
## Ospats allocation
## This function will given a stratification determined by ospats algorithm allocate new data to strata
## This is like a fine-gridding operation of ospats. Negates the need to do ospats on very fine grids.
## Input needs to be predictions or target variable and associated error.

##grids = a raster stack of predicitons and error variance as seperate layers
##ospat.obj = the object that is outputs from running the ospatsF function
##cores = function can be implemnted in parallel so one can specify how many compute cores to use.

## 2 rasters (stacked) are output. These are exported to file in the users working directory
## The raster are a stratification map and map of the objective function.

##This R script was translated from matlab code that was developed by Jaap de Gruifter and Budiman Minasny
##Script author: Brendan Malone (brendan.malone@sydney.edu.au)

ospats_allocate<- function(grids = NULL , ospat.obj= NULL, cores = 1){
  #inputs from ospats
  tester_1<- ospat.obj
  stack.ins<- grids
  Sd2<- tester_1$sumSq #strata sums of squares
  ospatIN<- tester_1$stratFrame #statification data frame
  names(ospatIN)<- c("x", "y", "pred", "s2", "ospats_strata")
  #some output rasters
  all.r<- raster(stack.ins[[1]])
  all.r<- writeStart(all.r,filename='allocated_strata.tif', format='GTiff', overwrite=TRUE) #allocated strata
  all.o<- raster(stack.ins[[1]])
  all.o<- writeStart(all.o,filename='objectiveF.tif', format='GTiff', overwrite=TRUE) #objective function
  # Begin a parallel cluster and register it with foreach:
  cpus = cores # The number of nodes/cores to use in the cluster
  cl <- makeCluster(spec = cpus)
  # Register the cluster with foreach:
  ##For each row of the raster
  pb <- txtProgressBar(min=0, max=dim(all.r)[1], style=3)
  for(i in 1:dim(all.r)[1]){ #for each line of each input raster
    #for(i in 1:25){ #for each line of each input raster
    #oper1 <- foreach(i=1:25,.packages=c("raster", "rgdal")) %dopar% {
    cov.Frame<- getValues(stack.ins,i) #get raster values
    cov.cell<- cellFromRow(stack.ins, i)
    sub.frame<- cov.Frame[which(complete.cases(cov.Frame)),] #get the complete cases
    sub.index<- which(complete.cases(cov.Frame))
    sub.cell<- cov.cell[sub.index]
    sub.xy<- xyFromCell(stack.ins, sub.cell, spatial=FALSE)
    sub.frame<- as.data.frame(cbind(sub.xy,sub.frame))
    names(sub.frame)<- c("x", "y", "pred", "s2")
    a.matrix <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(cov.Frame), ncol = 2)
    ##For each element of the row
    oper1<- foreach(qq=1:nrow(sub.frame),.combine = rbind) %dopar% {  #element by element in paralel
      #oper1<- for (qq in 1:nrow(sub.frame)){
      Sd2_1<- Sd2
      StratBest<- as.matrix(ospatIN$ospats_strata)
      n<- nrow(ospatIN)
      subsA<- sub.frame[qq,]
      #Distance  of new point to existing data
      Zt2<- (subsA$pred-ospatIN$pred)^2 #prediciton
      St2<-  subsA$s2 + ospatIN$s2 #variance
      Lagt<- sqrt(((subsA$x - ospatIN$x)^2) + ((subsA$y - ospatIN$y)^2))
      Zt2<- Zt2/tester_1$ospatsParams[5] 
      # Calculate matrix of maximum of covariance
      Cov_max<- 0.5*St2
      Cov<- Cov_max*exp((-3*Lagt)/tester_1$ospatsParams[1])
      dt2<- Zt2 + St2 -2*Cov
      rm(Zt2, St2, Lagt, Cov)
      # Insert the new point to d2
      # Add a new row and column
      t1<- cbind(tester_1$covMat, 0) #
      t2<- rbind(t1, 0)
      # Insert the dt2 data
      t2[n+1, 1:n]<- dt2
      t2[1:n, 1+n]<- dt2
      A<- 1 # try with strata 1
      n<- n + 1
      StratBest<- rbind(StratBest,1)
      # Calculate sums of d2's within strata (Sd2) and contributions of strata to Obj (cbObj).
      ij<- which(StratBest==A)
      dA<- sum(t2[n,ij])
      Sd2_1[1,1]<- Sd2_1[1,1] + dA
      cbObj<-  sqrt(Sd2_1)
      for (strat in 2:tester_1$ospatsParams[6]){
        # remove t from A
        A<- strat-1
        t<- n
        ij<- which(StratBest==A)
        dA<- sum(t2[t,ij]) - t2[t,t]
        sumd2tinA <- dA
        Sd2Amint = Sd2_1[1,A]- sumd2tinA
        cbObjA = sqrt(Sd2Amint)
        #Add to B
        B<-  strat
        ij<- which(StratBest==B)
        dB<- sum(t2[t,ij])
        sumd2plus<-  dB
        cbObjB = sqrt(Sd2_1[1,B] + sumd2plus)
        Delta = cbObjA + cbObjB - cbObj[1,A] - cbObj[1,B]
        if(Delta < 0){ # Onbj function decrease? then  transfer
          StratBest[t,1] = B #update stratification
          Sd2_1[1,A] = Sd2_1[1,A] -sumd2tinA
          Sd2_1[1,B] = Sd2_1[1,B] + sumd2plus
          cbObj = sqrt(Sd2_1)
          Obj = sum(cbObj)
          Delta = 0}}
      Obj<- sum(cbObj)
      Obar<- Obj/n
      c(StratBest[t,1], Obar)}
    a.matrix[sub.index,]<- oper1
    all.r <- writeValues(all.r, a.matrix[, 1], i)
    all.o <- writeValues(all.o, a.matrix[, 2], i)
    setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)}
  all.r<- writeStop(all.r)
  all.o<- writeStop(all.o)
  message(paste("OSPATS outputs can be located at:",getwd(), sep=" "))
  out.stack<- stack(all.r, all.o)
brendo1001/ospats documentation built on May 18, 2019, 2:35 p.m.