
Defines functions .get_gsc .get_gmc .get_gbc .get_guc .get_gtc

Documented in .get_gbc .get_gmc .get_gsc .get_gtc .get_guc

#' Conductance to CO2 (mol / m^2 / s)
#' @inheritParams A_supply
#' @name CO2_conductance
#' @details
#' **Default conductance model**
#' The conductance model described in this section is used by default unless
#' additional anatomical parameters described in the next section are provided.
#' Total conductance to CO2 is the sum of parallel conductances on the lower
#' (\eqn{g_\mathrm{c,lower}}{gc_lower}) and upper
#' (\eqn{g_\mathrm{c,upper}}{gc_upper}) leaf portions:
#'  \deqn{g_\mathrm{c,total} = g_\mathrm{c,lower} + g_\mathrm{c,upper}}{gc_total = gc_lower + gc_upper}
#' Each partial conductance consists of two parallel conductances, the
#' cuticular conductance (\eqn{g_\mathrm{u,c}}{g_uc}) and the in-series
#' conductances through mesophyll (\eqn{g_\mathrm{m,c}}{g_mc}), stomata (\eqn{g_\mathrm{s,c}}{g_sc}), and boundary layer (\eqn{g_\mathrm{b,c}}{g_bc}). To simplify the formula, I use substitute resistance where \eqn{r_x = 1 / g_x}. For surface \eqn{i}:
#' \deqn{g_{\mathrm{c},i} = g_{\mathrm{u},i} + (1 / (r_{\mathrm{m},i} + r_{\mathrm{s},i} + r_{\mathrm{b},i}))}{g_ci = g_ui + (1 / (r_mi + r_si + r_bi))}
#' The cuticular, stomatal, and mesophyll conductances can be the same or
#' different for upper and lower. The partitioning factors (\eqn{k_x}) divide the conductance between surfaces while keeping the total conductance constant:
#' \deqn{g_{x,\mathrm{lower}} = g_x (1 / (1 + k_x))}{gx_lower = g_x (1 / (1 + k_x))}
#' \deqn{g_{x,\mathrm{upper}} = g_x (k_x / (1 + k_x))}{gx_upper = g_x (k_x / (1 + k_x))}
#' \deqn{g_x = g_{x,\mathrm{lower}} + g_{x,\mathrm{upper}}}{g_x = gx_lower + gx_upper}
#' How the partitioning factors work: \cr
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \eqn{k_x} \tab description \cr
#' 0 \tab all conductance on **lower** surface/portion \cr
#' 0.5 \tab 2/3 conductance on **lower** surface \cr
#' 1 \tab conductance evenly divided between surfaces/portions \cr
#' 2 \tab 2/3 conductance on **upper** surface \cr
#' Inf \tab all conductance on **upper** surface/portion
#' }
#' The boundary layer conductances for each are calculated on the basis of mass 
#' and heat transfer (see [.get_gbc()]).
#' \tabular{lllll}{
#' *Symbol* \tab *R* \tab *Description* \tab *Units* \tab *Default*\cr
#' \eqn{g_\mathrm{mc}}{g_mc} \tab `g_mc` \tab mesophyll conductance to CO2 (T_leaf) \tab mol / m\eqn{^2} / s \tab [calculated][bake] \cr
#' \eqn{g_\mathrm{sc}}{g_sc} \tab `g_sc` \tab stomatal conductance to CO2 \tab mol / m\eqn{^2} / s \tab `r dplyr::pull(photo_parameters[photo_parameters$R == "g_sc","default"])` \cr
#' \eqn{g_\mathrm{uc}}{g_uc} \tab `g_uc` \tab cuticular conductance to CO2 \tab mol / m\eqn{^2} / s \tab `r dplyr::pull(photo_parameters[photo_parameters$R == "g_uc","default"])` \cr
#' \eqn{k_\mathrm{mc}}{k_mc} \tab `k_mc` \tab partition of \eqn{g_\mathrm{mc}}{g_mc} to lower mesophyll \tab none \tab `r dplyr::pull(photo_parameters[photo_parameters$R == "k_mc","default"])` \cr
#' \eqn{k_\mathrm{sc}}{k_sc} \tab `k_sc` \tab partition of \eqn{g_\mathrm{sc}}{g_sc} to lower surface \tab none \tab `r dplyr::pull(photo_parameters[photo_parameters$R == "k_sc","default"])` \cr
#' \eqn{k_\mathrm{uc}}{k_uc} \tab `k_uc` \tab partition of \eqn{g_\mathrm{uc}}{g_uc} to lower surface \tab none \tab `r dplyr::pull(photo_parameters[photo_parameters$R == "k_uc","default"])` \cr
#' }
#' **New conductance model**
#' The conductance model described in this section is implemented in 
#' **photosynthesis** (>= 2.1.0) if parameters to calculate the internal 
#' airspace and liquid-phase conductances (`A_mes_A`, `g_liqc`) are 
#' provided. These parameters are 1) the effective path lengths through the 
#' lower and upper leaf internal airspaces (`delta_ias_lower`, 
#' `delta_ias_upper`) and 2) the mesophyll area per leaf area 
#' (`A_mes_A`) and liquid-phase conductance per mesophyll cell area 
