
# find bicliques

# temporary function

samp <- sample(1:1000, 10)

M <- tmp$data[1:10, samp]


g <- graph_from_incidence_matrix(M)

plot(g, layout=layout.bipartite)

# function to compute maximum biclique

# Algorithm: MBEA (Starred lines apply to iMBEA)
# procedure biclique_find(G, L, R, P, Q);
# G: a bipartite graph G = (U ∪ V , E);
# L: set of vertices ∈ U that are common neighbors of vertices in R, initially L = U;
# R: set of vertices ∈ V belonging to the current biclique, initially empty;
# P: set of vertices ∈ V that can be added to R, initially
# P = V, sorted by non-decreasing order of common neighborhood size;
# Q: set of vertices used to determine maximality, initially empty;
* i0; // Position of selected candidate
in P

biclique_find <- function(igraph)
# v = vertices with type
# u = vertices matching to?
# edges
# vertices set 1
L <- V(igraph)
# vertices set 2
P <- 

while P ̸=do
* xP[i + +]; // Select next candidate
from P in order
R′ ←R{x};
L′ ←{uL|(u,x)E(G)};
       // Observation 1: extend biclique
* L′ ← L \ L; C{x};
P′ ← ∅; Q′ ← ∅;// Create new sets
// Observation 2: check maximality is_maximalTRUE;
forall the v in Q do
N[v]{uL| (u,v)E(G)};
// Observation 4: end of branch if |N[v] | = |L| then
is_maximalFALSE; break;
elseif|N[v]|>0thenQ′ ←Q′∪{v};
if is_maximal = TRUE then forall the v in P, v ̸= x do
N[v]{uL|(u,v)E(G)};//Getthe neighbors of v in Lif |N[v] | = |L| then R′ ← R′ ∪ {v};
                // Observation 3: expand
to maximal
*S{uL|(u,v)E(G)}; * if |S| = 0 then CC{v};
                // Observation 5: further
* else if |N[v]| > 0 then
* P′ ← P′ ∪ {v} // Insert v into Pin non-decreasing order of
                common neighborhood size
PRINT(L, R); // Report maximal biclique
if P′ ̸=then biclique_find(G, L, R, P, Q);
// Move C from candidate set to former candidate set
* QQC; PP \ C;
celiason/phenotools documentation built on Sept. 12, 2019, 6:49 p.m.