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## Render command
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Comparative methods for adaptive hypotheses

Comparing traits in groups of related species in different environments or time periods can provide powerful tests of adaptive hypotheses (e.g. Sober 2008; Hansen 2014). The distributions of trait values of extant species at the tips of a phylogeny (and fossil data or reconstructed ancestral states within the phylogeny if available) however, may reflect, adaptation, phylogenetic inertia, both of these, or none of these. We use the term phylogenetic inertia in the sense of resistance to adaptive change i.e. it comes about when related species inherit an inert trait from a common ancestor, which then lags adaptive change to new optima. Hence, if inertia is present, observed trait values may reflect both adaptive change as well as an influence of a maladapted ancestral trait. When testing an adaptive hypothesis with such data, the constraints provided by such resistance to change for current trait values as they evolve towards their optima need to be controlled for. Conversely, the effects of adaptation need to be controlled for when testing hypothesis of phylogenetic inertia.

Most contemporary comparative methodologies do not control for inertia in the sense defined above, but rather control for general effects of phylogeny. Their principal concern is to deal with statistical issues that arise from non-independent, correlated data that naturally arise from evolution along a branching phylogeny, and are usually used to remove these correlations before the actual analysis takes place. Phylogenetic effects, however, will also be present when traits adapt to variables that are themselves phylogenetically structured. Effects of adaptation should not be controlled for when studying adaptation and they need to be separated from inertia. Furthermore, many contemporary methods assume that traits evolve as a Brownian motion, a crucial assumption and one that provides the analytical techniques to remove the correlations (e.g. independent contrasts). Numerous studies however, have pointed out that comparative method that assumes a Brownian motion as the underlying evolutionary process are not suitable for studying adaptation towards optima (e.g. Hansen 2014). A Brownian motion is a stochastic process in which the expected mean value equals the common ancestral state at the base of the species phylogeny. There is no mechanism in the process that allows one to specify adaptation to or maintenance at specific optima. Even if the ancestral state is at the optimum and the optimum does not change through time, any deviations from the optimum relationship generated by the stochastic Brownian-motion process will be inherited and there is no mechanism that allows a trait in a species to return to its optimum value.

Hansen (1997), Butler & King (2004), Hansen & Orzack (2005) and Hansen et al. (2008) have argued that comparative methods based on an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) process are more suited to studying adaptive hypotheses using comparative data. The OU process, unlike a pure Brownian motion, consists of a deterministic component (which can be used to model adaptation of a trait towards an optimum) as well as a stochastic component (which models the random fluctuations of the trait as it evolves towards the optimum. If we take away the deterministic component of an OU process, we are left with a Brownian motion.


These methods require a rooted phylogeny with branch lengths. Both ultrametric and non-ultrametric trees can be used, but this will have implications for whether ancestral states can be estimated. Polytomies and non-branching edges are not a problem. The units of the branch lengths are typically given in time units or number of nucleotide substitutions. A lot of the power of this method comes from having accurate branch lengths so some care should be taken in time-calibrating the phylogeny.

Comparative methods built around an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process

The Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process describes stochastic evolution with a deterministic tendency to move towards a fixed state (Hansen & Martins 1996). To model adaptive evolution in a comparative data set, we interpret this fixed state as a “primary optimum”, defined as the average fitness optimum that would be reached by a large number of independent species evolving for a sufficiently long time in a given niche to be free of any ancestral influence (Hansen 1997). The model assumes that primary optima exist at any point in time (on the phylogeny), and the idea is to test hypotheses about the effect of specified environmental variables on the primary optima. Currently, the software allows the primary optimum to be be modeled as a multiple regression on several continuous “random” variables, continuous "direct-effect" variables, or as a one-way ANOVA on fixed, categorical variables mapped as regimes on the phylogenetic tree.

