
#' @import data.table
#' @import emmeans
#' @include seaMass_delta.R
#' @include generics.R
#' @export
setMethod("dea_MCMCglmm", "seaMass_delta", function(
  input = "model1",
  type = "group.quants",
  specs = ~ Condition,
  contrasts = list(method = "revpairwise"),
  fixed = ~ Condition,
  random = NULL,
  rcov = ~ idh(Condition):units,
  start = NULL,
  prior = list(R = list(V = diag(nlevels(factor(assay_design(object)$Condition))), nu = 2e-4)),
  tune = NULL,
  pedigree = NULL,
  nodes = "ALL",
  scale = TRUE,
  pr = FALSE,
  pl = FALSE,
  saveX = TRUE,
  saveZ = TRUE,
  saveXL = TRUE,
  slice = FALSE,
  ginverse = NULL,
  trunc = FALSE,
  chains = 1:control(object)@nchain,
  data = NULL,
) {
  # this is needed to stop foreach massive memory leak!!!

  cat(paste0("[", Sys.time(), "]   running mcmcglmm ", gsub("\\.", " ", type), " dea...\n"))

  # prepare
  ctrl <- control(object)
  if (!inherits(specs, "formula")) stop("only formula input for emmeans 'specs' argument is currently supported")
  if (!all(sapply(contrasts, is.list))) contrasts <- list(contrasts)
  fixed1 <- as.formula(paste("m", deparse(fixed, width.cutoff = 500), collapse=""))

  if (is.null(data)) {
    DTs <- read(object@fit, input, type, summary = T, summary.func = "robust_normal", as.data.table = T)
  } else {
    DTs <- as.data.table(data)
  cols <- colnames(DTs)[1:(which(colnames(DTs) == "m") - 1)]
  for (col in cols) DTs[, (col) := as.integer(get(col))]
  cols <- setdiff(cols, c("Block", "Assay"))
  DTs <- batch_split(DTs, cols, 4 * ctrl@nthread)

  # loop over all chains and all groups/components
  dir.create(file.path(filepath(object), paste0(type, ".de")), showWarnings = F)
  for (chain in chains) {
    DT.index <- parallel_lapply(DTs, function(item, object, type, cols, chain, specs, contrasts, fixed1, random, rcov, start, prior, tune, pedigree, nodes, scale, pr, pl, DIC, saveX, saveZ, saveXL, slice, ginverse, trunc) {
      ctrl <- control(object)
      batch <- item[1, Batch]

      if ("Component" %in% colnames(item)) {
        DT.components <- assay_components(root(object@fit), as.data.table = T)
        DT.components[, Block := as.integer(Block)]
        DT.components[, Group := as.integer(Group)]
        DT.components[, Component := as.integer(Component)]
        DT.components[, Assay := as.integer(Assay)]
        item <- merge(item, DT.components, by = c("Block", "Group", "Component", "Assay"), sort = F)
        item <- split(item, by = c("Group", "Component"), drop = T)
      } else if ("Group" %in% colnames(item)) {
        DT.groups <- assay_groups(root(object@fit), as.data.table = T)
        DT.groups[, Block := as.integer(Block)]
        DT.groups[, Group := as.integer(Group)]
        DT.groups[, Assay := as.integer(Assay)]
        item <- merge(item, DT.groups, by = c("Block", "Group", "Assay"), sort = F)
        item <- split(item, by = "Group", drop = T)

      outputs <- lapply(item, function(DT) {
        # have to keep all assays in even if count NA otherwise MCMCglmm will get confused over its priors
        DT.design <- assay_design(object, as.data.table = T)
        DT[, Assay := factor(Assay, levels = 1:nlevels(DT.design[, Assay]), labels = levels(DT.design[, Assay]))]
        DT[, Block := factor(Block, levels = 1:nlevels(DT.design[, Block]), labels = levels(DT.design[, Block]))]
        DT <- merge(DT, DT.design, all.y = T, by = c("Block", "Assay"), sort = F)
        # have to NA out the count of datapoints with missing fixed effects and put dummy level in the fixed effect...
        for (col in labels(terms(fixed1))) {
          DT[is.na(get(col)), m := NA]
          DT[is.na(get(col)), (col) := levels(factor(DT[[col]]))[1]]

        # run MCMCglmm
        output <- list()
        if (all(is.na(DT[, m])))  {
          output$DT.de <- data.table()
          if (chain == 1) output$DT.meta <- data.table()
        } else {
          mev <- NULL
          if (!all(is.na(DT[, s]))) {
            mev <- ifelse(is.na(DT[, s]), 1e-5, DT[, s]^2)

