#' Bayesian quantile regression
#' This function allows you to fit Bayesian QR.
#' @param formula Model formula object
#' @param data Data frame to use
#' @param quantile Quantile to model
#' @keywords Quantile regression
#' @export qreg
#' @examples
#### Helper function ####
# rho function as defined in Reed and Yu
rho <- function(u,p)
return(ifelse(u >= 0,p*abs(u),(1-p)*abs(u)))
qreg <- function(formula,data,quantile = 0.5)
f <- as.formula(formula)
y <- model.frame(formula, data)[,1]
X <- model.matrix(formula, data)
n <- length(y)
p <- quantile
#### Priors ####
c <- d <- 0.001 # gamma priors for tau
k <- ncol(X) # mvnorm dimension
b0 <- rep(0,k) # prior mean of beta
T0 <- diag(0.01,k) # prior precision of beta
#### Initialize ####
beta <- rep(0,k)
#### Sample Storage ####
nsim <- 1000 # Number of MCMC Iterations
thin <- 1 # Thinning interval
burn <- 0 # Burnin
lastit <- (nsim-burn)/thin # Last stored value
Beta <- matrix(0,lastit,k) # storage for each beta
Sigma2<-rep(0,lastit) # storage for each 1/tau
#### Gibbs ####
print(paste("Started MCMC of",nsim,"iterations with a burn in of",burn))
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nsim, style = 3)
for(i in 1:lastit)
# Update tau
c.i <- c + n
d.i <- d + sum(rho(y - X %*% beta,p))
tau <- rgamma(1,c.i,d.i)
# Update v
v.vec <- rinvgauss(n,1/(p*(1-p)*abs(y - X %*% beta)),tau/(2*p*(1-p)))
v <- diag(v.vec)
# Compute u
u = y - (1-2*p)/(p*(1-p)*v.vec)
# Update beta
V <- solve((tau*p*(1-p)/2)*t(X)%*%v%*%X + T0)
M <- V %*% ((tau*p*(1-p)/2) * t(X)%*%v%*%u+T0%*%b0)
beta <- c(rmvnorm(1,M,V))
if (i> burn & i%%thin==0)
setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
print(paste("Finished MCMC after",run.time[1],"seconds"))
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