
Defines functions bake_par

Documented in bake_par

#' S3 class bake_par

#' @param .x A list to be constructed into **bake_par**.
#' @returns
#' Constructor function for bake_par class. This function ensures that leaf
#' temperature gets properly "baked" into leaf parameters.
#' @export

bake_par = function(.x) {
  which = "bake"
  # Check parameters names ----
  nms = check_parameter_names(.x, which = which, use_tealeaves = FALSE)
  .x = .x[nms]
  # Set units ----
  .x = .x |>
      .data$type == which, 
  # Assert bounds on values ----
  .x |>
      .data$type == which, 
  structure(.x, class = c(stringr::str_c(which, "_par"), "list"))
cdmuir/photosynthesis documentation built on March 5, 2024, 9:26 a.m.