The optimum

If we let $\theta(x_1, x_2 \dots)$, be the primary optimum as a function of environmental variables, $x_1, x_2 \dots$, then for the regression model, we have:

$$ \theta(x_1, x_2 \dots) = b_0 + b_1x_1 + b_2x_2 \dots, $$

where $b_0$ is an intercept, and $b_1, b_2 \dots$ are regression slopes on the environmental variables. For the ANOVA model we let $x_1, x_2 \dots$ be indicator variables indicating different categorical states of the environment, and we write

$$ \theta(x_1, x_2 \dots) = \theta_1x_1 + \theta_2x_2 \dots, $$ where $\theta_1x_1, \theta_2x_2 \dots$ are parameters describing the state of the primary optimum in the different environments or niches. The goal is to estimate the parameters $b_i$ or $\theta_i$ to test whether particular aspects of the environment have an effect on the optimum or not. Our adaptive hypotheses thus takes the form: Given that there is a single optimum, the species are adapted to variable $x$ if $x$ has an (important) effect on the optimum. As we will see, the methods also allow for assessments of how strongly the species tend to evolve towards the optimum, and thus to reject the base assumption of adaptation altogether.

Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process

The evolution of the response trait, $y$, can be represented by the stochastic differential Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process equation:

$$ dy = -\alpha(y - \theta)dt + \sigma_ydW_y, $$

which is interpreted as follows: $dy$ is the change in $y$ over a time step $dt$, $\alpha$ is a parameter measuring the rate of adaptation towards the optimum, $dW_y$ is a white-noise process having independent, normally-distributed random changes with mean zero and unit variance. The standard deviation of the random changes is given by $\sigma_y$ and $\theta$ are the fixed or random optima as defined above. Categorical predictor variables must be mapped on the phylogeny a priori, and the method treats these as fixed.


We note that we will work with the transformed parameters:

$$ \begin{aligned} t_{1/2} =& \frac{\log(2)}{\alpha} \ v_y =& \frac{\sigma^2_y}{2\alpha}, \end{aligned} $$ These are both easier to interpret than $\alpha$ and $\sigma_y$. The phylogenetic half life, $t_{1/2}$, is the time it takes for the expected trait value to move half the distance from the ancestral state to the primary optimum. The half life provides a useful metric to asses the strength of phylogenetic inertia as it is on the same linear scale as the phylogenetic branch lengths. If the half life is short relative to the total length of the phylogeny, it means adaptation to the primary optimum is rapid in expectation, and if the half life is long, it suggests the presence of inertia and that ancestral trait values influence the species' observed trait values at the tips. Consequently, if the half life is large, we would expect the species traits to be poorly adapted to the primary niches. A half life of infinity corresponds to evolution governed by a Brownian-motion process in which there is no tendency to move towards the optimum, and a half life of zero corresponds to immediate adaptation. The parameter $v_y$ is the variance expected when the adaptive and stochastic forces are in stochastic equilibrium.

Categorical fixed predictors (niches, regimes)

With fixed, categorical predictor variables, the model predicts that the species data will be of the form:

$$ y_i = c_{0i}y_a + c_{1i}\theta_1 + c_{2i}\theta_2 \dots + r_i, $$ where $y_a$ is a parameter describing the state of the trait at the root of the tree, the coefficients, $c_{mi}$ , are determined by the time on the phylogeny the species $i$ has spent in environment $m$, such that more recent environments are weighted more than more ancient environments. The weights are determined by the rate of adaptation, $\alpha$. More specifically, $c_{mi}$ is a sum over all time intervals in the past history of species $i$ where this species experienced environment $m$, and each interval contributes a term $e^{-\alpha t} - e^{-\alpha s}$, where, starting at the root with $t_0$ = 0, $s$ is the time when the species enters the environment, and $t$ is the end-time of the environment (see Hansen (1997) for formal derivation). The coefficient for the ancestral state $y_a$ is $c_{0i} = e^{ -\alpha t_i}$ , where $t_i$ is the time from the root to species $i$. Note that if $\alpha$ is large, then only the most recent environment will contribute to the trait values of the species. Ancient environments only contribute to species' trait values if the rate of adaptation is low. The residual terms, $r_i$, are assumed to be normally distributed with mean zero and variances and covariances given later.

