector ons = x["onsets"];
#   NumericVector dur = x["duration"];
#   NumericVector amp = x["amplitude"];
#   for (int i = 0; i < ons.length(); i++) {
#     double on = ons[i];
#     double d = dur[i];
#     int startbin = (int) ((on - from) / resolution) + 1;
#     if (d > 0) {
#       int endbin = (int) ((on - from) / resolution + d / resolution) + 1;
#       for (int j = startbin; j <= endbin; j++) {
#         out[j-1] += amp[i];
#       }
#     } else {
#       out[startbin-1] += amp[i];
#     }
#   }
#   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
#     time[i] = from + (i + 0.5) * resolution;
#   }
#   List result;
#   result["time"] = time;
#   result["neural_input"] = out;
#   return result;
# }


#' plot a regressor object
#' @export
#' @param x the object
#' @param samples the times in seconds along which to plot regressor function
#' @param add whether to add to existing plot
#' @param ... extra args to send to `plot` 
plot.regressor <- function(x, samples, add=FALSE, ...) {
  if (missing(samples)) {
    ons <- x$onsets
    samples <- seq(ons[1]-5, ons[length(ons)] + 12, by=1)
  y <- evaluate(x, samples)
  if (add){
    graphics::lines(samples, y)
  } else {
    plot(samples, y, type='l', xlab="Time", ylab="Amplitude", ...)
  srange <- range(samples)
  for (on in onsets(x)) {
    if (on >= srange[1] && on <= srange[2]) {
      graphics::abline(v=on, col=2, lty=2)

#' @export
print.regressor <- function(x,...) {
  N <- min(c(6, length(onsets(x))))
  cat(paste("hemodynamic response function:", attr(x$hrf, "name")))
  cat(paste("onsets: ", paste(onsets(x)[1:N], collapse=" "), "..."))
  durs <- durations(x)
  amps <- amplitudes(x)
  if (all(durs == durs[1])) {
    cat(paste("durations: ", durs[1], "for all events"))
  } else {
    cat(paste("durations: ", paste(durs[1:N], collapse=" "), "..."))
  if (!is.na(amps[1]) && all(amps == amps[1])) {
    cat(paste("amplitudes: ", amps[1], "for all events"))
  } else {     
    cat(paste("amplitudes: ", paste(amps[1:N], collapse=" "), "..."))

#' check vector is of length 1 or repeated for supplied length
#' @keywords internal
conform_len <- function(val, len) {
  name <- deparse(substitute(val))
  if (length(val) == 1) {
    rep(val, len)
  } else if (length(val) == len) {
  } else {
    stop(paste(name, "must be of length 1 or same length as onsets"))

# Shift method for the regressor class
shift.regressor <- function(x, shift_amount) {
  if (!inherits(x, "regressor")) {
    stop("x must be an object of class 'regressor'")
  if (!is.numeric(shift_amount)) {
    stop("shift_amount must be a numeric value")
  shifted_onsets <- x$onsets + shift_amount
  shifted_regressor <- regressor(onsets = shifted_onsets, hrf = x$hrf, duration = x$duration, amplitude = x$amplitude, span = x$span, summate = x$summate)

bbuchsbaum/fmrireg documentation built on May 16, 2023, 10:56 a.m.