
This example goes through the steps to demonstrate that in a sufficiently-frequently sampled timeseries, autocorrelation does contain some signal of early warning.

Run the individual based simulation

Loading required package: populationdynamics
pars = c(Xo = 730, e = 0.5, a = 100, K = 1000, 
    h = 200, i = 0, Da = 0.09, Dt = 0, p = 2)
time = seq(0, 500, length = 500)
sn <- saddle_node_ibm(pars, time)
X <- data.frame(time = time, value = sn$x1)

compute the observed value:

Loading required package: earlywarning
observed <- warningtrend(X, window_autocorr)

fit the models

A <- stability_model(X, "OU")
B <- stability_model(X, "LSN")

simulate some replicates

reps <- 100
Asim <- simulate(A, reps)
Bsim <- simulate(B, reps)

tidy up the data a bit

Loading required package: reshape2
Asim <- melt(Asim, id = "time")
Bsim <- melt(Bsim, id = "time")
names(Asim)[2] <- "rep"
names(Bsim)[2] <- "rep"

Apply the warningtrend window_autocorr to each replicate

Loading required package: plyr
wsA <- ddply(Asim, "rep", warningtrend, window_autocorr)
wsB <- ddply(Bsim, "rep", warningtrend, window_autocorr)

And gather and plot the results

tidy <- melt(data.frame(null = wsA$tau, test = wsB$tau))
Using  as id variables
names(tidy) <- c("simulation", "value")
Loading required package: beanplot
beanplot(value ~ simulation, tidy, what = c(0, 
    1, 0, 0))
abline(h = observed, lty = 2)

plot of chunk plot

Loading required package: ggplot2
roc <- roc_data(tidy)
Area Under Curve =  0.819680311103255
True positive rate =  0.33 at false positive rate of 0.05
ggplot(roc) + geom_line(aes(False.positives, True.positives), 
    lwd = 1)

plot of chunk roc


Parallel code for the plyr command is straight-forward for multicore use,

Loading required package: doMC
Loading required package: foreach
Loading required package: iterators
Loading required package: codetools
foreach: simple, scalable parallel programming from Revolution Analytics
Use Revolution R for scalability, fault tolerance and more.
Loading required package: multicore
wsA <- ddply(Asim, "rep", warningtrend, window_autocorr, 
    .parallel = TRUE)
wsB <- ddply(Bsim, "rep", warningtrend, window_autocorr, 
    .parallel = TRUE)

Which works nicely (other than the progress indicator finishing early).

In principle, this can be parallelized over MPI using an additional function, seems to work:

cl <- createCluster(4, export = ls(), lib = list("earlywarning"))
ws <- ddply(Asim, "rep", warningtrend, window_autocorr, 
    .parallel = TRUE)
  rep     tau
1  X1  0.7886
2  X2  0.6966
3  X3  0.6543
4  X4  0.5251
5  X5 -0.2859
6  X6 -0.3889

cboettig/earlywarning documentation built on May 13, 2019, 2:07 p.m.