Analyze Halo data

This package generates various statistics and plots for Halo data. Currently in its beginning stages, it has been written specifically for melanoma data but as it evolves it ultimately will support all data sets.

Step 1: Install

On MSK server, with R ```{r eval=FALSE} /home/byrne/R/R-3.4.3/bin/R

```{r eval=FALSE}

Step 2: Create manifest with all project parameters including input files

Run ```{r eval=FALSE} cd [WORKING_DIRECTORY] Rscript scripts/configure_halo_pipeline.R \ --rawDataDir /home/byrne/halo/dev/halodev/tests/data \ --studyName halodevTest \ --dataDir $PWD/objectAnalysisData \ --metaDir /ifs/tcga/socci/Multiomyx/HaloData/Melanoma_IL2Final/Cohort2/MetaData \ --driftDir /ifs/tcga/socci/Multiomyx/Cell_drift_loss_masks/melanoma_drift_result/drift_summary \ --markerConfigFile /home/byrne/halo/data/template_configs/template_marker_config.yaml \ --plotConfigFile /home/byrne/halo/data/template_configs/plot_config.yaml \ --annotationsDirs /ifs/tcga/socci/Multiomyx/HaloData/Melanoma_IL2Final/Cohort2/HaloCoordinates \ --setDefaultDirectoryStructure

Above are the minimum required arguments to start a new pipeline run FROM SCRATCH. For a full list of options, run
```{r eval=FALSE}
Rscript scripts/configure_halo_pipeline.R -h

Use '--setDefaultDirectoryStructure' to do just that. This will create default folders and subfolders for all possible analyses.

The result of this script is a YAML file with all parameters needed to run entire pipeline. Default location for this file is studyName/config/study_config.yaml. This file can then be manually edited as needed or used as a template for future pipeline runs.

Step 3: Run pipeline

Move to study directory, e.g., ```{r eval=FALSE} cd {studyName}

Run from scratch, including marking exclusions
```{r eval=FALSE}
Rscript scripts/final_pipeline.R -m config/study_config.yaml --markExclusions

Step 4: Rerun failed or additional pipeline steps

To rerun a step because of failure or dependency changes, manually modify study_config.yaml by removing files to be recreated. Alternatively, if file does exist, delete it. Then rerun pipeline. {r eval=FALSE} Rscript scripts/final_pipeline.R -m config/study_config.yaml


caitlinjones/halo documentation built on May 7, 2019, 8 a.m.