
# Apple currently does not fully support Java (specifically access to the AWT library).
# Coloring on Mac via the xlsx library which uses Java does therefore not work.
# Workaround: find out if on Mac and don't do formatting.


Filters <- matrix(c("R code", ".R", "R code", ".s",
                    "Text", ".txt", "All files", "*"),
                  4, 2, byrow = TRUE)

getFilters <- function(){
  Excel = c("Excel files (*.xlsx)","*.xlsx")
  TabDel= c("Tab delimited file (*.txt)","*.txt")
  Filters2 = rbind(Filters,Excel,TabDel)

is.mac <- function(){

# convert to zero or one
convertVals = function(vals, refs){
  d3 = refs %in% vals
  d3 = as.numeric(d3) 

#identify all unique values ignoring -1 and -9 (or anything below 0)
identifyUniqueVals <- function (data) {
  d1= data[,c(3:ncol(data))]
  d2=sort(unique(unlist(mapply(unique, d1))))

createMatrix <- function (data, d2) {
  #create new matrix
  res = t(apply(data[,3:ncol(data)], 1, convertVals, d2 )) 
  res = as.data.frame(res)
  #label columns and rows
  res = cbind(data[,1], res)

checkLicorFormat <- function(atable){
  minBp = 3
  maxBp = 1000
  misBp = c(-1,-9)
  valBp = c(misBp, minBp:maxBp)
  if(!is.character(atable[,1])) return(FALSE)
  if(!all(unique(atable[,1]) == atable[,1])) return(FALSE)
  if(!is.character(atable[,2])) return(FALSE)
  if(length(unique(atable[,2])) != 1) return(FALSE)
  for(i in 3:ncol(atable)){
    if( all(is.na(as.integer(atable[,i])))) return(FALSE)
    atable[,i] = as.integer(atable[,i])
    if(!(all(atable[,i] %in% valBp))) return(FALSE)

getValidLicorTables <- function(filename){
  wb = loadWorkbook(filename)
  #nms = names(getSheets(wb))
  nms = getSheets(wb)
  n = length(nms)
  res = logical(n)
  out = as.list(nms)
  j = 0
  for(i in 1:n){
    ok = FALSE
      #data = read.xlsx2(filename, sheetName=nms[i], header=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
        data = readWorksheet(wb, nms[i], header=FALSE)
        ok = TRUE
      } else {
         out[[i]] = NULL
    }, silent=TRUE)
      res[i] = checkLicorFormat(data)
        j = j + 1
        #for(k in 3:ncol(data)) data[,k] = as.integer(data[,k])
        out[[j]] = data
        names(out)[j] = nms[i]
  #validSheets = nms[res]

#' Reads a licor file
#' @aliases read.licor
#' @param filename expects a tab delimted text file or an excel sheet
#' @param datapath for use with web
#' @return list with filename entry and a sublist of datasets (named by sheet names or "csv" otherwise)
#' @author Reinhard Simon
#' @export
read.licor <- function(filename=NULL, datapath=NULL){
  data = NULL
  #sheetName = NULL
    if(!is.null(datapath)) {
      fn = datapath
    } else fn = filename
  if(is.null(fn)) {
    Filters2 = getFilters()
    filename = tk_choose.files(default = "", caption = "Select licor file!",
                            filters = Filters2[c("TabDel","Excel"),] 
      data = list(csv = read.csv(fn, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, header=F, sep="\t"))  
    if(str_detect(filename,".xlsx")) { 
      data = getValidLicorTables(fn)
  }, silent=TRUE)
  list(filename = filename, data=data)

#' Convert licor data into matrix of zero and one
#' Assumes a bp weight value or -1 and -9; the latter will be replaced by 0; the weight by 1.
#' The column will be renamed with the bp weight. The function also creates a file of the 
#' transformed data in .csv format within the the same path. The file name is appended with '_out'
#' and the extension set to '.csv'.
#' @aliases licor2matrix
#' @param data the output from the read.licor function
#' @return list filename and data if succesful; NA if otherwise
#' @author Reinhard Simon
#' @export
licor2matrix <- function(data=NULL){
  #if(data==NULL) return(NULL)
  n = length(data$data)
  if( n > 0 ){
    db = list(n)
    for(i in 1:n){
      d2 = identifyUniqueVals(data$data[[i]])
      trf= createMatrix(data$data[[i]], d2)
      ncl = ncol(data$data[[i]])
      newdata = cbind(data$data[[i]],trf)
      names(newdata)[1] = "Genotype"
      newdata[,c(ncl+1)] = as.character(newdata[,c(ncl+1)])
      db[[i]] = newdata
      names(db)[i] = names(data$data[i])
      res=list(filename = data$filename, data = db)

getAlleleStart <-function(data){
  pos = str_detect(names(data),"V") | str_detect(names(data),"X") | str_detect(names(data),"Col")  