          # try a few times as MCMCglmm can moan about priors not being strong enough
          success <- F
          attempt <- 0
          while(success == F) {
            attempt <- attempt + 1
            if (attempt > 1) print(attempt)
              # run MCMCglmm
              set.seed(ctrl@random.seed + (DT[1, Group] - 1) * ctrl@nchain + (chain - 1))
              model <- MCMCglmm::MCMCglmm(
                fixed = fixed1,
                random = random,
                rcov = rcov,
                family = "gaussian",
                mev = mev,
                data = DT,
                start = start,
                prior = prior,
                tune = tune,
                pedigree = pedigree,
                nodes = nodes,
                scale = scale,
                nitt = ctrl@nwarmup + (ctrl@nsample * ctrl@thin) / ctrl@nchain,
                thin = ctrl@thin,
                burnin = ctrl@nwarmup,
                pr = pr,
                pl = pl,
                verbose = F,
                DIC = DIC,
                singular.ok = T,
                saveX = saveX,
                saveZ = saveZ,
                saveXL = saveXL,
                slice = slice,
                ginverse = ginverse,
                trunc = trunc
              success <- T
            }, error = function(e) if (attempt > 16) stop(paste0("[", Sys.time(), "] ERROR: ", e)))
            prior$R$nu <- prior$R$nu * 2

          # run emmeans
          emmMeans <- do.call("emmeans", c(list(model), specs, list(data = DT)))
          emmContrasts <- NULL
          if (is.list(emmMeans)) {
            if ("contrasts" %in% names(emmGrid)) emmContrasts <- emmGrid$contrasts
            emmMeans <- emmGrid$emmeans

          # add additional contrasts
          if (!is.null(contrasts)) {
            emmContrasts <- c(emmContrasts, lapply(1:length(contrasts), function(i) {
              call.args <- contrasts[[i]]
              call.args$object <- emmMeans
              return(do.call("contrast", call.args))

          # get samples
          output$DT.de <- rbindlist(lapply(emmContrasts, function(emmGrid) {
            DT1.de <- as.data.table(as.mcmc.emmGrid(emmGrid))
            DT1.de[, sample := .I]
            DT1.de <- melt(DT1.de, id.vars = "sample", variable.name = "Baseline")
            DT1.de[, Effect := paste(paste(colnames(emmGrid@misc$orig.grid)), collapse = ":")]
            DT1.de[, Contrast := sub("^contrast (.*) - .*$", "\\1", Baseline)]
            DT1.de[, Baseline := sub("^contrast .* - (.*)$", "\\1", Baseline)]
          output$DT.de[, chain := chain]
          output$DT.de[, Effect := factor(Effect, levels = unique(Effect))]
          output$DT.de[, Contrast := factor(Contrast, levels = unique(Contrast))]
          output$DT.de[, Baseline := factor(Baseline, levels = unique(Baseline))]
          output$DT.de[, Group := DT[1, Group]]
          if ("Component" %in% colnames(DT)) {
            output$DT.de[, Component := DT[1, Component]]
            setcolorder(output$DT.de, c("Group", "Component", "Effect", "Contrast", "Baseline", "chain"))
          } else if ("Group" %in% colnames(output$DT.de)) {
            setcolorder(output$DT.de, c("Group", "Effect", "Contrast", "Baseline", "chain"))

          # TODO: handle interactions?
          if (chain == 1) {
            # calculate metadata (this is rubbish but works)
            output$DT.meta <- unique(rbind(output$DT.de[, .(Effect, Level = Contrast)], output$DT.de[, .(Effect, Level = Baseline)]))[!is.na(Level)]
            output$DT.meta[, Group := DT[1, Group]]

            if ("Component" %in% colnames(DT)) {
              output$DT.meta[, Component := DT[1, Component]]
            } else if ("Group" %in% colnames(DT)) {
              output$DT.meta[, qC := 0]

            output$DT.meta[, qM := 0]
            output$DT.meta[, qS := 0]
            output$DT.meta[, uS := 0]