Direct-effect continuous predictors

For some biological systems (e.g. allometry) it may be realistic to model the influence of $x$ on $y$ as direct, non-lagged process. In this case, we can expand the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck differential equation:

$$ dy = -\alpha(y - \theta)dt + b_1dx + + b_2dx \dots + \sigma_ydW_y, $$ where changes in the predictor ($dx$) has an immediate effect on changes in the response trait ($dy$). The direct-effect model makes no assumptions of what phylogenetic process gives rise to $x$.

Random continuous predictors

Hansen et al. (2008) presented a model where the optimum is a function of a randomly evolving continuous predictor variable:

$$ \begin{aligned} dy = -\alpha(y - &\theta(x))dt + \sigma_ydW_y, \ \theta(x) = b_0 + &b_1x_1 + b_2x_2 \dots \end{aligned} $$ Here, each $x_i$ is assumed to evolve as if by an independent Brownian motion on the phylogeny:

$$ dx = \sigma_xdW_x, $$

where $\sigma_x$ gives the standard deviation of the random changes (hence, the rate at which the predictor changes). The model predicts the following at the tips:

$$ y_i = k + \rho(\alpha t_i)b_1x_{1i} + \rho(\alpha t_i)b_2x_{2i} \dots + r_i, $$

where $x_{ij}$ is the current state of predictor variable $j$ for species $i$, and $r_i$ is the residual term. The intercept ($k$) is discussed below. The phylogenetic correction factor ($\rho$) is another measure of the strength of inertia:

$$ \rho(\alpha t_i) = 1 - \frac{1 - e^{-\alpha t_i}}{\alpha t_i}, $$ where $t_i$ is the time from root to species $i$. The correction factor varies between 0 and 1, and is identical for all species for ultrametric trees. While the optimal regression represents the relationship between predictor and the trait that we expect if adaptation is immediate, the evolutionary regression is the generalized least squares regression of a trait on the predictor, and is influenced by both adaptation and inertia. The optimal regression is accordingly an estimate of the optimal relationship between predictor and the trait in the absence of constraints, while evolutionary regression is the 'observed' relationship. The magnitude of the difference between the optimal and the evolutionary regression ($\rho$) is therefore informative of the relative importance of inertia and adaptation between the predictor and the response trait. The evolutionary and optimal regression will be identical if there is no inertia ($\rho(\alpha t_i) = 1$). The optimal and evolutionary regressions are not alternative models, but rather two perspectives or aspects of the same model. In the random evironment model, we also need to estimate the rate of evolution of the environmental variable, $\sigma_x$.

The intercept-only model is useful for testing one of the assumptions of the random-effect model; that the predictor variable evolves as a Brownian motion. The stationary variance ($v_y = \sigma^2_y / 2\alpha$) of the joint OU-BM process is a measure of the relative influence of stochastic factors in the adaptive process relative to the primary adaptive force. Secondary stochasticity is generated by a combination of stochastic influences (such as changes in unmeasured selective forces, genetic drift, etc) on the response variable as it evolves towards the optimum.

Residual covariances

The residual covariances of the fixed-effect model were derived in Hansen (1997), assuming the ancestral state $y_a$ is mapped to a regime on the phylogeny:

$$ \begin{aligned} \text{Cov}[r_i, r_j] &= v_y e^{-\alpha t_{ij}}(1 - e^{-2 \alpha t_a}) \end{aligned} $$ Here, $t_i$ is the time from root to species $i$, $t_a$ is the time from root to the most recent common ancestor of species $i$ and $j$, and $t_{ij}$ is the time separating species $i$ from species $j$ (i.e. the sum of the distances from species $i$ and $j$ to their most recent common ancestor). For the random-effect model, Hansen et al. (2008) derived the residual covariances as:

$$ \begin{aligned} \text{Cov}[r_i, r_j] &= (\frac{\sigma^2_{\theta} + \sigma^2_{y} }{2\alpha}) (1 - e^{-2\alpha t_a})e^{-\alpha t_{ij}} + \ \sigma^2_{\theta}(t_a \frac{1 - e^{-at_i}}{\alpha t_i} \frac{1 - e^{-at_j}}{\alpha t_j} - &\frac{1 - e^{-at_a}}{\alpha}(e^{-\alpha t_{ia}} \frac{1 - e^{-\alpha t_j}}{\alpha t_j} + e^{-\alpha t_{ja}} \frac{1 - e^{-\alpha t_i}}{\alpha t_i})) \end{aligned} $$

