  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

Homework 5

Problem 1

In class we used the LASSO to predict handwritten characters in the MNIST data set. Increase the out-of-sample prediction accuracy by extracting predictive features from the images.


Xtrain <- as.matrix(mnist_train[1:1000,-1])
Xtest <- as.matrix(mnist_test[1:1000,-1])
ytrain <- mnist_train[1:1000,1]
ytest <- mnist_test[1:1000,1]

Using LASSO as is, the out-of-sample prediction accuracy is

outLm <- cv.glmnet(Xtrain, ytrain, alpha = 1, family = "multinomial")
predLm <- apply(predict(outLm, Xtest, s = outLm$lambda.min, type = "response"), 1, which.max) - 1L
sum(predLm == ytest) / length(ytest) # out-of-sample prediction accuracy

Problem 2: CASL Exercises 8.11, question 4

Adjust the kernel size, and any other parameters you think are useful, in the convolutional neural network for EMNIST in Section 8.10.4. Can you improve on the classification rate?


x_train <- emnist$dataset[[1]][[1]] / 255
y_train <- emnist$dataset[[1]][[2]]
x_test <- emnist$dataset[[2]][[1]] / 255
y_test <- emnist$dataset[[2]][[2]]
z_map <- emnist$dataset[[3]] # map labels to asci codes 

n <- 100000
X_train <- array(c(x_train[1:n,]), dim = c(n, 28, 28, 1))
X_test <- array(c(x_test[1:n,]), dim = c(n, 28, 28, 1))
X <- abind(X_train, X_test, along = 1)
y <- c(y_train, y_test)

# model from 8.10.4
model <- keras_model_sequential()
model %>%
    layer_conv_2d(filters = 32, kernel_size = c(2,2), input_shape = c(28, 28, 1), padding = "same") %>%
    layer_activation(activation = "relu") %>%
    layer_conv_2d(filters = 32, kernel_size = c(2,2), padding = "same") %>%
    layer_activation(activation = "relu") %>%
    layer_max_pooling_2d(pool_size = c(2, 2)) %>%
    layer_dropout(rate = 0.5) %>%
    layer_conv_2d(filters = 32, kernel_size = c(2,2), padding = "same") %>%
    layer_activation(activation = "relu") %>%
    layer_conv_2d(filters = 32, kernel_size = c(2,2), padding = "same") %>%
    layer_activation(activation = "relu") %>%
    layer_max_pooling_2d(pool_size = c(2, 2)) %>%
    layer_dropout(rate = 0.5) %>%
    layer_flatten() %>%
    layer_dense(units = 128) %>%
    layer_activation(activation = "relu") %>%
    layer_dense(units = 128) %>%
    layer_activation(activation = "relu") %>%
    layer_dropout(rate = 0.5) %>%
    layer_dense(units = 26) %>%
    layer_activation(activation = "softmax")
model %>% compile(loss = "categorical_crossentropy", optimizer = optimizer_rmsprop(), metrics = c("accuracy"))

# new model 
model2 <- keras_model_sequential()
model2 %>%
    layer_conv_2d(filters = 60, kernel_size = c(2,2), input_shape = c(28, 28, 1), padding = "same") %>%
    layer_activation(activation = "relu") %>%
    layer_conv_2d(filters = 60, kernel_size = c(2,2), padding = "same") %>%
    layer_activation(activation = "relu") %>%
    layer_max_pooling_2d(pool_size = c(2, 2)) %>%
    layer_dropout(rate = 0.5) %>%
    layer_conv_2d(filters = 60, kernel_size = c(2,2), padding = "same") %>%
    layer_activation(activation = "relu") %>%
    layer_conv_2d(filters = 60, kernel_size = c(2,2), padding = "same") %>%
    layer_activation(activation = "relu") %>%
    layer_max_pooling_2d(pool_size = c(2, 2)) %>%
    layer_dropout(rate = 0.5) %>%
    layer_flatten() %>%
    layer_dense(units = 128) %>%
    layer_activation(activation = "relu") %>%
    layer_dense(units = 128) %>%
    layer_activation(activation = "relu") %>%
    layer_dropout(rate = 0.5) %>%
    layer_dense(units = 26) %>%
    layer_activation(activation = "softmax")
model2 %>% compile(loss = "categorical_crossentropy", optimizer = optimizer_rmsprop(), metrics = c("accuracy"))

pred <- predict_classes(model, X)
mean(pred[1:n] == y[1:n]) #training
mean(pred[(n + 1):(2 * n)] == y[(n + 1):(2 * n)]) #testing
pred2 <- predict_classes(model2, X)
mean(pred2[1:n] == y[1:n]) #training
mean(pred2[(n + 1):(2 * n)] == y[(n + 1):(2 * n)]) #testing

Problem 3: CASL Exercises 8.11, question 8

Write a function that uses mean absolute deviation as a loss function, instead of mean squared error. Test the use of this function with a simulation containing several outliers. How well do neural networks and SGD perform when using robust techniques?

The derivative of the new loss function is util_mae_p. Using the neural network functions modified from CASL, we have

# Data
X <- matrix(runif(1000, min = -1, max = 1), ncol = 1)
y <- X[, 1, drop = FALSE]^2 + rnorm(1000, sd = 0.1)
y[sample(1000, 20)] <- rnorm(20, mean = 2, sd = 0.1) # introduce outliers

# Neural network + prediction calculations
w_mse <- nn_sgd(X, y, sizes = c(1, 25, 1), epochs = 25, eta = 0.01)
w_mae <- nn_sgd(X, y, sizes = c(1, 25, 1), epochs = 25, eta = 0.01, f_p = util_mae_p)

y_pred_mse <- nn_predict(w_mse, X)
y_pred_mae <- nn_predict(w_mae, X)

# error calculation
sum((y_pred_mse - y)^2) / 1000
sum((y_pred_mae - y)^2) / 1000

The MSE substantially outperformed the MAE in the procedure.

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