#' summarizes the marker data
#' Simple statistics for each marker: sheet name, marker name, # of genotypes, # of alleles, allele bp weight.
#' Returns a dataframe
#' @aliases summary.licor
#' @param licor.res list object of licor transformation results with filename and data
#' @return data.frame
#' @author Reinhard Simon
#' @export
summary.licor <- function(licor.res=NULL){
  #if(licor.res==NULL) return(NULL)
  Sheet = ""
  Marker = ""
  Genotypes = 0
  Alleles = 0
  UniqueAlleles = 0
  bp = ""
  out = as.data.frame(cbind(Sheet,Marker,Genotypes, Alleles,bp,UniqueAlleles), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  n = length(licor.res$data)
  if(n > 0){
    for(i in 1:n){
      data = licor.res$data[[i]]
      aidx =  getAlleleStart(data) # Index of first allele column
      n.alleles = ncol(data)- aidx + 1
      a.data = data[, ((aidx ):ncol(data))]
      u.alleles = paste(names(a.data)[which(colSums(a.data)==1)],collapse=", ")
      nms.alleles = names(data)[aidx:ncol(data)]
      out[i,"Sheet"] = names(licor.res$data[i])
      out[i,"Marker"] = unique(data[,2])
      out[i,"Genotypes"] = nrow(data)
      out[i,"Alleles"] = n.alleles
      out[i,"bp"] = paste(nms.alleles,collapse=", ")
      out[i,"UniqueAlleles"] = u.alleles
    out$Genotypes = as.integer(out$Genotypes)
    out$Alleles = as.integer(out$Alleles)

#' Joins the marker data
#' Creates a final matrix of all valid sheets. If the list of genotypes differ, empty cells (NA) will be created.
#' The table will have the first column with the genotype names, then all allele columns. Column names are
#' renamed using the marker name before the allele weight and separated by a dot (e.g.: MARKER.123).
#' Returns a dataframe
#' @aliases join.markers
#' @param licor.res list object of licor transformation results with filename and data
#' @param all should all genotypes be considered? Default is TRUE. If TRUE this may create empty cells.
#' @return data.frame
#' @author Reinhard Simon
#' @export
join.markers = function(licor.res=NULL, all=TRUE){
  #if(licor.res==NULL) return(NULL)
  lic = licor.res
  n = length(lic$data)
  out = NULL
  if(n > 0){
    #cycle over list of data frames
    for(i in 1:n){
    #get data frame
    data = lic$data[[i]]
    #take out raw data
    aidx = getAlleleStart(data)
    mrnm = names(data)[aidx-1]
    #rename columns with marker name before
    alls = names(data)[aidx:ncol(data)]
    alnm = paste(mrnm,alls,sep=".")
    names(data)[aidx:ncol(data)] = alnm
    data = data[,-c(2:(aidx-1))]
    if(i==1) out = data
    #if i > 1 merge
    if(i > 1){
      out = merge(out, data, by="Genotype", all=all)
      #out[is.na(out)] = 0

hasCellStyle <- function(wb, styleName){
  ok = FALSE
    x = getCellStyle(wb, styleName)
    ok = class(x) == 'cellstyle'
  }, silent = TRUE)

getMyStyles <- function(wb){
    colHdr = createCellStyle(wb, name = "ColHdr")
    setFillPattern(colHdr, fill = XLC$"FILL.SOLID_FOREGROUND")
    setFillForegroundColor(colHdr, color = XLC$"COLOR.LIGHT_GREEN")
  } else {
    colHdr = getCellStyle(wb,"ColHdr")
    negVal = createCellStyle(wb, name = "NegValue")
    setFillPattern(negVal, fill = XLC$"FILL.SOLID_FOREGROUND")
    setFillForegroundColor(negVal, color = XLC$"COLOR.TAN")
  } else {
    negVal = getCellStyle(wb, "NegValue")
    altRow = createCellStyle(wb, name = "AltRow")
    setFillPattern(altRow, fill = XLC$"FILL.SOLID_FOREGROUND")
    setFillForegroundColor(altRow, color = XLC$"COLOR.GREY_40_PERCENT")
  } else {
    altRow = getCellStyle(wb,"AltRow")
  list(colHdr = colHdr, negVal = negVal, altRow = altRow)

formatMarkerSheet <- function(wb, sheetName, data){
  als = getAlleleStart(data)-1
  csl = getMyStyles(wb)
  #Alternating rows
  rs = which((1:nrow(data) %% 2==0))
  ind.row = rep(rs, ncol(data))
  ind.col = sort(rep(1:ncol(data), length(rs)))
  setCellStyle(wb, sheet = sheetName, row = ind.row, col = ind.col, cellstyle = csl$altRow)
  #1st part of table  
  rowInd = 1
  colInd = 1:ncol(data)
  setCellStyle(wb, sheet = sheetName, row = rowInd, col = colInd, cellstyle = csl$colHdr)
  #2nd part
  ind  <- which(data[,c(3:(als-1))] <= 0, arr.ind=TRUE)
  setCellStyle(wb, sheet = sheetName, row = ind[,1]+1, col = ind[,2]+2, cellstyle = csl$negVal)
  ind  <- which(data[,c((als+1):ncol(data))] <= 0, arr.ind=TRUE)
  setCellStyle(wb, sheet = sheetName, row = ind[,1]+1, col = ind[,2]+als, cellstyle = csl$negVal)

           function(object, name, cols) standardGeneric("autoSizeColumns"))

          signature(object = "workbook", name="character", cols="integer"), 
          function(object, name, cols) {
            object$setColumnWidth(name, 1:cols, -1)

