
# install.packages('rmarkdown')
# install.packages('gdata') # package for keep function
# install.packages('miscTools') # package for insertRow function

# library(rmarkdown)
# library('miscTools')

# setwd('V:/tolk/Private/PROJECT 02 O. DUERR/TEST FILES')

#' Takes several rmd-files and merge it into a single file
#' @param dir a temporary working directort
#' @param title of the exercise sheet
#' @param files a list of files containing the rmd-files which will be merged
#' To create a list of file one might use
#'  files = list.files(path='V:/tolk/Private/PROJECT 02 O. DUERR/TEST FILES',pattern = "HA0[1-2].Rmd")
mergeRMDFiles = function(dir = ".",title=".", files, mergedFileName = "book.Rmd") {
       book_header = paste("---\ntitle:",title, "\n---")
       old = setwd(dir)
       #TODO tolk make option to print out filepathes
       if (file.exists(mergedFileName)) {
          warning(paste0(mergedFileName, " already exists"))
       write(book_header, file = mergedFileName)
       # Introduce Aufgabe names
       task.names=paste0("##Aufgabe ", 1:length(files))

       for(i in 1:length(files)){
             text = readLines(files[i])
             hspan = grep("---", text) # find the boundaries of meta-text
             # TODO tolk pls invetigate if '---' is allowed in Rmd outside meta text
             # Automatic Name Assignment to Aufgaben
             # Insert Aufgabe titles right after the meta-text
             text = text[-c(hspan[1]:hspan[2])] # get rid of the meta-text
             # Delete all variables except lsg and baseDir 
             # to avoid variable conflict across files
             text[length(text)+1]="```{r, echo=FALSE, eval=TRUE}"
             # TODO: tolk, dueo remove or check why package not availibe
             # text[length(text)+1]="keep(lsg,baseDir,sure=T)"
             # TODO: tolk pls make the baseDir pointing to the directory the file came from. Before the main text comes
             write(text, sep = "\n", file = mergedFileName, append = T) # sep = "\n" for newline sepation
         # Render the input file to the specified output format using pandoc        
         # render("book.Rmd", output_format = "pdf_document")
christophhofer/idpedu documentation built on May 7, 2019, 7:40 a.m.