knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE)
$(document).ready(function() {
body .main-container {
  max-width: 1440px !important;
other_params <- scdrake::scdrake_list(params$other_params)

Show details

  • ID: r other_params$id
  • Name: r other_params$name
  • Description: r other_params$description
  • Source column: r other_params$source_column
  • Target level / reference level: r other_params$target / r other_params$reference
  • Block column: r other_params$block_column
  • Test type: r other_params$test_type
  • LFC test: |LFC| > r other_params$lfc_test
  • Standardized LFC: r other_params$std_lfc


Dimred plots {.tabset}

x <- scdrake::lapply_rows(other_params$dimred_plots, FUN = function(par) {
  scdrake::md_header(stringr::str_to_upper(par$plot_dimreds), 3)
  p <- par$plot
  scdrake::highlight_points(p, column_name = "colour_by", levels = c(other_params$target, other_params$reference)) %>% print()

Marker table

cat(other_params$heatmap_file_rel, "\n\n")

<button class='btn btn-success' type='button' data-toggle='collapse' data-target='#table_info'
aria-expanded='false' aria-controls='table_info' style='margin-bottom: 0;'>
  Show table info

<div class='collapse' id='table_info'>
<hr />
<div class='card card-body'>

Genes in the target cell group (cluster) were tested against the reference cell group using the selected test.

Table columns:

lfc or auc - effect size of the current contrast, i.e. relative to the reference level.
The effect size can be either log2 fold-change or area under the curve (for Wilcox test).
<li>pval - p-value for the current contrast</li>
<li>fdr - p-value for the current contrast adjusted for multiple testing issue (false discovery rate)</li>
<li>avg_self - average log2 counts in the target level</li>
<li>avg_other - average log2 counts in the reference level</li>
<li>pct_self - percentage of cells with detected expression (counts > 0) in the target level</li>
<li>pct_other - percentage of cells with detected expression (counts > 0) in the reference level</li>

For more details see the documentation of the used methods from scran package:
<a href='' target='_blank'>combineMarkers()</a> and
<a href='' target='_blank'>findMarkers()</a>


markers <- other_params$markers
if (other_params$test_type == "wilcox") {
  effect_colname <- "auc"
} else {
  effect_colname <- "lfc"

download_title <- other_params$id

table_dt <- DT::datatable(
  filter = "top",
  rownames = FALSE,
  escape = FALSE,
  width = "100%",
  class = "display compact",
  extensions = c("Buttons", "FixedHeader"),
  options = list(
    pageLength = 100,
    order = list(which(colnames(markers) == "fdr") - 1, "asc"),
    autoWidth = TRUE,
    dom = "Bipfrtip",
    fixedHeader = TRUE,
    lengthMenu = list(list(10, 25, 50, -1), list(10, 25, 50, "All")),
    buttons =
      list("copy", "print", list(
        extend = "collection",
        text = "Download",
        buttons = list(
          list(extend = "excel", title = download_title),
          list(extend = "pdf", title = download_title),
          list(extend = "csv", title = download_title)
) %>%
  DT::formatSignif(columns = c("pval", "fdr", "avg_self", "avg_other", effect_colname), digits = 3)



bioinfocz/scdrake documentation built on Sept. 19, 2024, 4:43 p.m.