#' (`g_liqc`).
#' Two parallel diffusion pathways, one from each leaf surface, converge to a 
#' single CO2 concentration at the mesophyll cell boundary. We use a single 
#' liquid-phase resistance to represent the combined cell wall, plasmalemma, and 
#' chloroplast resistances. The gas-phase resistance through boundary layer, 
#' cuticle/stomata, and internal airspace is \eqn{r_\mathrm{gas,c}}; the 
#' liquid-phase intracellular resistance is \eqn{r_\mathrm{i,c}}.
#'  \deqn{r_\mathrm{total,c} = r_\mathrm{gas,c} + r_\mathrm{i,c}}{r_total,c = r_gas,c + r_i,c}
#' The gas-phase resistance occurs through two parallel pathways, which we refer 
#' to as the 'lower' and 'upper' pathways because horizontally oriented leaves 
#' often have different anatomical properties on each surface. The gas-phase 
#' resistance through pathway \eqn{i \in \{\textrm{lower,upper\}}} is:
#' \deqn{r_{\mathrm{gas,c},i} = r_{\mathrm{b,c},i} + r_{\mathrm{u+s,c},i} + r_{\mathrm{ias,c},i}}{r_gas,c,i = r_b,c,i + r_u+s,c,i + r_ias,c,i}
#' The subscripts \eqn{_\mathrm{b}}, \eqn{_\mathrm{u+s}}, and \eqn{_\mathrm{ias}} 
#' denote boundary layer, cuticular + stomatal, and internal airspace, 
#' respectively. The subscript \eqn{_\mathrm{c}} indicates we are considering 
#' the conductance to CO2 rather than another molecular species.
#' Cuticular and stomatal conductances (1 / resistance) are parallel, so:
#' \deqn{1 / r_{\mathrm{u+s,c},i} = g_{\mathrm{u+s,c},i} = g_{\mathrm{u,c},i} + g_{\mathrm{s,c},i}}{1 / r_u+s,c,i = g_u+s,c,i = g_u,c,i + g_s,c,i}
#' Substituting the above expression into the equation for \eqn{r_{\mathrm{gas,c},i}}{r_gas,c,i}:
#' \deqn{r_{\mathrm{gas,c},i} = r_{\mathrm{b,c},i} + 1 / (g_{\mathrm{u,c},i} = g_{\mathrm{s,c},i}) + r_{\mathrm{ias,c},i}}{r_gas,c,i = r_b,c,i + 1 / (g_u,c,i + g_s,c,i) + r_ias,c,i}
#' The total gas-phase resistance is the inverse of the sum of the parallel 
#' lower and upper conductances:
#' \deqn{1 / r_{\mathrm{gas,c}} = g_\mathrm{gas,c,lower} + g_\mathrm{gas,c,upper}}{1 / r_gas,c = g_gas,c = g_gas,c,lower + g_gas,c,upper}
#' The cuticular, stomatal, and mesophyll conductances can be the same or
#' different for upper and lower. The partitioning factors \eqn{k_u} and \eqn{k_s} 
#' divide the total cuticular and stomatal conductances, respectively, between 
#' surfaces while keeping the total conductance constant:
#' \deqn{g_{x,\mathrm{lower}} = g_x (1 / (1 + k_x))}{gx_lower = g_x (1 / (1 + k_x))}
#' \deqn{g_{x,\mathrm{upper}} = g_x (k_x / (1 + k_x))}{gx_upper = g_x (k_x / (1 + k_x))}
#' \deqn{g_x = g_{x,\mathrm{lower}} + g_{x,\mathrm{upper}}}{g_x = gx_lower + gx_upper}
#' How the partitioning factors work: \cr
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \eqn{k_x} \tab description \cr
#' 0 \tab all conductance on **lower** surface/portion \cr
#' 0.5 \tab 2/3 conductance on **lower** surface \cr
#' 1 \tab conductance evenly divided between surfaces/portions \cr
#' 2 \tab 2/3 conductance on **upper** surface \cr
#' Inf \tab all conductance on **upper** surface/portion
#' }
#' The internal airspace conductance is the diffusivity of CO2 at a given
#' temperature and pressure divided by the effective path length:
#' \deqn{g_\mathrm{ias,c,lower} = D_\mathrm{c} / \delta_\mathrm{ias,lower}}{g_iasc_lower = D_c / delta_ias_lower}
#' \deqn{g_\mathrm{ias,c,upper} = D_\mathrm{c} / \delta_\mathrm{ias,upper}}{g_iasc_ipper = D_c / delta_ias_upper}
#' `g_iasc_lower` and `g_iasc_upper` are calculated in the [bake] 
#' function. See [tealeaves::.get_Dx()] for calculating `D_c`.
#' The liquid-phase intracellular resistance is given by:
#' \deqn{1 / r_\mathrm{i,c} = g_\mathrm{i,c} = g_\mathrm{liq,c} A_\mathrm{mes} / A}{1 / r_i,c = g_i,c = g_liq,c A_mes / A}
#' \eqn{g_\mathrm{liq,c}}{g_liq,c} is temperature sensitive. See [bake()].
#' The boundary layer conductances for each are calculated on the basis of mass
#' and heat transfer (see [.get_gbc()]).
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @md


