
#' #' Compute optimal balancing weights via entropy balancing
#' #'
#' #' @param formula Typical R style formula - ex. `TA ~ X1 + X2`
#' #' @param data R \code{data.frame} that contains the variables listed in the formula
#' #' @param R Binary vector of response indictors
#' #' @param estimand Estimand for optimizing the weights towards.  Acceptable values of "ATE", "ATT", "ATC" where ATT takes values of 1 to be the treatment category and 0 to be the control category
#' #' @param n_moments The number of moments that are to be matched.  Default to 2
#' #' @param max_iters Maximum number of iterations for the BFGS optimization procedure
#' #' @param verbose Should the algorithm print progess to screen? Defaults to FALSE
#' #' @param optim_method Optimization Method.  Set to 'L-BFGS-B' by deault.  Specify 'BFGS' is there are optimization issues
#' #' @return Object that contains the weights obtained from the balancing procedure and parameters from the optimization procedure
#' #'
#' #' The object that is returned is a list that contains the following entries
#' #' \itemize{
#' #' \item{ \code{wts} - Optimal weights for the estimand of interest and matched number of moments.}
#' #' \item{ \code{untransformed_wts} - Latent value used to contruct the weights.  Typically unneeded.}
#' #' \item{ \code{minimum_overall_bal} - Resulting value of the objective function at algorithm termination.}
#' #' \item{ \code{convergence} - Convergence code from \code{optim} package for BFGS algorithm.}
#' #' \item{ \code{message} - Convergence message from \code{optim} package for BFGS algorithm.}
#' #' \item{ \code{n_matched_moments} - Number of moments matched in the optimization.}
#' #' \item{ \code{X} - Design matrix used in obtaining balance.}
#' #' \item{ \code{TA} - Vector of Treatment Assignments Used.}
#' #' }
#' #' @examples
#' #' # Example 1 - ATE Example
#' #' n_obs <- 500
#' #' X1 <- rnorm(n_obs)
#' #' X2 <- rnorm(n_obs)
#' #' p <- pnorm( 0.5 * X1 + 0.5 * X2 )
#' #' TA <- rbinom(n_obs, 1, p)
#' #' dat <- data.frame(X1 = X1, X2 = X2, TA = TA)
#' #' system.time(res <- entbald('TA ~ X1 + X2',
#' #'                           data = dat, verbose = T, optim_method = 'BFGS'))
#' #' summary(res)
#' #'
#' #' # Example 2 - ATT Example
#' #' dset <- dw99cps1
#' #' estwts <- entbal(TA ~ age + education + black + hispanic + married + nodegree + RE74 + RE75,
#' #'                       data = dset,
#' #'                       n_moments = 3,
#' #'                       verbose = 1,
#' #'                       estimand = "ATT")
#' #' summary(estwts)
#' #' dset$wts <- estwts$wts
#' #' design <- svydesign(ids=~1, weights=~wts, data = dset)
#' #' resp <- svyglm('RE78 ~ TA', design = design)
#' #'summary(resp)
#' #'
#' entbal <- function(formula,
#'                    data = NULL,
#'                    R = NULL,
#'                    estimand = "ATE",
#'                    n_moments = 3,
#'                    max_iters = 1000,
#'                    verbose = FALSE,
#'                    optim_method = 'L-BFGS-B',
#'                    bal_tol = 0.005,
#'                    opt_constraints = c(-100, 100)){
#'   # Cleaning up user input
#'   estimand <- toupper(estimand)
#'   formula <- formula(formula)
#'   # Checking if the formula has a response
#'   if(!attr(terms(formula, data=data), 'response')) stop('Please supply a treatment variable on the left side of the formula');