The parameter $\sigma^2_\theta$ in the above equation equals $b_1^2\sigma_{x1}^2 + b_2^2\sigma_{x2}^2 + \dots$, assuming the predictor variables are not correlated. The instantaneous variances, $\sigma_{xj}^2$, of the predictor variables are estimated in advance. Note that this is considerably more complex than with fixed effects, and that the residual covariances also depend on the regression parameters $b_j$.


The intercept, $k$, in the fixed-effect and direct-effect models is given as:

$$ k = e^{-\alpha t}y_a + (1 - e^{- \alpha t})b_0 $$

The true intercept of the optimal regression is $b_0$, and $y_a$ is the ancestral state of the trait $y$. As $t$ is the time from root to the species, we see that the intercept on a non-ultrametric tree will differ from species to species. For the random-effect model, the joint intercept is more complex:

$$ k = e^{-\alpha t}y_a + (1 - e^{- \alpha t})b_0 + (1 - e^{-\alpha t} - \rho(\alpha t))(b_1x_{a1} + b_2x_{a2} + \dots), $$ where $x_{aj}$ are the ancestral states of the predictor variables $x_j$. Clearly, $k$ is not a parameter of biological interest. What we would like is to get estimates of its components, and in particular of the “optimal” intercept, $b_0$. For species on a non-ultrametric phylogeny, it is technically possible to get independent estimates of $b_0, y_a$ and the $x_a$'s, but unless there is strong phylogenetic inertia and the phylogeny is strongly non-ultrametric, these would be poorly resolved, and the individual estimates will be inaccurate. We generally do not recommend separate estimates of these parameters, and for an ultrametric phylogeny, we can only obtain an estimate of the composite $k$. An estimate of the optimal intercept may, however, be obtained indirectly with an additional assumption. First, note that SLOUCH returns independent estimates of the ancestral states $x_a$ based on the assumption that the predictors evolve as if by a Brownian motion. The problem is then only to get an estimate of the ancestral state of the trait, $y_a$. One resonable way to do this is to assume that the common ancestor was optimal, and use $y_a = b_0 + b_1x_{a1} + b_2x_{a2} \dots$. From this we can derive an estimate of the optimal intercept as:

$$ b_0 = k + (\rho(\alpha t) - 1)(b_1x_{a1} + b_2x_{a2} \dots), $$ where $k, b$'s, $x_a$'s and $\rho(\alpha t)$ are all output from the SLOUCH analysis. This may be useful for plotting of the optimal regression, etc. The error due to the ancestral-optimality assumption is likely to be small unless the phylogenetic half-life is large.

Brownian-motion models

The Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process is a generalization of the Brownian motion. When $\alpha = 0$, the model collapses into a Brownian motion with no pull towards the optimum. Brownian motion is not distinguishable from an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process where the phylogenetic half-life is much larger than the tree length. SLOUCH can also explicitly fit Brownian Motion models of trait evolution. The stochastic differential equation is

$$ dy = \sigma_y dW_y, $$

where $dW_y \sim N(0, dt)$. For a zero-trend model, we expect the following at the tips:

$$ y_i = y_a + r_i, $$ where $y_a$ is the ancestral state (or "phylogenetic mean"). The residuals ($r_i$) are phylogenetically correlated:

$$ \text{Cov}[r_i, r_j] = \sigma_y^2t_a, $$ where $t_a$ is the sum of shared branch lengths for species $i$ and $j$. With this model, we only estimate the diffusion parameter ($\sigma_y^2$) with likelihood.