#'  - g_tc: total conductance to CO2
#' @rdname CO2_conductance
.get_gtc = function(pars, unitless, use_legacy_version) {

  if (check_new_conductance(pars, baked = TRUE)) {
    gbc_lower = .get_gbc(pars, "lower", unitless, use_legacy_version)
    gsc_lower = .get_gsc(pars, "lower", unitless)
    guc_lower = .get_guc(pars, "lower", unitless)
    gbc_upper = .get_gbc(pars, "upper", unitless, use_legacy_version)
    gsc_upper = .get_gsc(pars, "upper", unitless)
    guc_upper = .get_guc(pars, "upper", unitless)
    g_usc_lower = guc_lower + gsc_lower
    g_usc_upper = guc_upper + gsc_upper
    g_gasc_lower = 1 / (1 / gbc_lower + 1 / g_usc_lower + 1 / pars$g_iasc_lower)
    g_gasc_upper = 1 / (1 / gbc_upper + 1 / g_usc_upper + 1 / pars$g_iasc_upper)
    g_gasc = g_gasc_lower + g_gasc_upper
    g_ic = pars$g_liqc * pars$A_mes_A
    g_tc = 1 / (1 / g_gasc + 1 / g_ic)
    if (!unitless) g_tc %<>% set_units(mol / m^2 / s)
  } else {
    gbc_lower = .get_gbc(pars, "lower", unitless, use_legacy_version)
    gmc_lower = .get_gmc(pars, "lower", unitless)
    gsc_lower = .get_gsc(pars, "lower", unitless)
    guc_lower = .get_guc(pars, "lower", unitless)
    gbc_upper = .get_gbc(pars, "upper", unitless, use_legacy_version)
    gmc_upper = .get_gmc(pars, "upper", unitless)
    gsc_upper = .get_gsc(pars, "upper", unitless)
    guc_upper = .get_guc(pars, "upper", unitless)
    rc_lower = 1 / gmc_lower + 1 / gsc_lower + 1 / gbc_lower
    gc_lower = 1 / rc_lower
    gc_lower %<>% magrittr::add(guc_lower)
    rc_upper = 1 / gmc_upper + 1 / gsc_upper + 1 / gbc_upper
    gc_upper = 1 / rc_upper
    gc_upper %<>% magrittr::add(guc_upper)
    g_tc = gc_lower + gc_upper
    if (!unitless) g_tc %<>% set_units(mol / m^2 / s)