#'   # Dropping the intercept term
#'   # if(attr(terms(formula, data=data), 'intercept')){
#'   #   formula <- update(terms(formula, data=data), . ~ . -1)
#'   # }
#'   # Collecting the data and making a model.frame object to create the design matrix
#'   mf <- model.frame(formula, data = data)
#'   ta <- model.response(mf, 'numeric')
#'   designX <- model.matrix(formula, data=mf)
#'   NC <- ncol(designX)
#'   n_classes <- length(unique(ta))
#'   n_obs <- nrow(designX)
#'   if(n_classes==n_obs){stop('Number of unique treatment values equals the number of observations\n  -->Continuous treatment regimes not currently supported')}
#'   if(n_classes==1){stop('Number of unique treatment values is one\n  -->Single treatment value is incoherent')}
#'   if(!estimand %in% c('ATE', 'ATT', 'ATC')){stop('Invalid estimand: Choose ATE, ATT, or ATC')}
#'   if(estimand == 'ATE'){
#'     Xmat <- make_Xmat(designX[,2:NC], n_moments)
#'     Xmat <- scale(Xmat)
#'     targets <- apply(Xmat, 2, mean)
#'     if(is.null(R)){
#'       XT <- Xmat[ta == 1, ]
#'       XC <- Xmat[ta == 0, ]
#'     } else {
#'       XT <- Xmat[ta == 1 & R == 1, ]
#'       XC <- Xmat[ta == 0 & R == 1, ]
#'     }
#'     wtsT <- entbal_fit(XT, targets, n_moment, max_iters, verbose, optim_method, bal_tol, opt_constraints)
#'     wtsC <- entbal_fit(XC, targets, n_moment, max_iters, verbose, optim_method, bal_tol, opt_constraints)
#'     conv_status_treated <- wtsT$optim_obj$convergence
#'     conv_status_control <- wtsC$optim_obj$convergence
#'     conv_status <- ifelse(conv_status_treated==0, T, F) & ifelse(conv_status_control==0, T, F)
#'     conv_messages <- list('treated' = wtsT$optim_obj$message,
#'                           'control' = wtsC$optim_obj$message)
#'     opt_obj <- list('treated' = wtsT$optim_obj,
#'                     'control' = wtsC$optim_obj)
#'     mf$wts <- NA
#'     if(is.null(R)){
#'       mf$wts[ta == 1] <- wtsT$wts
#'       mf$wts[ta == 0] <- wtsC$wts
#'     } else {
#'       mf$wts[ta == 1 & R == 1] <- wtsT$wts
#'       mf$wts[ta == 0 & R == 1] <- wtsC$wts
#'       mf$wts[R==0] <- 0
#'     }
#'   } else if (estimand == 'ATT'){
#'     Xmat <- make_Xmat(designX[,2:NC], n_moments)
#'     Xmat <- scale(Xmat)
#'     XT <- Xmat[ta == 1, ]
#'     targets <- apply(XT, 2, mean)
#'     XC <- Xmat[ta == 0, ]
#'     wtsC <- entbal_fit(XC, targets, n_moment, max_iters, verbose, optim_method, bal_tol, opt_constraints)
#'     conv_status_control <- wtsC$optim_obj$convergence
#'     conv_status <- ifelse(conv_status_control==0, T, F)
#'     conv_messages <- list('control' = wtsC$optim_obj$message)
#'     opt_obj <- list('control' = wtsC$optim_obj)
#'     mf$wts <- NA
#'     mf$wts[ta == 1] <- 1
#'     mf$wts[ta == 0] <- wtsC$wts
#'   }
#'   if(conv_status == F) {
#'     warning('Check convergence status')
#'   }
#'   res <- list('wts' = mf$wts,
#'               'convergence' = conv_status,
#'               'message' = conv_messages,
#'               'n_matched_moments' = n_moments,
#'               'estimand' = estimand,
#'               'X' = designX[,2:NC],
#'               'TA' = ta,
#'               'opt_obj' = opt_obj)
#'   class(res) <- c(if(n_classes > 2) "entbal_multiclass", "entbal_binary")
#'   res$estimand <- estimand
#'   res
#' }
bvegetabile/entbal documentation built on July 28, 2021, 8:50 p.m.