
##' Calculate D' and R^2 for a SnpMatrix object and display as a heatmap
##' Side effect: displays plot on current graphics device
##' @title show.ld
##' @return invisibly returns matrix with D' in upper.tri() entries and R^2 in lower.tri() entries
##' @author Chris Wallace
##' @export
##' @param X a SnpMatrix object
##' @param snps optional character vector of column names of X (SNPs)
##' for which LD should be calculated
##' @param samples optional character vector of row names of X
##' (Samples) for which LD should be calculated
##' @param lines.limit draw faint lines to make separation between SNPs clearer if the number of SNPs is < lines.limit
show.ld <- function(X, snps=colnames(X), samples=rownames(X), 
                    lines.limit=20) {
  my.colours <- c("#313695", "#4575B4", "#74ADD1", "#ABD9E9", "#E0F3F8", "#FFFFBF",
                  "#FEE090", "#FDAE61", "#F46D43", "#D73027", "#A50026")
    X <- as(X,"SnpMatrix")
  breaks <- NULL
  groups <- NULL
  if(is.list(snps)) {
    breaks <- sapply(snps,length)
    groups <- rep(1:length(snps), times=breaks)
    snps <- unlist(snps)
  LD <- ld(X[samples,snps],
  ld <- as.matrix(LD$R.squared)
  wh <- which(upper.tri(ld))
  ld[wh] <- as.matrix(LD$D.prime)[ wh ]
 diag(ld) <- 1
   colnames(ld) <- rownames(ld) <- paste(groups,colnames(ld),sep="/")
  df <- melt(as.matrix(ld))
  df$X1 <- factor(df$X1, levels=colnames(ld))
  df$X2 <- factor(df$X2, levels=colnames(ld))
 n <- max(as.numeric(df$X1))
 p <- ggplot(df) + geom_tile(mapping=aes(x=X1,y=X2,fill=value), linetype=1) +
    scale_fill_gradientn(colours = my.colours) +
      theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1),
            axis.text = element_text(colour="black"),
            axis.title = element_blank())
 if(n<lines.limit) {
   p <- p + geom_hline(yintercept=(0:n)+0.5, col="grey60") +
     geom_vline(xintercept=(0:n)+0.5, col="grey60")
if(!is.null(breaks)) {
  x <- c(0,cumsum(breaks),max(as.numeric(df$X1))) + 0.5
  n <- length(x)
  xf <- rbind(data.frame(x=x[-n], y=x[-n], xend=x[-1], yend=x[-n]),
              data.frame(x=x[-n], y=x[-n], xend=x[-n], yend=x[-1]),
              data.frame(x=x[-1], y=x[-1], xend=x[-1], yend=x[-n]),
              data.frame(x=x[-1], y=x[-1], xend=x[-n], yend=x[-1]))
  show(p + geom_segment(aes(x=x,xend=xend,y=y,yend=yend), data=xf, size=1))
 } else {
  ## pheatmap(ld,
  ##          cluster_rows=FALSE, cluster_cols=FALSE)
myr2 <- function(X) {
  r2 <- ld(X,
  if(any(is.na(r2))) {
    r2.na <- as(is.na(r2),"matrix")
    use <- rowSums(r2.na)>0
    ## work around for r2=NA bug.  
    r2.cor <- as(cor(as(X[,use,drop=FALSE],"numeric"), use="pairwise.complete.obs")^2,"Matrix")
    r2[ which(r2.na) ] <- r2.cor[ which(r2.na[use,use]) ]
  diag(r2) <- 1
##' Derive tag SNPs for a SnpMatrix object using heirarchical clustering
##' Uses complete linkage and the \code{\link{hclust}} function to define clusters, then cuts the tree at 1-tag.threshold
##' @title tag
##' @param X SnpMatrix object
##' @param tag.threshold threshold to cut tree, default=0.99
##' @param snps colnames of the SnpMatrix object to be used
##' @param samples optional, subset of samples to use
##' @return character vector, names are \code{snps}, values are the tag for each SNP
##' @author Chris Wallace
##' @export
tag <- function(X,tag.threshold=0.99, snps=NULL, samples=NULL, strata=NULL) {
    X <- as(X,"SnpMatrix")
  if(!is.null(snps) || !is.null(samples))
    X <- X[samples,snps]
  if(!is.null(strata)) {
    strata <- factor(strata)
    tags <- lapply(levels(strata), function(l) {
      wh <- which(strata==l)
      return(tag(X[wh,], tag.threshold=tag.threshold))
  r2 <- myr2(X)
  D <- as.dist(1-r2)
  hc <- hclust(D, method="complete")
  clusters <- cutree(hc, h=1-tag.threshold)
  snps.use <- names(clusters)[!duplicated(clusters)]
  groups <- split(names(clusters),clusters)
  ## now process each group, picking best tag
  n <- sapply(groups,length)
  names(groups)[n==1] <- unlist(groups[n==1])
  for(i in which(n>1)) {
    g <- groups[[i]]
##     cat(i,g,"\n")
##     print(r2[g,g])
    a <- apply(r2[g,g],1,mean)
    names(groups)[i] <- g[ which.max(a) ]
  tags <- rep(names(groups),times=sapply(groups,length))
  names(tags) <- unlist(groups)
  ## check
  r2 <- myr2(X[,names(groups)])
  diag(r2) <- 0
##   if(max(r2)==1) 
##     stop("max r2 still 1!")
  cat("max r2 is now",max(r2),"\n")
  group.tags <- function(tags, keep) {
    groups <- tags[ names(tags) %in% keep ]
    groups <- split(names(groups), groups)
chr1swallace/snpBMA documentation built on May 13, 2019, 6:19 p.m.