# ==========================================
# = Record Time to Get Elapsed Time at End =
# ==========================================
t1 <- Sys.time()

# =================
# = Load Packages =
# =================

# Report

# ================
# = Report Setup =
# ================
doc_type <- c("html", "pdf")[1]
table_type <- c("html"="html", "pdf"="latex")[doc_type]
options("digits"=3) # rounding output to 4 in kable() (non-regression tables)
o_f <- paste(doc_type, "document", sep="_")

    fig.path = 'stability_report/', 


qE <- 0.65
qE_end <- 0.1

dt <- 0.01
nYears <- 1000

noise_coeff <- c(0.01, 0.01, 0.01)


# set initial values to equilibrium (roots)
X_init <- pmax(bs.tipping::getRoot(c(A0=1, F0=1, J0=1), pars=c(qE=qE)), 1E-2)

# simulate an example of fish
qE_vec <- seq(qE, qE_end, length.out=nYears/dt)
stateMat <- matrix(NA, nrow=nYears/dt, ncol=3, dimnames=list(NULL, c("A0","F0", "J0")))
stateMat[1,] <- unlist(X_init)

for(j in 2:nrow(stateMat)){ # iterate through time steps
    state <- stateMat[j-1,]
    dState_dt <- fishStep(X=state, pars=c(qE=(qE_vec[j])))

    # Euler Method Approximation
    dState <- dState_dt*dt + rnorm(3, sd=c(noise_coeff[1], noise_coeff[2], noise_coeff[3]))*dt 
    eulerState <- pmax(state + dState, 1E-2)
    stateMat[j,] <- eulerState # euler

stateMat <- cbind(time=seq(0, nYears-dt, by=dt), qE=qE_vec, stateMat)

Plot Simulation

par(mfrow=c(3,1), mar=c(2, 2, 0.75, 0.25), ps=8, cex=1, mgp=c(1, 0.25, 0), tcl=-0.15)
plot(stateMat[,c("time","A0")], type='l')
plot(stateMat[,c("time","F0")], type='l')
plot(stateMat[,c("time","J0")], type='l')

Rearrange equations to represent stability in 1D

Start with the equations for the fish dynamics:

$$\begin{array}{llr} \dot{A} &= sJ - qEA - (1-s)A &(1) \ \dot{F} &= d(F_o - F) - c_{FA}FA &(2)\ \dot{J} &= fA - c_{JA}JA - \frac{c_{JF}vJF}{h+v+c_{JF}F} - sJ &(3) \end{array}$$

Then, set $\dot{A}$ and $\dot{J}$ to 0, and solve for $A$ and $J$, respectively:
$$\begin{array}{llr} A&= \frac{sJ}{qE+1-s} &(4)\[10pt] J&=\frac{fA}{xA+s+\frac{zvF}{h+v+zF}} &(5)\[10pt] \end{array}$$

Substitute Eq5 into Eq4, and solve for $A$:
$$\begin{array}{llr} A&=\frac{sf}{x(qE+1-s)} - \frac{s}{x} - \frac{zvF}{x(h+v+zF)} &(6) \end{array}$$

Substitute Eq6 into Eq2, giving us the dynamics of $F$ as a function of $F$ and parameters:
$$\begin{array}{llr} \dot{F} &= d(F_o-F) - aF(\frac{sf}{x(qE+1-s)} - \frac{s}{x} - \frac{zvF}{x(h+v+zF)}) &(7) \end{array}$$

Eq7 is what is used in dF_dt_1state.

