
title: "rintrojs: A Wrapper for the Intro.js Library" tags: - R - Shiny - JavaScript authors: - name: Carl Ganz orcid: 0000-0002-2973-3545 affiliation: UCLA Center for Health Policy Research date: 2016-09-14 bibliography: paper.bib


Shiny [@shiny] is an R package for developing web applications without HTML, CSS, or JavaScript. As Shiny increases in popularity so has the complexity of the Shiny apps built. In many instances, new-users will require instructions when they first use a Shiny application.

Intro.js [@introjs] is a JavaScript library that helps integrate step-by-step introductions into websites. The rintrojs R package integrates Intro.js into Shiny, so that users can easily add instructions to their application without having to use JavaScript.


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