            if ("Component" %in% colnames(DT)) {
              for (i in 1:nrow(output$DT.meta)) {
                if ("qC" %in% colnames(output$DT.meta)) output$DT.meta$qC[i] <- max(0, DT[get(as.character(output$DT.meta[i, Effect])) == as.character(output$DT.meta[i, Level]), AC.qC], na.rm = T)
                output$DT.meta$qM[i] <- max(0, DT[get(as.character(output$DT.meta[i, Effect])) == as.character(output$DT.meta[i, Level]), AC.qM], na.rm = T)
                output$DT.meta$qS[i] <- length(unique(DT[get(as.character(output$DT.meta[i, Effect])) == as.character(output$DT.meta[i, Level]) & !is.na(m) & AC.qM > 0, Sample]))
                output$DT.meta$uS[i] <- length(unique(DT[get(as.character(output$DT.meta[i, Effect])) == as.character(output$DT.meta[i, Level]) & !is.na(m), Sample]))
            } else if ("Group" %in% colnames(output$DT.de)) {
              for (i in 1:nrow(output$DT.meta)) {
                if ("qC" %in% colnames(output$DT.meta)) output$DT.meta$qC[i] <- max(0, DT[get(as.character(output$DT.meta[i, Effect])) == as.character(output$DT.meta[i, Level]), AG.qC], na.rm = T)
                output$DT.meta$qM[i] <- max(0, DT[get(as.character(output$DT.meta[i, Effect])) == as.character(output$DT.meta[i, Level]), AG.qM], na.rm = T)
                output$DT.meta$qS[i] <- length(unique(DT[get(as.character(output$DT.meta[i, Effect])) == as.character(output$DT.meta[i, Level]) & !is.na(m) & AG.qM > 0, Sample]))
                output$DT.meta$uS[i] <- length(unique(DT[get(as.character(output$DT.meta[i, Effect])) == as.character(output$DT.meta[i, Level]) & !is.na(m), Sample]))


      # flatten results
      DT0.de <- rbindlist(lapply(1:length(outputs), function(i) outputs[[i]]$DT.de))

      if (nrow(DT0.de) > 0) {
        # create index
        if (chain == 1) {
          DT0.index <- DT0.de[, .(
            from = .I[!duplicated(DT0.de, by = c(cols, "Effect", "Contrast", "Baseline"))],
            to = .I[!duplicated(DT0.de, fromLast = T, by = c(cols, "Effect", "Contrast", "Baseline"))]
          DT0.index <- cbind(
            DT0.de[DT0.index$from, c(cols, "Effect", "Contrast", "Baseline"), with = F],
            data.table(file = factor(file.path(paste0(type, ".de"), paste(chain, batch, "fst", sep = ".")))),

          DT0.meta <- rbindlist(lapply(1:length(outputs), function(i) outputs[[i]]$DT.meta))

          setnames(DT0.meta, "Level", "Contrast")
          DT0.index <- merge(DT0.index, DT0.meta, by = c(cols, "Effect", "Contrast"), sort = F)
          setnames(DT0.index, c("qM", "qS", "uS"), c("Cont.qM", "Cont.qS", "Cont.uS"))
          if ("qC" %in% colnames(DT0.index)) setnames(DT0.index, "qC", "Cont.qC")
          setnames(DT0.meta, "Contrast", "Baseline")
          DT0.index <- merge(DT0.index, DT0.meta, by = c(cols, "Effect", "Baseline"), sort = F)
          setnames(DT0.index, c("qM", "qS", "uS"), c("Base.qM", "Base.qS", "Base.uS"))
          if ("qC" %in% colnames(DT0.index)) {
            setnames(DT0.index, "qC", "Base.qC")
            setcolorder(DT0.index, c(cols, "Effect", "Contrast", "Baseline", "file", "from", "to", "Cont.uS", "Base.uS", "Cont.qS", "Base.qS", "Cont.qC", "Base.qC", "Cont.qM", "Base.qM"))
          } else {
            setcolorder(DT0.index, c(cols, "Effect", "Contrast", "Baseline", "file", "from", "to", "Cont.uS", "Base.uS", "Cont.qS", "Base.qS", "Cont.qM", "Base.qM"))

        # write results
        DT0.de[, Effect := as.integer(Effect)]
        DT0.de[, Contrast := as.integer(Contrast)]
        DT0.de[, Baseline := as.integer(Baseline)]
        fst::write.fst(DT0.de, file.path(filepath(object), paste0(type, ".de"), paste(chain, batch, "fst", sep = ".")))

        if (chain == 1) return(DT0.index)

    }, nthread = ctrl@nthread, .packages = c("seaMass", "emmeans"))

    # save index
    if (chain == 1) {
      DT.index <- rbindlist(DT.index)
      groups <- groups(root(object@fit), as.data.table = T)[, Group]
      DT.index[, Group := factor(Group, levels = 1:nlevels(groups), labels = levels(groups))]
      if ("Component" %in% colnames(DT.index)) {
        components <- components(root(object@fit), as.data.table = T)[, Component]
        DT.index[, Component := factor(Component, levels = 1:nlevels(components), labels = levels(components))]
      fst::write.fst(DT.index, file.path(filepath(object), paste0(type, ".de.index.fst")))


biospi/deamass documentation built on May 20, 2023, 3:30 a.m.