#'  - g_uc: cuticular conductance to CO2
#' @param surface Leaf surface (lower or upper)
#' @rdname CO2_conductance
.get_guc = function(pars, surface, unitless) {
  surface %<>% match.arg(c("lower", "upper"))

  if (unitless) {
    g_uc = switch(
      lower = pars$g_uc * (1 / (1 + pars$k_uc)),
      upper = pars$g_uc * (pars$k_uc / (1 + pars$k_uc))
  } else {
    g_uc = switch(
      lower = pars$g_uc * (set_units(1) / (set_units(1) + pars$k_uc)),
      upper = pars$g_uc * (pars$k_uc / (set_units(1) + pars$k_uc))

#'  - g_bc: boundary layer conductance to CO2
#' @inheritParams .get_guc
#' @rdname CO2_conductance
.get_gbc = function(pars, surface, unitless, use_legacy_version) {
  surface %<>% match.arg(c("lower", "upper"))

  # Hack because f_sh = sh_constant, f_sh = sh_constant in tealeaves
  # Should update tealeaves to harmonize variable and function names
  pars$sh_constant = pars$f_sh
  pars$nu_constant = pars$f_nu
  ret = .get_gbw(pars$T_leaf, surface, pars, unitless) |>
      set_units(m / s) |>
        P = set_units(pars$P, kPa),
        R = set_units(pars$R, J / K / mol),
        Temp = set_units((pars$T_air + pars$T_leaf) / 2, K)
      ) |>
      dplyr::pull(.data$`umol/m^2/s/Pa`) |>
      gunit::gw2gc(D_c = pars$D_c0, D_w = pars$D_w0, unitless = unitless,
            a = ifelse(use_legacy_version, 1, 2/3)) |>
    # Convert to mol / m^2 / s
  # Divide 1e3 because conversion is from umol / kPa -> mol
  # umol / m^2 / s / Pa * 1e3 Pa / kPa * mol / 1e6 umol
  if (unitless) {
    ret = ret / 1e3
  } else {
    ret = set_units(ret, mol/m^2/s)
#'  - g_mc: mesophyll conductance to CO2
#' @inheritParams .get_guc
#' @rdname CO2_conductance
.get_gmc = function(pars, surface, unitless) {
  surface %<>% match.arg(c("lower", "upper"))

    if (unitless) {
      g_mc = switch(
        lower = pars$g_mc * (1 / (1 + pars$k_mc)),
        upper = pars$g_mc * (pars$k_mc / (1 + pars$k_mc))
    } else {
      g_mc = switch(
        lower = pars$g_mc * (1 / (set_units(1) + pars$k_mc)),
        upper = pars$g_mc * (pars$k_mc / (set_units(1) + pars$k_mc))
#'  - g_sc: stomatal conductance to CO2
#' @inheritParams .get_guc
#' @rdname CO2_conductance
.get_gsc = function(pars, surface, unitless) {
  surface %<>% match.arg(c("lower", "upper"))
  if (unitless) {
    g_sc = switch(
      lower = pars$g_sc * (1 / (1 + pars$k_sc)),
      upper = pars$g_sc * (pars$k_sc / (1 + pars$k_sc))
  } else {
    g_sc = switch(
      lower = pars$g_sc * (set_units(1) / (set_units(1) + pars$k_sc)),
      upper = pars$g_sc * (pars$k_sc / (set_units(1) + pars$k_sc))

cdmuir/photosynthesis documentation built on March 5, 2024, 9:26 a.m.