

# Load NCDF file ------------------------------------------------------
# ncdf_files <- list.files("G:/UnLoadC3", full.names = TRUE)
# FOr testing one file on C:/
ncdf_files <- "C:/pr_bc_EUR-11_CNRM-CERFACS-CNRM-CM5_historical_r1i1p1_CLMcom-CCLM4-8-17_v1_day_AT_EZG_1971-2000.nc"
ncin <- nc_open(filename = ncdf_files[100])
tmp_array <- ncvar_get(ncin,"pr")
time <- ncvar_get(ncin,"time")
t_0 <- ncatt_get(ncin,"time","units")$value %>%
  gsub("days since ", "", .) %>%
# Load basin boundary shape file --------------------------------------
bnd_dir <- "D:/UnLoadC3/00_RB_SWAT/raab_sb4/Watershed/Shapes/"
bnd_file_name = "subs1.shp"
bnd_shp <- readOGR(paste(bnd_dir,bnd_file_name, sep = ""),
                   layer = "subs1")

# Load lat/lon as raster ----------------------------------------------
lat <- raster(ncdf_files[1], varname="lat")
lon <- raster(ncdf_files[1], varname="lon")
rst_dim <- dim(lon) #x = horiz = lon / y = vert = lat
rst_len <- length(lon)

# Convert to points and match the lat and lons
plat <- rasterToPoints(lat)
plon <- rasterToPoints(lon)
lonlat <- cbind(plon[,3], plat[,3])

# Specify the lonlat as spatial points with projection as long/lat
lonlat <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords = lonlat, proj4string = CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"), data = data.frame(value = 1:length(lon)))
lonlat <- SpatialPoints(coords = lonlat, proj4string = CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))
lonlat_proj <- spTransform(lonlat, CRSobj = crs(bnd_shp))

# Derive lat/lon cell size of projected raster
cell_size <- c(lonlat_proj@coords[1:rst_dim[2],1] %>% diff() %>% mean(),
               subtract(lonlat_proj@coords[seq(1, rst_len - rst_dim[2], rst_dim[2]), 2],
                        lonlat_proj@coords[seq(1 + rst_dim[2], rst_len, rst_dim[2]), 2]) %>%

# Create raster with cell indices as values
idx_rst <- matrix(data = 1:rst_len, nrow = rst_dim[2]) %>%
  t() %>%
  apply(., 2, rev) %>%

# Assign extent of point layer but adding cell extent
ext <- extent(lonlat_proj)
ext@xmin <- ext@xmin - cell_size[2]/2
ext@xmax <- ext@xmax + cell_size[2]/2
ext@ymin <- ext@ymin - cell_size[1]/2
ext@ymax <- ext@ymax + cell_size[1]/2 # be careful here maybe other way round!!!
extent(idx_rst) <- ext

# assign crs of catchment boundary
crs(idx_rst) <- crs(bnd_shp)

# Convert index raster to spatial polygon
idx_poly <- as(idx_rst, "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame")

# Intersect index polygon with subbasin boundaries
int_poly <- raster::intersect(idx_poly, bnd_shp)

# Extract data.frame with indices, subbasin number and pixel areas
bsn_lbl <- "Subbasin"
idx_area <- data.frame(area = sapply(int_poly@polygons, FUN=function(x) {slot(x, 'area')})) %>%
  cbind(int_poly@data) %>%
  mutate(area_fract = area/(cell_size[1]*cell_size[2])) %>%
  dplyr::select(matches(bsn_lbl), layer, area_fract) %>%
  set_colnames(c("basin", "idx", "fraction"))

# Reduce 3D array to 2D matrix with row = idx, col = date
tmp_df <- matrix(data = tmp_array, ncol = dim(tmp_array)[3]) %>%
  as.data.frame() %>%
  set_colnames("time"%_%1:dim(tmp_array)[3]) %>%
  mutate(idx = 1: rst_len)

# Aggregate variable for subbasins
idx_area <- left_join(idx_area, tmp_df, by = "idx") %>%
  mutate_at(vars(starts_with("time")), funs(.*fraction)) %>%
  select(-idx) %>%
  group_by(basin) %>%
  summarise_all(funs(sum)) %>%
  mutate_at(vars(starts_with("time")), funs(./fraction)) %>%
  select(-basin, -fraction) %>%
  t() %>%
  as_tibble() %>%
  set_colnames(bsn_lbl%_%1:ncol(.)) %>%
  add_column(date = t_0 + time, .before = 1)
chrisschuerz/aRastoCAT documentation built on May 16, 2020, 1:33 a.m.