
Defines functions toTable treeToTable saferound

Documented in toTable

saferound <- function(num, digits)
  if (is.numeric(num)) {
    return(round(num, digits))
  } else {

treeToTable <- function(tree, colDataList=list(), result=list())
  colDataListLeft <- colDataList
  colDataListRight <- colDataList
  colDataListLeft[[length(colDataList)+1]] <- list(tree$rule, tree$left_child$edge_label)
  colDataListRight[[length(colDataList)+1]] <- list(tree$rule, tree$right_child$edge_label)
  if (tree$caption != "TERMINAL") {
    result <- treeToTable(tree$left_child,colDataListLeft, result)
    result <- treeToTable(tree$right_child,colDataListRight, result)  
  } else {
    result[[length(result)+1]] <- list(colDataList,tree$params)

#' Tabular Representation of a SEM Tree
#' Converts a tree into a tabular representation. This may be useful as a
#' textual representation for use in manuscripts.
#' @param tree A SEM Tree object.
#' @param added.param.cols String. Add extra columns with parameter estimates. Pass a vector with the names of the parameters that should be rendered in the table.
#' @param round.param Integer. Number of digits to round parameter estimates. Default is no rounding (NULL)
#' @author Andreas M. Brandmaier
#' @references
#' Brandmaier, A. M., Ram, N., Wagner, G. G., & Gerstorf, D. (in press).
#' Terminal decline in well-being: The role of multi-indicator constellations
#' of physical health and psychosocial correlates. \emph{Developmental
#' Psychology}.
#' @export
toTable <- function(tree, added.param.cols=NULL, round.param=NULL) {

# collect all data
alls <- c()
rowdata <- treeToTable(tree)
for (i in 1:length(rowdata)) {
  myrow <- rowdata[[i]][[1]]
  for (j in 1:length(myrow)) {
    myitem <- myrow[[j]]
    alls[length(alls)+1] <- myitem[[1]]$name
alls <- unique(alls)
# collect all variables

# create table
#covariate.names <-simplify2array(tree$result$btn.matrix[2,])
covariate.names <- getCovariatesFromTree(tree)

# default is to display all parameters
if (is.null(added.param.cols)) {
  added.param.cols <- names(tree$params)

# all column names for the table to be generated (covariate names and parameter names)
all.names <- c(covariate.names, added.param.cols)

str.matrix <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(rowdata),ncol=length(all.names))

colnames(str.matrix) <- all.names

for (i in 1:length(rowdata)) {
#  result.row <- rep(" ",length(covariate.names))
  myrow <- rowdata[[i]][[1]]
  for (j in 1:length(myrow)) {
    myitem <- myrow[[j]]
    varid <- which(covariate.names==myitem[[1]]$name)
    state <- myitem[[2]]
    if (state==1) { # state encodes whether TRUE OR FALSE
      if (myitem[[1]]$relation==">=") {
        rule <- paste(">=",saferound(myitem[[1]]$value,2))
      } else if (myitem[[1]]$relation=="%in%") {
        rule <- paste(myitem[[1]]$value, collapse=" or ")
      } else {
        rule <- "UNKNOWN"
    } else {

      # invert rule
      rule <- ""
      if (myitem[[1]]$relation==">=") {
        rule <- paste("<",saferound(myitem[[1]]$value,2))
      } else if (myitem[[1]]$relation=="%in%") {
        rule <- paste("not (",paste(myitem[[1]]$value,collapse=" or "),")")
      } else 
        { rule <- "UNKNOWN" } 
    if (is.na(str.matrix[i, varid])) {
      str.matrix[i,varid] <- rule
    } else {
      str.matrix[i,varid] <- paste(str.matrix[i,varid]," & ", rule)
  # fill variable names
  if (!is.null(added.param.cols)) {
  for (j in 1:length(added.param.cols)) {
    colid <- which(colnames(str.matrix)==added.param.cols[j])
    param <- rowdata[[i]][[2]][which(names(rowdata[[i]][[2]])==added.param.cols[j])]
    if (!is.null(round.param)) {
      param <- saferound(param, round.param)
    str.matrix[i,colid] <- param 
#  result.string <- paste(result.string,paste(result.row,collapse="\t"),"\n")

## prune empty columns?
is.col.empty <- which(apply(str.matrix,2,function(x){all(is.na(x))}))
if (length(is.col.empty)>0) {
 str.matrix <- str.matrix[,-is.col.empty]

# sort columns according to number of elements
sortby <- apply(str.matrix,2,function(x){sum(!is.na(x))})
if (!is.null(added.param.cols)) {
 remids <- (dim(str.matrix)[2]-length(added.param.cols)+1):(dim(str.matrix)[2])
 sortby[remids] <- sortby[remids]-999999
sort.ix <- sort(sortby,index.return=TRUE,decreasing = TRUE)$ix
str.matrix <- str.matrix[, sort.ix]


## format output
#result.string <- paste(paste(colnames(str.matrix),collapse="\t"),"\n")
#for (i in 1:dim(str.matrix)[1]) {
#  result.string <- paste(result.string,paste(str.matrix[i,],collapse="\t"),"\n")

## and display



brandmaier/semtree documentation built on April 18, 2024, 3:24 a.m.