
This is a vignette to demonstrate the basics of using the spaceMovie package to generate color palettes.

The most basic form requires only that you call the function SW_palette() and provide one of the palette names. By default, all colors from that palette will be displayed.

'A New Hope'


Zeb from Rebels


You may explicitly state the number of colors you would like.

Sabine from Rebels

SW_palette("Sabine", n = 3)

You can use spaceMovie to color code your plots, as with this example using ggplot2:


ggplot(iris, aes(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, color = Species)) +
  theme_bw() +
  geom_point(size = 3) +
  scale_color_manual(values = SW_palette("Chopper")) +
  labs(y = "Sepal width", x = "Sepal length") +
  theme(legend.text = element_text(face = "italic"))

Here is a similar plot using base R:

plot(x = iris$Sepal.Length, y = iris$Sepal.Width, pch = 19, col = SW_palette("Chopper")[factor(iris$Species)], cex = 1.25, xlab = "Sepal length", ylab = "Sepal width", las = 1, ylim = c(2, 4.5), xlim = c(4, 8))
legend("topleft", col = SW_palette("Chopper"), pch = 19, bty = "n", legend = c(expression(paste(italic("setosa"))), c(expression(paste(italic("versicolor")))), c(expression(paste(italic("virginica"))))))

The SW_palette function also allows you to select type = "continuous", which will fill in n number of colors.


SW_palette("Boba", n = 21, type = "continuous")

Saving continuous palettes to an object may clean up your code a bit:

A Boba Fett volcano!

SW_colors_1 <- SW_palette("Boba", 21, type = "continuous")
image(volcano, col = SW_colors_1, las = 1)

Heat map

SW_colors_2 <- SW_palette("Hera", 100, type = "continuous")

ggplot(heatmap, aes(x = X2, y = X1, fill = value)) + 
  geom_tile() + 
  scale_fill_gradientn(colours = SW_colors_2) + 
  scale_x_discrete(expand = c(0, 0)) +
  scale_y_discrete(expand = c(0, 0)) + 

butterflyology/spaceMovie documentation built on May 13, 2019, 9:04 a.m.