
#'  A package to analyze the age of Williams College Faculty
#'  williamsfacultyage is a package that provides tools to analyze the ages of
#'  Williams College faculty over various years.
#'  williamsfacultyage includes five functions:
#'  mean_faculty, mean_department, hist_department, summar_department, and mega_clean
#'  The Functions:
#'  mean_faculty: Estimates the mean age of all Williams faculty in a specific year.
#'  mean_department: Estimates the mean age of Williams faculty in a particular department
#'  in a specific year.
#'  hist_department: Produces a histogram of the ages of Williams faculty in a particular
#'  department in a specific year
#'  summary_department: Gives a statistical summary of the faculty age in a particular
#'  department in a specific year
#'  mega_clean: Cleans faculty age data sets pulled from the web
#'  Each of these functions includes their own help function. Go to their pages for
#'  more info on how to use the functions
#'  Additionally, williamsfacultyage package also includes two versions of the Williams
#'  faculty data for every year from 2011-2014 on which all the functions rely. One version
#'  is an "unclean" version and the other is a cleaned version after using the mega_clean function.
#' @name williamsfacultyage
#' @docType package

chenfr/williamsfacultyage documentation built on May 13, 2019, 3:40 p.m.