# setGeneric("hideColumns",
#            function(object, name, cols, max) standardGeneric("hideColumns"))
# setMethod("hideColumns", 
#           signature(object = "workbook", name="character", cols="integer", max="integer"), 
#           function(object, name, cols, max) {
#             for(i in cols:max) object$setColumnWidth(name, i, 0)
#           }
# )

hideColumns = function(object, name, cols, max) {
  object$setColumnWidth(name, cols:max, 0)

#' Write licor transformed data to a file
#' Assumes a bp weight value or -1 and -9; the latter will be replaced by 0; the weight by 1.
#' In case of Excel formats the function adds a summary sheet of the different markers, and a joint table
#' if the total column number is less than 256.
#' By default, the transformed data and the additional tables (summary table, joined markers) will
#' be added to the same file. Alternatively, using the parameter 'outfile' with a path, 
#' a new Excel file will be created.
#' @aliases write.licor
#' @param licor.res list object of licor transformation results with filename and data.
#' @param outfile file path; optional argument to create a new file.
#' @param summary whether to add the summary; defaults to FALSE.
#' @param join whether to add the joined data; defaults to FALSE.
#' @param use.color whether to color cells and headers. Takes more time. Default is FALSE.
#' @param use.autoFilter whether to set autofilter on header row. Default is FALSE.
#' @author Reinhard Simon
#' @export
write.licor <- function(licor.res=NULL, outfile=NULL, summary=FALSE, join=FALSE, use.color = FALSE,
                        use.autoFilter=FALSE) {
  lic = licor.res
  n =length(lic$data) 
  summName = "Summary Licor data"
  joinName = "Joined Licor data"
  if(n > 0){
    filename = lic$filename
    if(!is.null(outfile)) filename=outfile
    if(names(lic$data)[1] == "csv"){
      write.csv(lic$data,filename, row.names=F)    
    } else { # assume various sheets from excel file
      if(file.exists(filename)) unlink(filename) # with XLConnect overwriting the same file causes a weird error with cellstyles
      wb= loadWorkbook(filename, create=TRUE)
      # Save each marker / sheet
      for(i in 1:n){
          nmx = ncol(lic$data[[i]])
          sheetName = names(lic$data)[i]
          wb$writeWorksheet(lic$data[[i]], sheetName, header=TRUE)
          if(use.color) formatMarkerSheet(wb, sheetName, lic$data[[i]])
          if(use.autoFilter) wb$autoSizeColumns(sheetName, nmx)
          #hideColumns(wb, sheetName, (nmx+1), 16384)
          wb$createFreezePane(sheetName, 3, 2, 1)
      } # end for
        smry = summary.licor(lic)
        wb$writeWorksheet(smry, summName, header=TRUE)
        wb$autoSizeColumns(summName, ncol(smry))
        joinM = join.markers(lic)
        if(ncol(joinM)<256) {
          wb$writeWorksheet(joinM, joinName, header = TRUE)
          wb$autoSizeColumns(joinName, ncol(joinM))
      } # end join
    } #end else
  } # end if

#' Get the current version number of this package
#' For use in applications
#' @aliases version
#' @author Reinhard Simon
#' @export
version <- function(){

#' One-step function to read, transform and format a licor file on the command line.
#' It creates all features available for use in the resulting Excel file. The formatting involves
#' coloring individual cells and is time consuming. For better control and faster execution, 
#' consider using the lower level functions read.licor, licor2matrix and write.licor.
#' @aliases convertLicorData
#' @author Reinhard Simon
#' @export
convertLicorData <- function(){
  Filters2 = getFilters()
  filename = tk_choose.files(default = "", caption = "Select licor file!",
                          filters = Filters2[c("TabDel","Excel"),] 
    cat("This may take a while ... be patient.\n\n")
    cat("Reading file ... ")
    data = read.licor(filename)
    cat("ok\nTransforming  data ... ")
    data = licor2matrix(data)
    cat("ok\nFormatting file ...")
    fout = paste(filename,"_matrix.xlsx",sep="")
    write.licor(data, fout, T, T, T, T)
  } else {
    "No file selected!"

#' Presents the packages graphical user interface
#' Runs a web server to show the user interface.
#' @aliases runLicorMatrix
#' @param port the port where to listen; 1972 by default.
#' @author Reinhard Simon
#' @family interface
#' @export
runLicorMatrix <- function(port = 1972L) {
  shiny::runApp(system.file("www", package = "licor"), port = port)
c5sire/licor documentation built on May 13, 2019, 10:35 a.m.