Regime-dependent trends

Keep in mind that, since there is no directional or stabilizing trend in a standard Brownian motion, the intercept is the same as the ancestral state $y_a$. Unlike the OU process, there are no optima ($\theta$), and the rate of adaptation ($\alpha$) is not a part of the model. We can, however, expand the model to include regime-dependent trends:

$$ dy = \tau dt + \sigma_y dW_y $$

where $\tau$ is the direction of change in $dy$ per time $dt$ in the current regime. The trends ($\tau$) in this model are equivalent to $\tau = \lim_{\alpha \to 0}(\theta\alpha)$ under an OU model. For each species, the model predicts:

$$ y = y_a + \sum_m{\tau_m t_m} + r, $$ where $t_m$ is the total time that species $i$ has spent in regime $m$. With ultrametric trees, $y_a$ can not be estimated independently of the trends $\tau$, and as such $y_a$ is not estimated with default settings. In other words, we assume that $y_a = 0$, and hence the trends $\tau_m$ can only be interpreted relative to each other. If we do estimate $y_a$ independently, however, the trends $\tau_m$ will represent the absolute expected direction of change. The residuals covariances are equal to those in the zero-trend model.

Continuous covariates

Next, we can expand the model to include continuous covariates. If we model the covariates to influence the response trait directly and immediately, the model implementation is similar to the previously described direct-effect model. Another option is to model the trend as a linear function of a random variable evolving as a Brownian motion ($\tau = a + bx$).

$$ \begin{aligned} dy &= (a + bx)dt + \sigma_y dW_y \ dx &= \sigma_x dW_x \end{aligned} $$ $a$ represents the regime-dependent trends as previously denoted $\tau$. $x$ is a random variable evolving as a Brownian motion. In the case of multiple independent predictors, we have $$ dy = (a + \sum_j{b_j x_j})dt + \sigma_y dW_y, $$ For each species, the model predicts:

$$ y = y_a + \sum_m{a_mt_m} + \sum_j{\rho(t)b_jx_{j}} + r, $$ where $y_a$ is the ancestral state, $a_m$ is the trend in regime $m$, and $t_m$ is the sum of time spent in regime $m$. $x_{j}$ is the current (extant) state of predictor variable $j$, and $\rho(t)$ is the phylogenetic correction factor:

$$ \rho(t) = \frac{t}{2}, $$ where $t$ is the time from the species to the root of the tree. Note that unlike previously, where $\rho$ was unitless and in the interval [0,1], the $\rho$ for the Brownian motion continuous-trend model is positive and in units of time. The residual covariances for this model are

$$ \text{Cov}[r_i, r_j] = \sigma_y^2 t_a + \sum_j{(b_j^2 \sigma_j^2)} t_a(t_a^2/12 + t_{ia}t_{ja}/4), $$

where the time from the most recent common ancestor (MRCA) of species $i, j$ to species $i$ is $t_{ia}$, and the time from the MRCA to species $j$ is $t_{ja}$.

Parameter estimation

Model formulation

First, we set up the model. As an example, we model log neocortex size (mm$^2$) as having three distinct optima (browsers, grazers, mixed feeders) and adapting in response to log brain size (g), where brain size evolves as if by a Brownian motion. For each species $i$, this is

$$ y_i = c_{0i}y_a + c_{1i}\theta_\text{browser} + c_{2i}\theta_\text{grazer} + c_{3i}\theta_\text{mixed feeder} + b \rho (t_i) x_i + r_i. $$ For the moment, let's assume that $y_a$ is equal to the optimum present at the root of the tree ($\theta_\text{mixed feeder}$) and estimate the two parameters jointly. In matrix form, the equivalent is $$ \mathbf{Y} = \begin{bmatrix} c_{11} & c_{21} & c_{31} + c_{01} & \rho (t_1) x_1 \ c_{12} & c_{22} & c_{32} + c_{02} & \rho (t_2) x_2 \ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots \ c_{1n} & c_{2n} & c_{3n} + c_{0n} & \rho (t_n) x_n
\end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \begin{aligned} & \theta_\text{browser} \ & \theta_\text{grazer} \ & \theta_\text{mixed feeder} \ & b \end{aligned} \end{bmatrix} + \mathbf{r} , $$ where $\mathbf{Y}$ is a vector of observed log neocortex size, $\mathbf{r} \sim \mathcal{N}(\mathbf{0, V})$ is a vector of residuals, and $n$ is the number of species. Note that the coefficients $c$ are themselves functions of the rate of adaptation ($\alpha$), the regime topology and the tree branch lengths. In the next section we will use the equivalent compact version: $$ \mathbf{Y} = \mathbf{X} \mathbf{\beta} + \mathbf{r}, $$ where $\mathbf{X}$ is the model matrix, and $\mathbf{\beta}$ is a vector of linear model parameters.