Alternatively, we can rearrange the equations to perform a different seat of substituions to solve for $\dot{J}$ as a function of $J$ and parameters (juvenile bass):
$$\begin{array}{llr} Q &\equiv 1/(qE + 1 - s) \ \dot{J} &= fsJQ - xsQJ^2 - sJ - \frac{zvJ}{\frac{(h+v)}{(dF_o)(d+asQJ)^{-1}} + z} &(8) \end{array}$$

Plots of dState/dt vs State

dF/dt vs F

# check rate equation ... should be 0 at root
F_grad <- seq(-2, 110, length.out=100)
par(mar=c(2,2,0.75,0.5), mgp=c(1,0.25,0), tcl=-0.15, ps=8, cex=1)
plot(F_grad, dFJ_dt_1state(State0=F_grad, pars=c(qE=qE), stateName="F0"), type='l', ylab="dF/dt", xlab='F')
mtext(paste0('qE = ', round(qE,2)), line=-0.1, adj=0.05, font=2)
abline(h=0, lty=2)

This plot of the potential looks wrong to me. At a harvest rate of qE=0.65, F should have an equilibrium near F=100, but this plot shows a quadratic where the change in F is getting more and more positive past ~10. Furthermore, 10 looks like a saddle, not a stable node.

dJ/dt vs J

# check rate equation ... should be 0 at root
J_grad <- seq(0, 850, length.out=1E3)
par(mar=c(2,2,0.75,0.5), mgp=c(1,0.25,0), tcl=-0.15, ps=8, cex=1)
plot(J_grad, dFJ_dt_1state(State0=J_grad, pars=c(qE=qE), stateName="J0"), type='l', ylab="dJ/dt", xlab='J')
mtext(paste0('qE = ', round(qE,2)), line=-0.1, adj=0.05, font=2)
abline(h=0, lty=2)

dJ/dt vs J for various qE

# check rate equation ... should be 0 at root
J_grad <- seq(-1, 850, length.out=1E3)
# qE_vals <- seq(qE, qE_end, length.out=4)
qE_vals <- seq(1.25, 0.25, length.out=8)
dFJ_dt_1state_Jwrap <- function(X){dFJ_dt_1state(State0=J_grad, pars=c(qE=X), stateName="J0")}
dJ_dt_qE <- lapply(qE_vals, FUN=dFJ_dt_1state_Jwrap)
names(dJ_dt_qE) <- paste0("qE",round(qE_vals,2))

par(mar=c(2,2,0.75,0.5), mgp=c(1,0.25,0), tcl=-0.15, ps=8, cex=1)
ylim <- range(dJ_dt_qE)
cols <- viridis(n=length(qE_vals))
plot(J_grad, dJ_dt_qE[[1]], type='l', ylab="dJ/dt", xlab='J', ylim=ylim, col=cols[1])
for(j in 2:length(qE_vals)){
    lines(J_grad, dJ_dt_qE[[j]], col=cols[j])
legend('bottomleft', lty=1, col=cols, legend=paste0("qE = ",round(qE_vals,2)), ncol=2, y.intersp=0.6, x.intersp=0.5)
abline(h=0, lty=2)

Sanity Check on dF/dt

Part 1

The code below is taken from the examples in the help file for dF_dt_1state.

getRoot(c(A0=1000, F0=1, J0=1000), pars=c(qE=0.5)) # find equilibria when bass are abundant
dFJ_dt_1state(State0=0.06712064, pars=c(qE=0.5), stateName="F0") # F0 set to equilibrium when bass start as abundant

Check -- results make sense, the getRoot function finds that when bass start off super abundant, planktivores should stabilize near 0. Using the dF_dt_1state function, we find that the change in planktivore abundance per unit time is very near 0 when planktivore abundance is near 0. Great.

Part 2

getRoot(c(A0=1, F0=1, J0=1), pars=c(qE=0.5)) # find equilibria when bass are rare
dFJ_dt_1state(State0=17.890184, pars=c(qE=0.5), stateName='F0') # F0 set to equilibrium when bass start as rare

Check -- again, we find that according to dF_dt_1state, $dF/dt$ is near 0 when fish abundance is set near to equilibrium. This time the equilibrium value for planktivores was higher because the bass starting point was low. Right. Great.

