
##' Compare potential parent and child models according to BF
##' Returns models whose children SHOULD be visited
##' @title mcomp
##' @param bma snpBMA object
##' @param snps character vector of snps to drop
##' @return a snpBMA object with a subset of models containing only SNPs not included in \code{snps}
##' @author Chris Wallace
snps.prune.models <- function(bma, snps) {
  ## stratified
    return(new("snpBMAstrat", .Data = lapply(data@.Data, snps.prune.data, snps)))

  if(!all(snps %in% bma@snps))
    stop("SNPs to drop must be in BMA object\n")

  models <- bma@models
  models.drop <- which(rowSums(models[,snps]) > 0)
    return(bma[-models.drop, ])

##' Compare potential parent and child models according to BF
##' Returns models whose children SHOULD be visited
##' @title mcomp
##' @param data snpBMAdata or snpBMAstrat object
##' @param snps character vector of snps to drop
##' @return object of same class as \code{data}, with SNPs in \code{snps} dropped.
##' @author Chris Wallace
snps.prune.data <- function(data, snps) {
  ## for each child model, identify its parents
  ## models to drop should be defined as the set with any 2*logbf(parent/child) > 2*log(rel.prior) + 2*lbf

  ## stratified
    return(new("snpBMAstrat", .Data = lapply(data@.Data, snps.prune.data, snps)))

  ## unstratified
  tags <- data@tags
  tags <- tags[!(tags %in% snps)]
  data <- data[,unique(tags)]
  data@tags <- tags

snps.prune.groups <- function(groups, snps) {
   groups <- lapply(groups, setdiff, snps.drop)
chr1swallace/snpBMA documentation built on May 13, 2019, 6:19 p.m.