Thinking about how we might encorporate OAIharvester metadata / Dublin Core metadata into bibentry citation objects for use in knitcitations.

# @imports OAIharvester
oai_entry <- function(query){
  baseurl <- ""
  sets <- oaih_list_sets(baseurl)
  spec <- unlist(sets[sets[, "setName"] == "Type = Thesis", "setSpec"])
  x <- oaih_list_records(baseurl, set = spec)
  m <- x[, "metadata"]
  m <- oaih_transform(m[sapply(m, length) > 0L])

Thinking how the mapping would go between dc and bibentry:

DC bibentry ------- ------- "title" "title" "creator" "author" "subject" "description" "abstract" "publisher" "publisher" "contributor" (additional authors) "date" "date" "type" "bibtype" "format" "note" "identifier" "url" "source" "language" "relation" "coverage" "rights"

Kurt recommends looking at discussion to be continued.

cboettig/knitcitations documentation built on Jan. 12, 2021, 10:24 a.m.