In SLOUCH, the regression parameters are estimated using the least-squares method. Conditional on the other model parameters (e.g. $t_{1/2}$, $\sigma^2_y/2\alpha$ and $\sigma^2_{xj}$), we start with an ordinary least-squares estimate of the regression parameters:

$$ \hat{\mathbf{\beta}}_0 = (\mathbf{X}^T\mathbf{X})^{-1}(\mathbf{X}^T\mathbf{X}). $$ We require an initial estimate $\hat{\mathbf{\beta}}_0$ since the regression coefficients enter the residual variance-covariance matrix $\mathbf{V}$ when measurement error is included in the model. We use $\mathbf{\hat{\beta}}_0$ and $\mathbf{V}$ to obtain a generalized least-squares (GLS) estimate of the regression parameters as:

$$ \hat{\mathbf{\beta}} = (\mathbf{X}^T\mathbf{V}^{-1}\mathbf{X})^{-1}(\mathbf{X}^T\mathbf{V}^{-1}\mathbf{X}). $$ We update $\mathbf{V}$ and iterate the GLS estimation until convergence is reached. For models with random predictor variables, this estimate yields the optimal or primary regression, as the interpretation depends on the phylogenetic half-life. In calculating the evolutionary regression, $\hat{\mathbf{\beta}}_\text{evolutionary}$, we reconstruct the model matrix $\mathbf{X}$ by setting $\rho = 1$ (or $\rho = t/2$ in the case of the Brownian-motion continuous-trend model), and apply same above formula. The variances and covariances of the linear model parameter are estimated as:

$$ \text{Var}[\hat{\mathbf{\beta}}] = (\mathbf{X}^T\mathbf{V}^{-1}\mathbf{X})^{-1}, $$ where the square root of the diagonal elements are the standard errors.

Maximum likelihood

We use the GLS estimates to we evaluate the log-likelihood (= support) function:

$$ \log \mathcal{L}(t_{1/2}, \sigma_y^2/2\alpha) = -\frac{1}{2}(n\log(2\pi) + \log \left|\mathbf{V} \right| + (\mathbf{y} - \mathbf{X\hat{\mathbf{\beta}}})^T\mathbf{V}^{-1}(\mathbf{y} - \mathbf{X\hat{\mathbf{\beta}}})). $$

The regression parameters and likelihood are estimated in equal fashion for all types of models. SLOUCH includes two options for estimating $t_{1/2}$ and $\sigma^2_y/2\alpha$ using likelihood. A numerical optimization routine (L-BFGS-B, Byrd et al. 1995) is used as default, but a grid search is also implemented.

Model selection

SLOUCH output provides the user with various statistics in order to compare models with different combinations of predictor variables. These are the coefficient of determination ($\text{R}^2$), Akaike Information Criteion (AIC), the small-sample corrected AIC (AICc) and the stricter Schwarz Information Critetion (SIC) (Burnham & Anderson, 1998). For continuous predictor models, these criteria can be used to choose the number of informative predictors in a multiple regression, or to decide which is the best predictor of a given trait's evolution. These information criteria can also be used to decide whether a single or multiple optima Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process or a Brownian-Motion process best describes a trait's evolution. For models with fixed categorical predictors, these information criteria are useful for assessing which categories influence a trait's evolution (Butler & King 2004). In this way the user can either pool different categories or further subdivide a given category into biological meaningful categories in order to test various hypotheses concerning differential selective niches. We note however, that the information criteria will sometimes pick models with strange parameter estimates like optima or ancestral states that are way out of biological bounds, or stationary variances of zero. Such models should be regarded with skepticism, and one can use grid search to look at the support surfaces to see if there are other peaks in the likelihood surface with more reasonable estimates. Note that all of the model fit statistics, as well as the parameter search itself, is conditional on the naive GLS estimator, i.e. prior to any bias-correction routines.