Part 3

getRoot(c(A0=1000, F0=1, J0=1000), pars=c(qE=0.65)) # find equilibria when bass are abundant
dFJ_dt_1state(State0=0.09136212, pars=c(qE=0.65), stateName="F0") # check planktivore equation for rate of change
fishStep(X=c(A0=364.51517642, F0=0.09136212, J0=838.38490576)) # re-examine rates of change of fish near equilibrium

Here we are repeating Part 1, but we've increased qE from 0.5 to 0.65. I'm also cross-checking the dF/dt values from dF_dt_1state with those reported by fishStep, which is what getRoot uses to find equilibria. With the slightly higher harvest and high starting values for bass, we again find that planktivores should stabilize near 0, and both dF_dt_1state and fishStep indicate that dF/dt is very small when setting F to this near-0 equilibrium value. It's a little annoying that these two functions don't report the exact same value for dF/dt, but in general, this seems to check out. So far, things make sense.

Part 4

getRoot(c(A0=1, F0=1, J0=1), pars=c(qE=0.65)) # find equilibria when bass are rare
dFJ_dt_1state(State0=100, pars=c(qE=0.65), stateName="F0") # F0 set to equilibrium when bass start as rare # WTF?!
fishStep(X=c(A0=6.275129e-18, F0=100, J0=1.443280e-17)) # but this one says that dF/dt should be ~0!!

Here we again use the qE=0.65 harvest rate, with low starting values for bass. But instead of dF_dt_1state reporting a near-0 value for the rate of change in planktivores, it's reporting a very large positive value. This last example is what is making me scratch my head.

Update: apparently Part 4 (above) doesn't work properly because in the algebra we dvide by A in a place that implies the assumption that $A != 0$. So when we try to use the equation when A=0, it doesn't work well.

Stability Analysis

Critical Values

(critVals <- findCritHarv()) # 0.24 and 1.22

These critical values were found numerically using the 1D model.

Stability Classification

qEvec <- c(0, critVals[1]-0.2, critVals[1], critVals[2]-0.1, critVals[2]-0.05, critVals[2])
lout <- lapply(qEvec, stabClass)
do.call(rbind, lout)

Phase Portrait

qEvals <- rev(c(critVals[1]-0.2, critVals[1], critVals[2]-0.1, critVals[2]))
par(mfrow=c(2,2), mar=c(2,2,1,0.5), mgp=c(1,0.25,0), tcl=-0.15, cex=1, ps=9, cex.axis=0.85)
for(j in 1:4){
    (bs.tipping::phasePortrait(qE=qEvals[j], pars=NULL, nFlow=10, nNull=300, t.end=20, addLeg=TRUE))
    mtext(paste0("qE = ",round(qEvals[j],2)), side=3, line=0, adj=0, font=2)

Growth and Consumption Curves: dJ/dt vs J


# dFJ_dt_1state <- function(State0, pars, stateName=c("J0","F0"), parts=FALSE){
plot_growCons <- function(stateRange=c(0,999), pars=c(qE=1.0), stateName=c("J0","F0"), nGrid=100){
    stateName <- match.arg(stateName)

    names(stateRange) <- c("from", "to")
    grid_args <- c(as.list(stateRange), length.out=nGrid)
    stateGrid <- do.call(seq, grid_args)

    rates <- t(sapply(stateGrid, dFJ_dt_1state, pars=pars, stateName=stateName, parts=TRUE))
    state_rates <- data.table(state=stateGrid, rates)

    ylim <- state_rates[,range(c(growth, consumption))] #range(state_rates[,c("growth", "consumption")])
    state_rates[,plot(state,growth, col='blue', type='l', ylim=ylim, xlab="", ylab="")]
    state_rates[,lines(state,consumption, col='red')]

qEvals <- rev(c(critVals[1]-0.2, critVals[1], critVals[2]-0.1, critVals[2]))
par(mfrow=c(2,2), mar=c(2,2,1,0.5), mgp=c(1,0.25,0), tcl=-0.15, cex=1, ps=9, cex.axis=0.85)
for(j in 1:4){


    mtext(paste0("qE = ",round(qEvals[j],2)), side=3, line=0, adj=0, font=2)
    mtext("dJ/dt", side=2, line=0.85)
    mtext("J", side=1, line=0.85)
    legend("topleft", legend=c("growth", "consumption"), col=c("blue","red"), lty=1)

Session Info

difftime(Sys.time(), t1) # how long it took to run these models/ produce this report

cboettig/bs-tipping documentation built on May 5, 2019, 7:08 a.m.