Estimation error

The linear model coefficients are reported with standard errors, which can be used to construct confidence intervals. These are, however, conditional on the maximum-likelihood estimates of $t_{1/2}$ and $v_y$.

The estimation errors in $t_{1/2}$ and $v_y$ are more difficult to estimate, however, as we use numerical techniques to optimize the likelihood. With numerical optimization, the default setting does not provide estimation error. An experimental option uses numerical sampling to approximate the Hessian matrix at the likelihood peak, which can be used to report standard errors of $t_{1/2}$ and $v_y$. We note that this method can be numerically unstable, particularly with long half-lives, and may even crash the program for small half-lives.

A good way to inspect estimation error is to perform a grid search, which can be seen in the examples vignette. A grid search starts by manually providing vectors of potential values for each parameter to the program to find the combination that maximizes the likelihood. The best estimates of $t_{1/2}$ and $v_y$ are a joint estimate and for this reason the support region (the three-dimensional log-likelihood plot) is given as a measure of uncertainty for $t_{1/2}$ and $v_y$ jointly. The marginal lowest and highest values of $t_{1/2}$ within the support region, conditional on the best estimate of $v_y$, can also be obtained using the figure and the support-region tables in the output (and vice versa for $v_y$). The function can also take scalars rather than vectors, which may be useful for finding the marginal support region of $t_{1/2}$ conditional on $v_y$ (and vice versa).

Measurement variance

Hansen & Bartozsek (2012) discuss how to incorporate measurement error into a phylogenetic comparative analysis. Most often, a comparative analysis involves using species means as input values. In this case the main component of measurement error is estimation error in the mean (or whatever other statistics are used) resulting from sampling a finite number of individuals. If each mean species value to be used in the regression was obtained from a large number of individuals (> 20-30 or so) the square of the standard error (i.e. the estimation variance) can be entered into the measurement error column for that variable. If no measurement error is to be included, then simply add a column of zeros. We also refer the reader to the examples vignette for a more detailed example. SLOUCH deals with measurement error in the response variable by adding measurement variance to the diagonals of the residual variance matrix. Measurement variance in the random predictor variable(s) is incorporated by multiplying it by the square of the uncorrected slope parameter and then adding it to the diagonals of the residual variance matrix. If the observational errors in the predictor variables are non-zero, the generalized least squares estimator may be biased. A bias correction for the regression coefficients is implemented according to Hansen & Bartoszek (2012).

Caveats and limitations

As with any statistical model, the quality of the parameter estimates is dependent on the quality of the data and certain assumptions concerning the residuals must be met. SLOUCH utilizes measured trait values, ancestral regimes, the phylogenetic topology and branch lengths as data. With regards to the trait values, we assume that a linear relationship exists between expected optimal trait values and the predictor variables. Although SLOUCH can perform non-linear regression by entering quadratic terms in the model, this will most likely violate the assumption that the predictors evolve as a Brownian Motion. SLOUCH also assumes that the underlying evolutionary process is equal in all parts of the tree, as $t_{1/2}$ and $\sigma_y^2$ are constant. When studying a clade that is heterogeneic (e.g. Cetartiodactyla) or spans large timespans this assumption may be violated, and one may consider splitting the phylogeny or using methods that relax this assumption (Beaulieu et al. 2014). Any inferences drawn about the rates of adaption, phylogenetic inertia and its potential effects on trait values are conditional on the phylogeny used. SLOUCH does not include routines for evaluating the effects of phylogeny uncertainty in a systematic manner, but one can perform the analysis on plausible alternative phylogenetic hypotheses to examine the effects of phylogenetic uncertainty on parameter estimates. Simulation may also be useful for examining potential interactions between true parameter values and alternative phylogenies.



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Burnham, K. P. & Anderson, D. R. (1998). Model selection and inference: A practical information- theoretic approach. Springer.

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